All Chapters of Doctors Axel's Revenge: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
184 chapters
chapter 122
122After Maurer answered and confirmed he didn't remember anything, he made sure he had no enemies at that time. He had only imprisoned a woman who had framed him in the 90s."So, I'll go to the prison and meet her. In which prison is that woman being held?" asked Axel."In the women's special prison, located on the outskirts of Milan. Go there and meet her, see if she's behind the 1995 DNA case," said Maurer, his voice not very clear as he was using a breathing aid again.Today Axel decided to go to the women's special detention center located on the outskirts of Milan. He had the name and the case from the 90s in his pocket. With enthusiasm, he immediately walked out of the room, headed to the parking lot, and got into his car. He drove his car at a moderate speed.~•~Upon arriving at the women's special detention center, Axel immediately got out and asked the police officer. He requested help from an insider to provide a list of inmates from 1990, cases related to Maurer. Then, h
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chapter 123
The living room was silent, with two people facing each other."So, how is Dr. Niko doing?" asked Axel.Dr. Niko's wife immediately let out a long sigh, seemingly burdened with many thoughts. She couldn't sit still, visibly squeezing the fabric of her pants. Her foot was moving, tapping repeatedly."I've already told you, even though we've spent a lot of money on my husband's treatment, it won't cure him. There's been no change at all. He's still the same, completely paralyzed, with only his eyeballs moving," she said.Axel intensely studied every contour of the woman's face, feeling that a lie was emanating from that aging visage. The woman in front of him seemed dishonest; just look at her forehead covered in sweat, even though the weather was very cold. It was quite amusing indeed. It wouldn't be Axel if he couldn't read the woman's body language."Is that so, Ma'am?" Axel asked to confirm. He stared intently at the pupils of the woman speaking to him, trying to read the meaning be
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chapter 124
124That afternoon, Axel had gotten the information, he had successfully transferred the information without any loss. Complete with cases that had occurred in the 90s, apparently, the mastermind of the DNA case that occurred in 1995 was Doctor Niko himself. If 1995 was the year of the death of Doctor Niko's sister, when Doctor Niko exchanged the DNA results because of the grudge of Amelia's case who was imprisoned by Maurer. "Thank you, ma'am, I will give you a chance. The rest of the medical money I gave you, please use it accordingly, you must take your husband to the hospital for treatment, because, it is very important." Axel said. The woman seemed to nod obediently, as if she was already afraid of Axel's threat to throw her in jail. "Okay, I'll go. And, maybe I'll come back in the next few weeks, to check on Doctor Niko's condition, and the changes in Doctor Niko's health," said Axel. He left Doctor Niko's residence and headed back to his car. Unable to say anything to Maure
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chapter 125
125After Axel left Maurer's hospital room, the middle-aged man screamed, he cried. Then, regretting his actions. "Arghhh! Why is my life like this. I regret, is it true what my son Axel said, I'm too bad of a person. And, he regrets being born from my seed. I have nothing now, even I also lost my wife, now my son is staying away from me. Then, what comes after this. It's like grasping the sand so tightly, we won't get anything, the sand will fall away." muttered Maurer, in a hoarse voice. He removed the oxygen device attached to his face. Then, he also removed the IV that was attached to the back of his hand. "Arghhhhh!" He screamed again, his voice echoing throughout the room. "I'm a sinner Lord Jesus, just take my life right now! I'm not accepted by Axel, Axel regrets being my son." she said in a shaky voice, indicating that she was very emotional at the moment. He got off the bed, staring at the sharp fruit cutter on the nightstand. He staggered over to it, then, taking the sh
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chapter 126
126After Aurel received permission to visit his father in the treatment room inside the prison, Aurel was taken by police officers to meet with his father, in the room. KrttttWhen the door was opened by the police officer, Aurel held his breath, he was stunned by the sight he had just seen, seeing Maurer lying on the white floor in a terrible condition. Blood soaked Maurer's prisoner's shirt in the stomach, with gaping cuts in the stomach and neck that made Aurel's heart beat fast, so that the bushel he was holding was thrown on the floor, the pork that had been processed into delicious food spilled and splattered everywhere.Fear and panic swept through Aurel's mind, bringing tears to his eyes. Maurer ran with wide strides towards him, Aurel immediately knelt beside Maurer's lifeless body. His hands trembled as he tried to touch his father's pale face."Dad..." Aurel's voice caught in his throat, there were sobs that could no longer be held back, Aurel's cries were heartbreaking.
