All Chapters of Doctors Axel's Revenge: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
184 chapters
chapter 62
62 Axel and Aurel went upstairs, after reaching the top floor, Axel glanced at Maurer's room, Maurer's room which was still tightly closed. Pausing to stare at the room for a few minutes. "Sir, why did you stop there, come on!" Aurel reprimanded when he realized that Axel had stopped in front of Maurer's room. Then, Aurel's hand reached out and gently pulled Axel's hand. Axel smiled and nodded. However, Axel's heart was eager to enter Maurer's room. He wanted to find the whereabouts of the pregnant woman. "Aurel, I need to use the bathroom," he said. "There is a bathroom in my room, you can use my bathroom, sir," Aurel said. However, it wasn't that Axel wanted to go to the bathroom, it was just an excuse so that he could get into Maurer's room if he could escape Aurel. Axel's determination is unanimous to free the woman who has been locked up by Maurer. Although the risk to his safety was also high.b "I feel bad about going into your room, while there are no guards
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chapter 63
63The door opened. And, sure enough, the iron door that looked solid and mysterious opened slowly. There was nothing inside. Not even clothes or anything else. Just emptiness, Axel was silent for a moment watching the metal door that had been opened. No! Not an iron door but a vault door, a vault that could trick someone. Like a normal closet. But, who would have thought that the door was like an elevator. And, sure enough, when Axel pressed the small button beside the metal door again, the cabinet door slid back. Then it closed. Again and again Axel pressed the small button and the door opened again. He tried to step his feet inside. It seems very sturdy indeed, and it's like an elevator, either taking me upstairs or down. But, according to the informant, this is an alternative way to get to the warehouse." Axel muttered to himself. Axel ventured to enter even though his heart was beating very fast. Without thinking, the forensic doctor entered the closet and could also be calle
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chapter 64
64"Miss Emilia," Axel called once more. But, again there was no answer and in the end, the young forensic doctor stopped in a small hallway, he stopped walking when he heard the clomping of someone's footsteps approaching him. TapTapAxel began to sharpen his sense of hearing, he seemed to notice something, looking back it was true that two of Maurer's bodyguards were going around to check the underground room. "Intruders!" shouted the two bodyguards assigned to check the basement. Axel immediately pointed his firearm at the two men who were running towards him. Axel closed his eyes and... Whoosh!Duar!The firearm discharged twice, knocking the two men to the ground, with shots to their foreheads and chests."I hope my firearm doesn't make a sound, and catch the attention of the other guards, if anyone hears then I'm finished," he said.Again, he walked nervously into the hallway, he again stepped away from the two bodyguards who had been shot. In the same place. Maurer got o
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chapter 65
65Axel continued to walk forward, hoping that Maurer's basement was the place to hide Madame Emilia. He pushed open the door one by one.Knock!"Lady Emilia," he called as he knocked on the door. Knock!Again, he knocked on the door repeatedly. "Miss Emilia," Axel called. However, there was no answer at all. Knock!"Miss Emilia," he called. I don't know how many metal doors he knocked on. However, unfortunately there was no answer from Miss Emilia at all. "Ah, I guess she's not in the basement, in fact, there's no answer at all," he said. Axel began to get frustrated, there was no way he could get out of the underground room without taking the pregnant woman, while his mission today was to be able to help free the woman from Maurer's clutches. Knock!"Miss Emilia!" slightly increasing the intonation of her voice to sound louder."Miss Emilia," he called once more, knocking on the door of the closed room. ~-~While elsewhere, more precisely inside the room, Emilia was lying on
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chapter 66
66"Here's the key," the man held out his hand, a key perched in the palm of his hand. Axel quickly took the key, however, his right hand was still around the neck of Maurer's men.After that he took the key and then inserted the key into the wall slowly. There was a jingling sound from the lock chain. In one fell swoop, the large padlock opened, after the door opened, Axel pointed his firearm at the man's head and ...Duar!Blood spurted on his face, while the man he shot immediately fell to his stomach right in front of him.Axel was silent for a moment, he let out a long sigh and said, "I'm sorry, I couldn't keep my promise, I'm sorry. Maybe I'll look for your identity, and find where your wife and children are, I'll provide living expenses for your family, instead of you working with Maurer, you'll be under pressure and your money won't be useful, because, that money, hot money," Axel muttered to himself. Then, he slowly opened the metal door in front of him. KrtttThe metal d
