All Chapters of Doctors Axel's Revenge: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
184 chapters
chapter 72
72Axel stretched out his arms, he tried to carry Emilia's body. By carrying the woman. With all his strength, Axel carried Emilia. Carrying Emilia behind Axel's back."Hold on, I don't mind if you hold me, if you feel weak." Axel said. After that, Axel left Aurel's room. After making sure that there were no Maurer bodyguards, he quickly walked down the stairs. Axel's breathing was ragged, he was really panicking at the moment. Afraid that Maurer's men would find out. Taking wide steps towards the lower floor. At the bottom floor, Axel stopped his footsteps. He saw Maurer's men standing near the main door. The man took a few steps back, and hid behind the metal stairs. As for Emilia, she squeezed Axel's shoulders. Because the woman was very afraid, if Axel was caught. "Don't panic, I'll do my best. We'll get out of here," Axel said. He was still holding Emilia. After the maurer's bodyguard left, Axel also stepped his feet with wide steps. He immediately carried Emilia towards th
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chapter 73
73The bodyguard finally began to approach Axel's car, after which Axel opened the trunk of his car. Emilia hid under the car seat, the pregnant woman curled up so that the maurer's bodyguard wouldn't notice her. The bodyguard began to check the trunk of the car, after which he began to extend his hand holding a detection device into Axel's car, after there was nothing in the trunk of the car, the man closed the trunk of Axel's car again. Then walked forward, while Emilia. The woman squeezed his hand. She looked panicked as the bodyguard circled Axel's car. Her chest was beating so fast, the bodyguard didn't see her while checking the trunk of the car. Then, the security guard suddenly waved his hand. Giving Axel the code for his car to pass the check. The security guard didn't know that Axel had taken Emilia away. The black sedan drove off at a moderate speed, leaving the grounds of the Maurer residence. "Sit down, Miss Emilia. You're safe now," Axel said. After that, Axel drove
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chapter 74
74After traveling for almost an hour, Axel and Emilia arrived at the apartment. Axel helped Emilia walk to his apartment. They entered the elevator and reached the door of Axel's apartment.ClickMiss Yuna opened the door of Axel's apartment. The woman smiled widely when she saw Axel successfully bring Emilia out safely from Maurer's house."I'm back, but sorry. I didn't bring you boiled corn," said Axel.Axel looked sad when he said that, answered by Miss Le Yuna shaking her head. "That's not a problem. Seeing you come out of Maurer's house safely already makes me very happy. Come in." Miss Le extended her hand. The woman helped Emilia enter Axel's apartment, bringing Emilia into his room. The pale-looking Emilia was laid down on Axel's bed."We might have to move. I'm afraid Maurer will find out that I'm the one who brought Miss Emilia out of his residence," said Axel."We'll move to a remote village, far from the city crowds," Axel said.Le Yuna furrowed her brows. "Then what abou
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chapter 75
75Meanwhile, elsewhere. Maurer and Aurel are still in the VVIP room. Their meeting room with the CEO of a famous watch bracelet company in the Italian city of Milan. "I choose a watch bracelet with gems in it, whatever the price I will buy it." Maurer said to the owner of the famous watchband company. "But I'm sorry, there are only two kinds of watch bracelets. It already belongs to a furniture company, and also to a diamond company. This watch bracelet is already owned by someone else, there are only two who get this watch bracelet. If you're interested, I'll reproduce them just for you, sir, but I'm sorry about these two watch bracelets. They were ordered by someone else," said the owner of the watchband company. Maurer stared intently at the owner of the watchband company, his jaw hardened and his eyes bulging like they were about to pop out of their cages. "So you're not going to give me the watchband? I can afford to pay any price for it," Maurer said in a firm voice. "But
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chapter 76
76Axel's Apartment.After making love with Le Yuna and giving her a piece of paper he found in Maurer's room, the man cleaned himself up. He showered together with Le Yuna. Afterwards, he picked up his phone from the nightstand.While his right hand was drying his wet hair with a cloth, he read a message from Aurel. Axel was shocked to learn that Maurer was now furious.Quickly, he tried calling Aurel's number. Damn! The girl's number couldn't be reached. Right now, Axel was truly panicking. He let out a long sigh, regretting not answering Aurel's call earlier."Does Maurer know? Did he see the CCTV footage? And what about Aurel's situation now? Oh no! I'm really worried. Maurer could hurt her," Axel said.Le Yuna came out of the bathroom, also drying her wet hair. She hugged Axel from behind. "What's wrong, honey? Why are you so tense? What's going on? What's making you so anxious?" Le Yuna asked.Axel sighed again. "Aurel says Maurer is furious right now," Axel explained."So, what
