All Chapters of Doctors Axel's Revenge: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
184 chapters
chapter 82
82While at the front of the ship, more precisely the crew, a man who was piloting the ship heard a warning sound that echoed in the ears. He heard that the ship was in trouble. Closing his eyes, he continued to focus on steering the ship. Even though his whole body was shaking violently, sweat water was pouring out, with palms that began to cool down. "How can there be a boom? Why were the security guards negligent?" he asked himself, even though in the depths of his heart he also harbored an overwhelming sense of fear. The well-built man continued to focus on driving. What's more, there was a coral reef in front of him, if he steered the ship wrongly, it could be that the ship would hit the reef, and the ice rocks around. Letting out a long sigh, he looked back as the assistant crew members were already praying according to their beliefs. He clenched his fists and prayed to the Lord Jesus to always be protected. "Ah, I don't want to die. My children and wife are waiting for me
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chapter 83
83Le Yuna pointed her cell phone camera at Daniel who was tied tightly to the chair, his face covered in fear and sweat pouring down his face. On the other side of the screen, we could see a panicked and pale Maurer. Le Yuna laughed sarcastically at Maurer's cornered and helpless state."Tell me, Maurer! In 1995, my mother worked at your residence, she served as a butler for many years, why did you resign?" shouted Miss Le in a loud and firm voice. Maurer still looked cold, he was also staring intently at the camera, his gaze like he was about to swallow le Yuna alive. "I don't remember that incident," she said in a flat voice. Le Yuna brought her face closer to the camera, her eyes staring intently at Maurer. "Don't lie, Maurer! My mom resigned because you tried to rape her! You ruined my mom's life, and now it's time for you to pay!"Maurer was silent, however, his gaze was still the same, that piercing gaze was extremely sickening. And, how could le Yuna know all about that 1995
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chapter 84
84"Arghh! It hurts, doctor Axel!" cried Daniel in terror, as the tool began to be aimed at his leg. The lawnmower was literally eating away at his leg. The sound of the mower grew louder, as if it were the soundtrack to an endless nightmare. "Arghhh? Arghhh! Arghhh!" biting her lip, it was useless, she wouldn't be able to run this time. Slowly, the device began to crush her left leg, seemingly tearing every fiber of flesh and sinew that was there."You're crazy, doctor Axel! Arghh! My leg! My leg!" screamed Daniel. He shook his head trying to remain calm, as the cutting tool destroyed his leg. He had no idea that the forensic doctor who was known for his kindness was now destroying Daniel's leg. In a tragic way. Fresh blood mixed with bone fragments, creating a horrifying sight. Daniel felt so much pain that he almost fainted from the pain."This is my uncle's revenge!" screamed Axel in a loud voice, full of vengeance and rage.His once handsome face now looked hideous, with an imp
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chapter 85
85After being satisfied torturing Daniel. Le Yuna didn't want Maurer to come with his team and finish Axel. She begged Axel to leave the apartment immediately. They packed up. "Le Yuna, I don't want to be labeled a coward, how can I leave the apartment after challenging him. No, I have to stay here, I'm not afraid if we both lose our lives," said Axel, he turned his body around. Staring at Le Yuna who was packing in the room. Le Yuna let out a long sigh, she looked deeply into Axel's beautiful brown eyes. "Then, if you die. What about me? It's not just about you, Axel, there's me and Miss Emilia," Le Yuna said. Yes, the decision is no longer just for Axel. There is Le Yuna and also Miss Emilia who must be protected. Axel turned to Emilia who was sitting in the makeup chair, her pale face made Axel feel sorry. If he remembers that the woman will be locked up again if caught, it will make the woman tormented. Axel sighed heavily, he closed his eyes and in the end, he said, "Okay, t
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chapter 86
Chapter 86~-~Axel, Emilia, and Le Yuna finally arrived at the hiding place that Marcel had prepared. It was in an old hut located in the middle of the forest, hidden away from outsiders. The three of them walked carefully, making sure no one followed them. The car they were traveling in was parked a little far from the hut, as the small road would not be accessible by a four-wheeled vehicle. Marcel, who had been waiting inside the hut, greeted them with a tired smile on his face. "You've finally arrived," he said as he tapped Axel on the shoulder."Are you okay, Mr. Marcel?" asked Axel, looking him up and down. Making sure that his partner was okay. "He already knows, and now Maurer's target is not just you, but me too. Eventually, he'll find out that I caused the At-Tirmidzi10 ship to explode," said Marcel in a serious tone. He sat on the wooden chair again, with his gaze straight ahead. Axel, Emilia, and Le Yuna's faces were also very tense listening to Marcel's explanation. Th