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chapter 67
67Aurel pressed the password again on the door to his father's room, again and again he tried to access the door, his delicate fingers stretched out and pressed the screen. "Wrong password! You only have two chances," came the voice from the small device.Aurel let out a long sigh. While his chest was already beating fast, the sweat that broke out on his forehead was a cornucopia, he sighed repeatedly, then wiped the sweat that had fallen."Geez, what should I do?" she asked, thinking until the door in front of her remained closed. He pressed the passcode again. "I hope the password is right this time," Aurel said.He closed his eyes, then pressed the passcode on the screen again. After pressing a few numbers the small device beeped again with a red light. "Wrong password! You only have one chance.""Arghh! What if this one time I press the passcode, and the passcode is wrong. Then, can it be accessed," she muttered. Aurel became even more frightened when he heard the clatter of f
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chapter 68
68Axel pressed the small button next to the door, the door opened and he went inside with a limp Emilia. However, after Axel pressed the small code inside the elevator, the elevator didn't move at all, he knitted his eyebrows when he noticed that the elevator didn't move at all. He paused for a moment and pressed the elevator door open button again. In a few seconds the doors opened again. Emilia and Axel looked at each other, even though they were already standing in the elevator. When the door opened Axel was still in the same room, rightly suspected that the elevator was not working. "How did it fail, try one more time." Axel said, he pressed the door closing button in the elevator again. The elevator doors closed again, then he pressed the button again so that the elevator moved to take him to the top floor. Unfortunately, for a minute the elevator did not move at all, Axel closed the elevator door again and it opened. "Still in the same place, this elevator is no longer work
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chapter 69
69Slowly extending his hand, he punched in the passcode for the closet door according to the passcode he had noticed when Maurer had unlocked the room door. "Fail! Incorrect passcode!" said the device next to the vault door.Aurel glared as the passcode he pressed on the small screen was wrong, he again tried to press the passcode a second time. "Failed! Incorrect passcode," the device beeped twice.Aurel rubbed his face roughly. He was confused as to how he could enter if the passcode was wrong. He turned his body around, looking at Maurer who was still asleep. "Ah, you're still sleeping, I hope you'll sleep for a long time," he said. Aurel picked up his cell phone, he was surprised to see a row of messages already read by Axel. However, the message was not replied to by Axel. The girl went into the bathroom, just wanting to contact Axel by phone call. When she was in the bathroom, she pressed the screen of her cellphone and then contacted Axel. Unfortunately the phone call from
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chapter 70
70"I'm not talking to anyone, dad," Aurel said nervously, he was really panicking right now. How could he hide Maurer with Emilia. While Maurer was already standing at the door of the room and wanted to enter his room. KrtttAs for Maurer, he stretched out his hand and turned the door knob of his daughter's room. KrttttThe door gradually opened. Aurel was seen standing tense near the door of her room, she looked nervous as Maurer stepped into her room. "I heard you talking, who were you talking to?" Asked Mauer once again. Aurel smiled, trying to neutralize his fear. "Aurel is contacting Axel's doctor, apparently Axel's doctor is just looking for a tow truck driver. Maybe in a few minutes or a few hours the tow truck will come to tow dad's car," Aurel replied nervously. "Are you awake? Did you fall asleep while Aurel was giving you a massage? Do you want another massage?" Aurel asked, trying to distract his father. Maurer instead sat on the edge of Aurel's bed, he smiled and p
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chapter 71
Aurel let out a long sigh, while the sweat coming off Emilia's forehead looked as big as a corn kernel. Aurel looked at Axel who was holding a firearm in his hand. She shook her head softly, "I don't want you to hurt my father with that gun. After all, Father Maurer is good," he said. Feeling bad, Axel put his firearm back into the suit he was wearing. Then he helped Emilia to stand up, she was very weak. Even just to walk alone was not possible. Helped by Aurel, after that it was laid on Aurel's bed. "I will go with father to the watch bracelet factory, as long as I go with father and also Daniel, I hope that after I return, you are no longer here. I hope you make it out of this house. I can only help you until here, after this you have to try yourself to get out." Aurel said. Axel nodded obediently, after which Aurel picked up a small bag that was on the nightstand. He stepped back towards Axel, then rushed to hug the young doctor."Be careful, I can't possibly be calm. Before yo
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