All Chapters of Doctors Axel's Revenge: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
184 chapters
chapter 112
112After finding out if the CCTV footage was edited and set up in such a way. The police officers and Le Yuna became more suspicious of Maxim. "It seems to have been edited in such a way." Ms. Le said. "If it really is like this, we will investigate further." Said the police officer who participated in investigating the maxim case, and also the murder victim. The police officer finally investigated further, he played every cctv recording in detail. All the footage that was still stored. There is nothing suspicious, only on that date it looks like the video has been cut. After almost an hour the police officers and Ms. Lee investigated the CCTV footage. Finally, they decided to leave Mega television station. And return to the Grumman law firm. Miss Le and her partner also got into the car, the car was driving at a moderate speed towards the Grumman law firm. Arriving at the Grumman law firm. Khang Chul was waiting there. He was waiting for le Yuna's arrival. "What about the inv
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chapter 113
113Meanwhile, elsewhere, Axel and Aurel had arrived in front of Mr. Niko's residence. They slowly knocked on the door of Mr. Niko's residence. A few minutes later, the door was moved, a woman wearing simple clothes opened the main door, and invited Axel and Aurel inside. "Is this really Mr. Niko's residence?" Axel asked the old woman. Aurel also stepped into the house, they were invited to sit in the living room. "Is this really Doctor Niko's residence? What's wrong?" Asked the woman to Axel."Can I see Dr. Niko? I am a doctor from this hospital in Milan, I am a forensic doctor. I heard that Dr. Niko is in poor health. The hospital has also decided to pay compensation to Doctor Niko. But before I give the compensation money, I would like to meet with Doctor Niko, is that possible?" Asked AxelDoctor Axel had planned, he deliberately brought some money. To lure him into meeting with Doctor Niko. Because before they came to Doctor Niko's residence, Axel had received information from
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chapter 114
114The car Miss Lee was in continued to drive at high speed, Miss Lee tried to dial Axel's number several times but the call went unanswered. "Pick up, Axel. Why aren't you picking up." She muttered. Le Yuna tried to get up the courage to move herself closer to the driver's seat. "Sir, you've gone too far." Miss Le said. Miss Le grabbed the strap of her bag, then she prepared to attack the man sitting on the driver's seat. "Not too far, there is someone who wants to see you."The driver said. Le Yuna tried to think hard, she wondered who would want to see her at a time like this. "Who wants to see me, sir, I'm not dealing with anyone. If you keep driving your car, not stopping this car. Then drop me off, then I will scream." Ms. Le said. With a panicked face.The man did not hear what Ms. Le said, he continued to drive the car at high speed. Miss Le closed her eyes."Who exactly wants to see me?" Miss Le asked. Once again."You're wrong, Miss, you shouldn't have any problems wi
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chapter 115
115The doctor pointed the ultrasound device at le Yuna's stomach. His face lit up after hearing the baby's heartbeat detected by the ultrasound device. "The fetus is fine, maybe she was unconscious because she was too panicked. And there are no very serious injuries," muttered the obstetrician. After that, she was moved to the hospitalization room. Several police teams were also present, the police team unpacked Ms. Le's bag, and got information from Ms. Le's identity card. Then, the police officer contacted the Grumman law firm. ~*~Meanwhile elsewhere, Axel was already very panicked at the moment. He felt uneasy when his phone calls were not received by Le Yuna. So Axel was frustrated and he squeezed his cell phone. "Arghh! Why isn't it picked up too!" Axel screeched. "Ah, where is Miss Le, why can't I reach her number, damn why didn't I bring my cell phone when I went inside Doctor Niko's house earlier, geez I hope Miss Le is okay," said Axel. He looked panicked. While Aure
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chapter 116
116"According to information from witnesses of the accident, the car in which Ms. Lee Yoona was riding. It hit an electric pole, and the car also died on the spot. While Ms. le was seen being knocked out of the car and falling on the asphalt." The police officer replied.Axel shook his head violently, he didn't expect Miss Le to be like this. Of course he was very sorry for not picking up Miss Le. "What was the motive for the accident? Why was it an accident? Was it a single accident? Or what?" Asked Doctor Axel again, he looked at the police officer with an intense gaze. "According to witnesses of the accident, the car lost control. And finally crashed into the electric pole divider.""Well, thank you for helping Ms. Lee." Axel sat on a chair, sitting near the unconscious Miss Lee. He was really very worried about Miss Lee's condition. His hand was clasped around Miss Lee's hand. Always kissing Miss Lee's hand affectionately. "Come on, Miss Le, wake up. I'm sorry, next time I wo
