All Chapters of The System of Power is Money : Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
214 chapters
Chapter 191
Amel arrived at the hospital, asking the staff where the room containing the patient who had just been admitted was located.A long sigh escaped the woman's mouth as she turned her gaze elsewhere.She vaguely thought she saw a man who looked familiar in her sight, and quickly abandoned her intention, even though the nurse had clearly been about to say something to her."Miss! Miss!" called the nurse, but Amel clearly ignored her.The woman continued walking, approaching a man who appeared to have just ended a phone call.He seemed to have just contacted someone and ended the call while carrying several plastic bags containing food."Excuse me! I'm sorry, sir. You... know my brother, don't you?"Amel immediately stopped the man, noticing that he appeared much older than Ethan, her brother.The woman still recognized that face; she had been told about him by Ethan, but she forgot the person's name.A long sigh escaped Amel's mouth as she then took a deep breath, trying to regulate her b
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Chapter 192
Citra glared at the man who was right in front of her. The woman had repeatedly stated that she would never want to go with him, but Martin was forcing her to go."I don't want to go with you. I beg you to leave here now. I don't want to see you here at all. Please, leave my place right now. I want to rest. Please, don't force me to go with you."Citra took a deep breath, trying to hold back the emotions that were about to erupt from within her.It was clear how the woman clenched her fist as if ready to give Martin a raw punch right now.She was really sick of the man's presence who didn't listen to her at all."No, Citra. I will never leave here before you agree to come with me. Come on, no need to play hard to get. Don't worry, I won't take you to a place like before. I just want to invite you for dinner together. Please," the man kept persuading her.It was visible how Martin was also not being stubborn and rude as usual towards her, he seemed like a new person Citra had met.Howe
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Chapter 193
"You two go home. I'll wait here." Leo, who had seen the look on Ethan's face that seemed to have so many thoughts, also felt sorry at last. He knew that the man must be having uneasy feelings considering that earlier, he had also heard a faint conversation from Ethan and Amel saying that the woman who might have been loved by the man was in need of his help. However, it seemed that Ethan did not decide to leave because he was thinking about Leona's current situation. "Mr. Ethan.." called Leo which only brought Ethan to his senses after a short time when the man's hand reached out, touching the man's shoulder.Ethan blinked his eyes a few times, turning his gaze towards the man who was currently staring at him, a smile on the corner of his lips. "No, no. I'll stay here, wait until Miss Leona regains consciousness, Mr. Leo."Hearing that, Leo visibly sighed, shaking his head as he knew that the man did not fully agree with the decision made by himself. "That's it, don't think abo
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Chapter 194
It was evident how the medical staff began examining the condition of the woman.Extremely tense expressions were clearly visible on the faces of everyone present there."Why did she end up like that, Bro? Will she be okay?" asked Amel, who looked anxious seeing the condition of the woman who was now even convulsing.The woman's gaze appeared pitiful as she observed Leona's condition while she was being treated by the medical staff.She tried not to think negatively at this time."It's okay. Don't worry. Everything will get better. This could happen anytime because Miss Leona's condition hasn't fully recovered yet," said Ethan, trying to calm the woman.It was visible how Ethan stretched out his hand, placing his palm right on top of his sister's head, kissing her forehead for quite a while while harboring a deep feeling of concern for her.A rather long sigh escaped from Ethan's mouth; honestly, he also felt worried about what was happening to Leona at the moment.The woman was clear
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Chapter 195
Citra stared at the man now standing before her. Her hands were visibly gripping the edge of the dress she was wearing tightly. She tried to control herself so she wouldn't act rashly and cause a scene she couldn't handle."You look very beautiful in that dress I chose for you, Citra."Hearing those words come out of the man's mouth instantly made Citra clench her fist tightly. She suddenly realized why earlier, when she had protested to her mother, the older woman had just remained silent without responding. It was all clear now from what Citra was hearing. Apparently, the one who had been overly demanding and caused the chaos that required her to get all dressed up wasn't Madam Merry's orders, but rather it was all the doing of the despicable man standing in front of her now.Citra felt disgusted. She felt so angry with the man in front of her. That man truly made her nauseous. She wanted so badly to hit and beat up that man, but what could she do - she couldn't do anything that mi
