All Chapters of The System of Power is Money : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
214 chapters
Chapter 141
Ethan returned to work as usual.Previously, he had also bought a lot of food for his sister so that the girl wouldn't need to go anywhere else to find her meals.The shelf that Citra had once bought for the girl was now filled with many snacks.Ethan had even bought heavy meals for the girl."Is anything missing?" asked Ethan as he looked at the watch on his wrist.Amel then shook her head, indicating that she didn't need anything else."It's fine, if you want to leave, just go. I'm okay. I can manage on my own," said Amel, reassuring the man.Ethan, who was still worried about his sister, felt reluctant to leave her alone in the apartment.But, to ensure that the girl would always be safe and not need to be worried about excessively, Ethan then decided to lock the apartment door from the outside.There was no other reason for Amel to go out anyway. So, if the girl was detained, there wouldn't be any side effects either."Alright. Take good care of yourself while I'm gone. Oh yeah, I
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Chapter 142
Nike returned to his office feeling irritated.For the time being, he had to work alone again because Citra was reportedly being quarantined in her room, according to Mrs. Merry.Nike actually wanted to protest and try to talk so that the woman wouldn't be confined like that. However, his arguments were always easily refuted by that woman."I don't know what to do anymore. Everything about me is now ruined in Citra's eyes. I will lose her trust completely. No! I don't want to lose that woman."Honestly, Nike didn't want his relationship with Citra to end at all. He always hoped that their sibling bond would remain intact, forever.However, everything seemed too late. Now Nike understood the reason why that woman no longer wanted to talk to him at all.His name was clearly tarnished due to the leak of secrets about the theft and the plan that originally came from Mrs. Merry."I think I need a cup of coffee to calm this noisy mind," Nike muttered softly.Nike walked away, out of his roo
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Chapter 143
Ethan sighed deeply.The message sent by Milena last night was really bothering his mind right now.It was difficult for Ethan to refocus on the computer screen in front of him."No. What am I thinking? Didn't I say I was okay with all this? Then, what else should I be worried about?"Ethan tried to guide himself to refocus on what he should be doing right now.A rather long sigh escaped his mouth, managing to give a little peace in his heart."Enough, Ethan. You don't need to think about her anymore. Maybe, this is indeed the path she chose. You and she are also very different, like sky and earth that clearly can't be united," Ethan muttered briefly, making him fall silent.Why did he suddenly say such a thing?Ethan tried to focus on his computer screen before finally a voice greeted him, making Ethan unable to think clearly anymore."Ethan!"The man then raised his face to find Milena already standing and waving her hand towards Ethan.A rather long sigh escaped his mouth, feeling
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Chapter 144
A few hours earlier...Citra was in the makeup room, preparing for the event that would start in a few hours.Since earlier, not a single word had come out of her mouth.Citra had truly kept her mouth shut tight, not saying a single word since before.Only heavy sighs kept coming out of her mouth."Is there anything you'd like to add or remove, Miss?" asked the makeup artist to Citra.The woman remained completely silent, giving no response whatsoever, leaving the makeup artist with no choice but to resignedly continue her job until it was finished.There were no specific makeup requests made as usual. It was certain that Citra was entrusting everything to the makeup artist, or more accurately, Citra had no interest in the current event, allowing herself to appear as carelessly as possible.A few minutes passed, and Citra's makeup was finally done.Now it was time for Citra to change clothes."Come, Miss. I'll help you put on your dress," said the makeup artist, intending to assist th
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Chapter 145
Citra now ended up back in her room.A rather long sigh escaped her mouth, her memory kept bringing her to Ethan's surprised expression because she clearly defended him."I'm sorry. It seems I've lost. I wish you were the one in that position, not Martin."Citra muttered in her heart, shedding tears as her heart felt sad along with those words echoing in her mind.Currently, Citra was forced to wear that dress under the direct supervision of her mother.Mrs. Merry seemed unwilling to take her eyes off the woman, watching her so closely as if not wanting to let her out of sight."Give beautiful ornaments to her hair. If possible, add butterfly decorations. Make this night an unforgettable one for my daughter. Don't let there be any more tragedies like earlier. Understand?"Mrs. Merry warned her daughter's stylists. Meanwhile, Citra could only sigh deeply, unable to do anything because she was indeed no longer trusted by that middle-aged woman."I hope. God also opposes my relationship