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chapter 77
77Axel, Emilia, and Le Yuna had just stepped out of Axel's apartment, but bad luck befell them. As soon as the apartment door opened, they were confronted by Daniel, who was standing at the door. His stern face and cold expression showed that he was not someone to be trifled with."It's too late!" Daniel said, the corner of his lip torn from Maurer's punch.Axel, who was aware of his enemy's presence, immediately controlled his emotions and tried to remain calm. Emilia and Le Yuna also felt the tension in this situation, they knew very well who Daniel was and how strong he was. Emilia tried to hide her fear, while Le Yuna tried not to look panicked."You, what are you doing here?" Axel asked Daniel in a stern tone.Daniel smiled sarcastically, then replied, "I just want to see if this woman is indeed with you. Even the girl who was on the missing person poster is also in the series apparently. You know very well what Maurer wants. You won't be able to escape forever."Axel looked sha
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chapter 78
78Aurel lay on the floor of the dark room, his body shivering from being soaked, and also his body twitching from fear."I hope Axel is okay, I hope Daniel doesn't find Axel, and Axel is free from father," he said. Even though she was also in danger, the girl still had time to think about Axel's condition. Maurer had kept her there after learning that the girl helped Axel release his father's prisoner--Emelia. Aurel's face looked pale, with blood flowing slowly from the corner of her lips from the blow she had received earlier. Occasionally the soft hand held his lips which continued to flow fresh blood, Aurel also felt if the teeth in the front were loose due to the blow he received. Aurel's tears ran down both cheeks, creating a small path in the layer of dust that stuck to his face. This was the first time Maurer had hit her, even Bobi's incident a few months ago was not as severe and cruel as this. The girl felt scared and had no idea what would happen to her after this. She
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chapter 79
79Maurer looked at Aurel with a regretful look. Aurel's tears were streaming down her puffy face with blood on the corners of her lips. He felt so guilty for torturing his adopted daughter until she bled.Maurer slowly approached Aurel, his hands trembling. "Aurel, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry for treating you like this," Maurer said hoarsely, trying to hold back his tears.The man was really slapped by Aurel's words, not to hit others, let alone take the lives of others. I don't know how many lives Maurer had lost. His hand reached out to gently stroke Aurel's almost dry hair, then kissed his daughter's forehead remorsefully. Aurel was silent, looking at Maurer with confusion. "Are you really sorry?" she asked weakly, still not believing that her father had two personalities, and could change his attitude so drastically. Maurer nodded, looking deeply into Aurel's eyes. "I swear, Aurel. Starting today, I will never hurt you again. You are my daughter, and I will protect you with all
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chapter 80
80Port of Milan, Italy. The port of Milan, Italy was very cloudy, depicting the tense atmosphere of the port, Marcel stood at the port, watching all the Maureer goods that would be smuggled to other countries. Yes, the painkillers were being illegally shipped to neighboring countries. Marcel was assigned to oversee the shipment. He grinned when he realized the goods were ready to go. Maurer's guards loaded it right onto the ship. Marcel walked on the deck of the ship, he monitored the movements of his men. Just as he was about to enter the ship, he was intercepted by a security guard. The object in his hand beeped, a dangerous object detection device like a boom. "Sir, you have a boom," said the security officer. Marcel took a few steps forward and pulled a firearm from under his pants. Then, he pointed the firearm at the security guard's head and...Boom! He squeezed the trigger and fired the bullet right into the security guard's head. When Maurer's men heard the gunshot fr
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chapter 81
81Inside the ship, the party was still going on. They didn't know that their lives would be threatened. The boom that Marcel had intentionally inserted into the ship was still beeping. Unfortunately, because the party was playing DJ songs with deafening sound, they didn't know that the boom was located near the party venue. Of course, it was all in Marcel's plan. The man had deliberately placed the bomb near the party venue. Marcel was still standing on the deck of the ship, looking up at the sky-lit sky.His breathing was getting heavier, it was obvious if the man was holding back an overwhelming anger. "Why didn't Axel send the helicopter?" he asked himself. Until, he took a deep breath. The control device in his suit pocket vibrated, he picked up the bomb control device. It looked as if there were only a few minutes left before the bomb would explode completely. Even if the bomb was thrown into the sea, it would still have the effect of destroying the ship factory. Back in the
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