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chapter 87
87Brian strode firmly down the steep cliff, the strong wind hitting his tense face, cold sweat pouring down his handsome face. Every step he took was cautious, yet hasty. Time was of the essence right now, and he had to reach the city more precisely at Axel's aunt's residence. Behind the worries that haunted his mind, worried if Maurer arrived first before he arrived in the city. Brian tried to think of the best plan to save Axel's aunt before Maurer, before Maurer managed to find and capture him. He knew that every second was precious, yes, this time according to Brian what was precious was no longer money, but time. however, the risk of falling from this steep cliff must also be avoided. If he fell then he would vanish. Yes, it could be that his body was destroyed when he plunged freely into the very steep cliff. While taking a step, Brian tried to calm himself by praying to the universe, to always be in its protectionHis heart trembled, promising to do anything for Axel's aun
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chapter 88
88Aurel let out a long sigh, feeling quite satisfied with her achievements so far. She had managed to climb on top of the fairly tall and sturdy wooden cabinet in her room. Now, he just needed to reach the ceiling, and open it in order to get out of his room through this unusual way. Because this was the only way. She could not access the door of her room. Not even the glass window could be smashed. "Just a little more! Ughhttttt!" she reached up to the ceiling and pressed down slightly, checking if she could get through. And, free to get out of the room? With the remaining strength, Aurel grabbed the edge of the ceiling made of white plywood, a plywood made of neatly packed wood, while trying to maintain balance on the narrow closet. "Ah, I should be able to open this ceiling carefully. But, it's a bit difficult, how can I open it, if it's so strong, arghh!" she said softly, hoping no one would hear her. She let out a long sigh. And, closed her eyes. "Oh God, help me get out of
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chapter 89
89After waiting for what felt like an eternity, the two Maurer guards finally took their eyes off the chessboard lying on the balcony. They talked for a while, laughed, and finally walked away leaving the chess unfinished."Playing chess if you don't drink coffee and bread doesn't feel good, you go downstairs and get coffee and snacks," said the thin bodyguard. "You go," said the big bodyguard. "Yes, let's go down together," said the thin bodyguard. "Yeah, right, let's go!" Aurel hid when the two bodyguards were about to leave the balcony. She also hid behind a very large flower vase. After the two bodyguards came down.Aurel immediately took this opportunity to carry out his plan. With light footsteps, he sneaked up to the edge of the balcony. After making sure that no one was watching him, he gathered his courage and jumped off the balcony.Bug! "Arghh!" she clamped her mouth shut as she was about to scream, because her butt hurt as she hit the paving. Aurel's body fell quick
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chapter 99
90After waiting for a few minutes, a black luxury car arrived near the sidewalk. Aurel's friend was ready to pick him up. Aurel got into the car, and they were definitely going to Axel's apartment. After an hour's drive he had arrived at Axel's apartment. Of course Aurel knew where Axel's apartment was, because, a few hours ago she had stalked her father when he came to Axel's apartment. The girl immediately ran and got into the elevator, followed by her friend. After the elevator took her to the floor where Axel's apartment was located. The girl got out and stepped on her feet, with her breath already ragged. She was really scared if something happened to Axel. After arriving in front of Axel's apartment door pass, the girl was surprised to see Axel's apartment door still open. With staggering steps she entered Axel's apartment. How surprised Aurel was when she saw the blood from Daniel's body splattered in Axel's living room. His body went limp as soon as he saw the horrifying
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chapter 91
91Arghh!Brian screamed, the sound deafening. Apparently, one of Maurer's men had fired a bullet at him.The bullet lodged right in Brian's arm. In a fit of rage, Brian took a few steps back, staring at his arm which was oozing a thick red liquid.Then, he immediately held his injured arm. Meanwhile, the ties around Axel's aunt's wrists were about to fall off. The woman tried to swipe her hands repeatedly, until the bonds on her wrists gradually fell in random directions. "How dare you attack me!" Brian screeched. "Bi, back off!" Brian ordered Axel's aunt. The middle-aged woman with aging wrinkles on her face took a few steps back, she was already free from the rope around her wrists. Brian, with an angry face, went berserk. He immediately stretched out his hand and fired a bullet right at Maurer's men. Boom!"Argh!" Blood spurted onto the pavement as the bullet landed on Maurer's head and lodged in his brain. One shot and the man was knocked down and helpless, his body collapsed
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