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Chapter 146
Citra let out a long sigh.Now, she had to go downstairs and face many people for the main event of the party held in that grand and magnificent building.The embroidery that had transformed the once empty space into such luxurious and stunning decorations failed to touch Citra's heart.Her face remained expressionless, showing no happiness on what should be a rather historic day in her life.An engagement wasn't much different from the sacred ceremony of marriage; they would remember and immortalize this moment.But not Citra. She felt nothing at all, and even wished to forget this time."Would the bride please stand next to the groom," the host instructed Citra.Everyone seemed to praise Citra's stunning appearance, but some also noticed her completely flat expression, showing no regard for her special engagement day."Now, the groom may place the ring on the bride's finger first."Martin smiled with joy, taking the ring to place on Citra's finger."You look so beautiful, Citra. I a
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Chapter 147
Amel appeared nervous, finding it difficult to express herself to the man in front of her.Even swallowing her saliva seemed to require a great deal of strength.The sharp gaze Ethan gave her made Amel feel she had no other choice.It seemed she really had to tell Ethan the truth."I'm sorry, bro."Amel lowered her head, her voice weakening, causing Ethan, who was emotional at that moment, to lower his tone.Slowly, the sound of crying began to be heard, causing Amel's body to visibly shake, rising and falling with the rhythm of her sobs."Forgive me, bro."Those were the only words that kept coming out of Amel's mouth. She said it over and over, leaving a big question mark in Ethan's mind.What had actually happened? Why was Amel behaving like this? What was the reason behind the tears and repeated apologies from her mouth?A rather long sigh then escaped his mouth, trying to calm the woman's unceasing tears."Listen to me... tell me everything clearly so I can understand. Whatever h
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Chapter 148
Citra stared at her bedroom ceiling, which seemed more interesting than her surroundings.Her gaze hadn't shifted for a while.This was followed by a long sigh escaping from her mouth.Images of the events surrounding her engagement swirled in her head.Some time ago, when she and her family had just returned from the engagement venue.They had gotten into an argument when they were in the living room.Citra was no longer willing to stay quiet and resigned. She put up resistance when she felt let down by her own parents."No more objections. You must get ready because Mama and Martin's parents have prepared the wedding for you and Martin," Mrs. Merry said firmly, sounding like she didn't want to be argued with.Citra shook her head repeatedly, rejecting the words of the middle-aged woman."Enough, Ma! Stop controlling every aspect of my life. Have you ever thought about how I feel? Do you have any consideration for all of this? Am I really your child or not?"Citra hoped that her word
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Chapter 149
Citra stared at the thugs who had just been beaten up by Ethan. She was standing about 50 meters behind him."Run away! Quick, run!"The thugs there were trying to stand up straight with what little strength they had left, while Ethan could be heard letting out a long sigh.The corner of his lip was torn from a punch by one of the thugs that he couldn't dodge in time."Ethan!" Citra called out, making the man turn around and look intently at her.A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. It had been a long time since he'd heard that voice call his name directly.Citra then approached Ethan. As soon as she was in front of him, she immediately wrapped her arms around him in a hug, conveying the sense of calm and safety she felt."Thank you for saving me," Citra said, still hugging him.Ethan was surprised, not expecting the woman to embrace him like that."You're welcome, Citra," Ethan replied, raising his hand to stroke her hair.Slowly, they released their embrace.Without them rea
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Chapter 150
"Have a drink first, sis."Amel handed a glass of orange juice to the woman.A perfect smile was etched on her face, happy to see Citra again after not meeting for some time.Currently, the three of them were taking seats in the living room, specifically on the row of sofas."How are you, Citra?" asked Amel, touching the back of the woman's hand.Amel couldn't hold herself back anymore, she immediately hugged the woman's body for a long time.She felt so grateful and lucky to have met Citra, who was so kind that she was willing to sacrifice her own happiness for Amel's safety."I'm sorry, sis. It's all my fault."Citra shook her head, disagreeing with the girl's words that seemed to only blame herself."No, Amel. All of this isn't solely your fault. Ethan and I also made the same mistake because we were too busy working, we didn't pay attention to you," said Citra, bringing the girl into her embrace.Amel shook her head, still feeling that everything started from her being easily infl
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