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chapter 127
127 After seeing the CCTV footage in front of him, Aurel decided to meet Axel. He thought that his father's death had something to do with Axel's doctor. With a body that was already very weak, and had no energy. The woman walked slowly, her heart breaking as she remembered her father's last face. The face that usually smiled, praising her beauty, this time was pale and could not open both eyelids back to normal. Aurel couldn't help but feel a great pain, a pain that was in the depths of his heart. His chest was like being hit by a sharp object. however, it did not bleed, it was very painful and heartbreaking. How can it not hurt, if we are abandoned by someone we love but, in such a position. With circumstances that no one else would ever want to go through. Losing his father, losing the most comfortable place in the world. Losing the hand that held his, and held Aurel's small hand as he learned to walk. Aurel stopped his footsteps, he sat limply while hugging his knees in the
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chapter 128
128Axel's POV. I don't understand if it ends like this. Aurel was still sitting in front of me with an intense gaze. "He's your biological father after all," he said in a voice that trembled with emotion. I could only stand frozen in place, this mouth unable to utter a single word. My head was spinning, heart was racing, and my knees felt weak.I began to recall the last debate with Maurer, the sharp words that came out of my mouth, I said that I felt unlucky for being born from his seed, apparently those words pierced Maurer's heart, without realizing that it would be my last conversation with Maurer.I bit my lip, holding back the guilt that pierced my heart, how could he end his life just because of those words. Aurel's eyes glazed over, his hand trembling as he touched Axel's shoulder. "You know he always loved you, Axel. But your words... they were too harsh for her," he continued, his voice getting quieter.I bowed my head, in front of Aurel. I felt a heavy weight on my shoul
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chapter 129
129Axel's POV. My hands trembled as I placed the scalpel back on the tray. The knife that always accompanied me while working, I had just finished the toughest autopsy of his life-examining my own father's body. The autopsy room, which usually felt quiet and professional, now felt so unfamiliar and pressured me, it was scary! It wasn't what I was used to. The sharp smell of formaldehyde, which I usually ignore, now pierced my sense of smell and reminded me of the harsh reality I had to face, was I a murderer? Because with that, I killed Maurer with my words, like encouraging him to commit suicide. But, I never thought that she would be this determined. The nurse who helped me, gently covered Maurer's body with a white sheet, giving a little privacy and a final tribute to the deceased. I couldn't hold back the tears that started to fall, now I couldn't hold them back anymore and they were falling non-stop, but, I tried to hide the tears that kept falling, I wiped away the tears, so
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chapter 130
130Axel's POV. Aurel was still standing in front of me, then he withdrew his hands that were touching my shoulders. While her eyes sharply looked at me as if she was accusing me of being the culprit of Maurer's death. His normally gentle face was now fierce. Knock! There was a knock on the door of my room, breaking my reverie, I immediately walked to the door, and, opening the door, how surprised I was to see several police officers standing tall in front of the door to my office."Aurel?" Aurel turned his body around, he nodded. "Yes, I brought him here, because after dad talked to you, dad ended his life, you have to give us the right reason, so that you are free from dad's case," he said."But, I already gave you an explanation." I said. "With some other evidence, if it's just words, everyone can string words well to defend themselves. I'm sorry Doctor Axel, I just want justice for my father," she said. Okay, I understand. But? I stared at the few police officers in front of
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chapter 131
131Behind a metal desk adorned with a pile of files that Axel had collected, Axel sat upright facing a police officer who looked at him seriously. Axel handed several sheets of documents to the police officer and placed them on the table slowly. "This is some of the evidence I brought, sir, try to read it carefully." said doctor Axel in a firm but nervous voice. He pointed to the documents one by one. "This is Doctor Niko's curriculum vitae, and this is Amelia Sebastian's curriculum vitae." Doctor Axel said. Meanwhile, the police officer nodded slowly, staring at the documents with full concentration. His eyes surfed over every word printed on the paper. Axel continued, "You can also look for evidence at Den Bosh hospital, the results of the DNA test in 1995, when my mother was defamed by Doctor Niko, he switched the DNA results, and, also Mr. Maurer's fertility results in 1995," His tone was shaky, as he said that, Axel remembered that case, and, remembered his mother's suffering.
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