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chapter 117
117"Arghh, damn it! Why did you hit me?"Because he didn't accept being hit by Alex. Maxim raised his head, because his hands were handcuffed the man jumped with a swinging leg, quickly his foot hit Axel's face. Until Axel staggered then stared at the wall behind him.Not only that, Maxim wasn't satisfied with one leg kick, he swung his leg again and kicked Axel. The second kick didn't hit the target, because Axel was already on guard, he caught Maxim's leg, and immediately pulled Maxim's leg. He grabbed Maxim's leg hard. Maxim tried to break Axel's grip. But, he couldn't, he couldn't dance his legs. Axel smiled with satisfaction at Maxim's panicked look. He was really enjoying the panicked face of the man in front of him. With a swift and unexpected movement, Axel's burly hands immediately threw Maxim's legs until Maxim's head hit the table nearby. He hit his head so hard that he winced and didn't move much."Arghh!" Maxim shouted very loudly.Meanwhile, elsewhere. Police officers
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chapter 118
118"So, do you think Maxim has dirty thoughts like the one in the sketch, Miss Le?" asked Axel. Miss Le nodded her head of course. "Yes, even Khang Chul himself never heard from Maxim's family. Apparently the CEO of Mega TV station is hiding his family's identity." Miss Le said. Axel tried to think hard, he read every word on the white paper he was holding. Then, in the end, he returned the paper to Miss Le's lap. "He will be strong evidence, if we can investigate Maxim's identity, and his family this case will soon be finished and closed. Axel, please help me investigate Maxim's dark side." Miss Le said pleadingly. Axel agreed, so, this time he not only got the task to investigate the 1995 DNA case. This time, he also got the additional job of investigating Maxim's identity.Miss Le averted her gaze, she moved to stare at Axel who was sitting beside her. Then, Miss Le knitted her eyebrows together. She looked at Axel's chest. There was a red stain there. "Blood stains?" asked M
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chapter 119
119The moment the porridge entered Miss Le's mouth. Suddenly the beautiful woman with blue irises sobbed, she burst into tears. Tears were flowing. She looked away and tried to hold back her deep sadness. For some reason, Miss Le suddenly missed her mother when she saw Axel's aunt who was so kind to her."Hey, are you okay? Why are you crying? Is there something to complain about?" Axel asked, panicking when he saw Miss Le like that. He gently patted Miss Le's shoulder who was struggling. Miss Le's crying couldn't be contained anymore. And, she finally hid her face from his palms. "I'm fine, I'm fine." Miss Le said, in a low voice, her voice not very clear. Because she was shaking. "Then why are you so sad, you're crying, is the porridge not good? Are you not compatible with my porridge?" Aunt Axel asked this time. She placed one slice of pizza on the table, then walked her body closer to Miss Le who was still sobbing. Miss Le shook her head, she pulled her hands away from her fac
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chapter 120
120 After three days in the hospital. Finally, Miss Le returned home. And, back to investigating Maxim's case.The beautiful woman walked out of the hospital with the help of Aunt Elena and Axel. They walked slowly to the car. They got into the car, and then the car drove off at a moderate speed."Brian has been trying to trace the identity of Maxim's family, and I found out two days ago. Since, you're still not fully awake, I finally decided not to give this information to you, Ms. Le," Axel said. He took a quick glance at Miss Le who was sitting on the passenger seat, right beside him. "Meanwhile, the accident case has also been investigated. They are trying to investigate the accident case, and indeed the brain behind the accident that happened to you was Maxim," again, Axel continued the discussion in great detail. However, Axel's hands continued to focus on holding the handlebars of the car. "You shouldn't think too much about that, you should focus on our fetus. I'll help yo
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chapter 121
121The atmosphere in the city of Milan in the afternoon describes the feelings that Axel is feeling right now. He, will return to investigate his mother's case. Curiousness that made him unable to swallow food perfectly. That curiosity made the food stuck in his neck, he was unable to think clearly about the case in 1995. "If she was really working with someone, but, who was it? Why did she swap Maurer's DNA test results, and swap Maurer's fertility results in 1995, what was her motive? Was he jealous of the happiness of Maurer's mother and Maurer in 1995?" Axel wondered.He tried to think hard, and, having finally arrived at Den Bosh Hospital, he arrived at the hospital, and went straight inside. Meeting with the head of Den Bosh Hospital, the head of the hospital handed him several volumes of paper listing doctor Niko's work history there. "These are doctor Niko's records, we didn't exchange them at all, Doc, and I hope the 1995 case will be solved soon." The head of the hospital
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