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Chapter 196
That morning, Ethan was seen waking up next to Leona.It was clear how the woman was still fast asleep, indicating that Leona was still in critical condition.The woman seemed reluctant and unwilling to open her eyes at this time, making Ethan only able to take a deep breath.Ethan then looked at the woman's entire body, which now appeared very stiff. He hoped that the woman would regain consciousness soon.Not long after that, a man who was much older than him was seen walking quickly to meet the woman who was still lying on her bed."I'm sorry. Last night, I had work that I had to finish immediately because some staff made mistakes. I'm very grateful and also sorry for troubling you all," said Leo, who arrived after morning had come.Ethan, who indeed wanted to make amends for his mistakes by taking care of the woman, didn't mind at all being troubled by Leo like that.A warm smile was clearly visible at the corner of his lips."If you want to go home, please do, Mr. Ethan. Let me t
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Chapter 197
Amel arrived at her campus exactly 5 minutes before class was scheduled to begin. She felt extremely rushed at the moment.Her academic life could be in jeopardy if she didn't make it to class on time.She tried to open her phone to look up which classroom she was supposed to be in today.Unfortunately, it seemed today wasn't Amel's lucky day. She realized she had received a message from her friend Natalia saying she was out sick today.So Amel had no one left to ask which room they were using today."Oh no! Where's my class schedule? How could it just disappear at such a critical moment? I've really lost everything now," Amel thought to herself.She was starting to feel frustrated with everything. Until suddenly, she spotted a man who looked familiar.Her eyes widened when she realized it was Professor Malik, the teacher she had been dreading, walking towards her.She tried to think quickly about how she could avoid looking late while also matching the man's pace so she could figure
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Chapter 198
Amel really felt bored right now, how could she not when she had to accept the fact that at this moment, she would soon receive punishment not long after this.She had already heard signs that the class led by the professor would be ending soon, clearly indicating that Amel's doom would soon be faced by her.The woman tried to stay calm, she didn't want her thoughts to be carried away by the atmosphere at that time.A rather long sigh came out of her mouth, she struggled to try to control herself so as not to act excessively at this time.She then shifted her gaze to another direction which fortunately was empty, it seemed that this time Professor Malik ended the class earlier than usual when the man taught in class.Gradually, everyone now began to leave the room. There were some kids who recognized Amel and started greeting the woman, but there were also those who just showed indifferent facial expressions.Amel seemed to try not to make an issue of it. She then shook her head tryin
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Chapter 199
"Let me treat your wound first," said Professor Martin to the woman.However, it was evident now how Amel immediately distanced herself from the man, causing Professor Malik to stare intently at the woman."I didn't mean it like that at all. I'll explain everything to you. But please, let me treat your wound first. Your wound will get infected if left untreated. Listen to me, okay?"Amel, who also couldn't deny that what the man said was indeed true, nodded her head, indicating that she agreed with his words.She extended her injured hand. Amel wasn't a woman who was strong when it came to seeing blood. Therefore, it wasn't surprising that she immediately entrusted this to Professor Malik as she couldn't treat her wound by herself.She indeed needed someone who could help her treat the wound she was currently experiencing.A rather long sigh escaped her mouth, she then averted her gaze elsewhere, not wanting to make eye contact with the man."Ouch..." A soft whimper began to be heard
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Chapter 200
"Now tell me, what happened to you?" asked Mahira, who had now taken a seat right next to the woman's gurney.She flashed a sweet smile at her, letting out a long sigh. Mahira felt awful about all the wounds currently on the woman's body.Mahira couldn't fathom what Leona had done to end up in such a miserable state."I'm fine. These are just ordinary wounds you don't need to worry about. I'm used to all these injuries," said Leona, making the woman in front of her shake her head firmly.She knew the woman wasn't like what she was saying.Leona was a woman not much different from herself. Not meaning to say weak, but certainly not as strong as what the woman was claiming."Enough. I don't want to hear tough talk like what you're saying. Now, tell me what happened? Why were you so careless? Didn't you think or realize at all when trying to cross the street or whatever it was," Mahira said, emphasizing to the woman.Leona smiled at the woman. Right now, nothing was better for her than r
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