All Chapters of Doctors Axel's Revenge: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
184 chapters
chapter 92
92The car that Brian and the other two women were riding in had arrived at the hideout, in a remote village. Brian parked the car at the original spot. And, covered the car with grass."Brian, you brought our baby to a place like this?" asked Elena, shaking her head violently. "Our baby isn't forty days old, you're taking her to the woods like this." Brian was silent. "We'll go up there, Bi, Axel is over there." said Brian as he pointed to a small path that would lead them to a small wooden house in the middle of the forest. Axel and a few others were already there. "The path is very small, Brian, are you serious? I'm carrying our child, if I fall?" asked Elena, she objected and shook her head roughly again. "I'll carry the baby, you can walk on your own," he said."Brian, you're too much, what did you bring us here for?" "Elena don't talk so much, come on!" Brian took over carrying the little red baby. Then, Axel's aunt also obeyed, they walked through the path. A small path o
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chapter 93
93Maurer took a deep breath before he continued his recitation. [`Le Yuna my child, when you came out of mother's womb. I was happy to have the sun shining in my heart. I am not alone in this world. I love you. Emmm, surely right now you are crying right, when reading this mother's message. Don't cry, mom is sad to see you cry. I will continue the discussion from the beginning, dear, the first time I saw your beautiful irises, I felt happy, there was a little life that had just come out of my womb. Le Yuna, actually mom is hiding a big secret. Your father did not die. But, your father is the most sadistic man in the world... --Mother was sad when this world brought you to your cruel father. And, in the end, you had to go to prison. Aurel my child, you know, mom's little baby who is now all grown up. Maurer is your biological father. I feel ashamed when I want to tell you all this. But I'm going to tell it anyway. In 1995, when Maurer was very drunk, and had finished eliminating Mr
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chapter 94
94Maurer entered his room carrying a DVD.He reached for the computer in front of him and inserted the DVD into the computer. It looked like she was going to blame the CCTV footage recorded in the 90s. "If I didn't think of this long ago, why only now? Is it true that Miss Lee is my biological daughter? If so? Then." Maurer stopped his speech.Cold sweat poured out, after which his computer screen also showed loading text. And in the end, a video recording from the 90s was clearly played on his computer. When the butler, Mrs. Ze, came into her room. With Maurer lying on the bed. Maurer stared at the screen thoughtfully, not missing a single pause of the rotating footage. After that, he was surprised to see the footage of him pulling Mrs. Ze's hand, and at the end. That man, trying to forcefully touch the butler who served in his house for many years. Suddenly all of that made Maurer's body weak, the scene of him forcibly touching Madame ze was clearly visible. Making his head shak
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chapter 95
95~-~Inside the wooden house, Axel realized that Marcel was caught. "Mr. Marcel was caught, Maurer's men have got him, he tracked the location point of Marcel's whereabouts using Mr. Marcel's cellphone," said Axel. Emilia, Le Yuna, and also several other people immediately panicked. They shook their heads at him. "How is this, Mr. Axel? Are we going to get caught?" asked Emilia. "Calm yourself first, ma'am. I'll also think about helping Marcel, he's helped me so much, there's no way I'm going to shut him up when I find out he's been caught by the enemy," Axel took his firearm, he put several rounds into the firearm, up to several firearms that had been prepared.Likewise with Brian, the man was also already staring at his firearm."No, I don't want to see you fight anymore, please. It's for the sake of me and your son." Elena said. Brian reached out his hand, he patted his wife's shoulder and looked at her sadly. "This is the last time, I want to help Axel, Elena," Brian said with
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chapter 96
96Just as Le Yuna took a step, another of Maurer's bodyguards was standing right behind her, pointing his firearm at Le Yuna. Immediately, the burly hand grabbed Le Yuna's wrist. And, in the end, the woman was pulled and dragged away from Axel. Yes, this time Le Yuna had become a hostage. "Let her go!" shouted Axel, he was already very panicked seeing Le Yuna being held hostage. "Hurt her!" shouted Axel, he helped Emilia walk. "You shouldn't have come Madam," Axel muttered, he regretted. Because of helping Emilia, le Yuna was now being held hostage by the enemy."Stay here, don't move I will help le Yuna," said Axel. Feeling guilty Emilia agreed, she stood up and leaned her head against a large tree. Then Axel took a few steps forward. "Come down, Mr. Maurer wants to see you two," he said in a low voice. "I won't hurt him. I was only assigned to look for you. There's something that needs to be done," said Maurer's bodyguard. "But, if you won't meet her, then this woman will va
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chapter 97
97Maureer walked out of the genetics doctor's room with a blank stare. She did not expect the results of the DNA test she held in her hand. The results of the DNA test were contrary to what she had thought all along. KrttttOut of the room, while Le Yuna and also Axel looked at him with a look of hatred, how could the world like playing with them. "Then, what are you going to do after this?" asked Axel who was still closely guarded by Maurer's bodyguards.Maurer was silent, he turned to Axel, and looked at the forensic doctor's face. While staring at Axel's beady eyes the image of Maurer finishing off his own wife was clearly spinning in his brain, every tragic scene even throwing the helpless body right in front of Bobi sometimes - a pet."Maurer, why are you so pale? What are you going to do after this? Are you going to kill us both, like you eliminated our mothers?" this time it was Le Yuna who spoke.Maurer turned his head towards Le Yuna. He let out a long sigh. Staring at eve
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chapter 98
98Axel's POV After a tense period, I had to be crushed by reality. I was currently inside the hospital, after learning that Miss Le was my own sister. I chose to leave, and walked into the hospital hallway. Leaving Maurer who was regretting what he did decades ago. And, left Miss Le who was crying on the waiting chair. I walked aimlessly out of the hospital. Today the sky was also very cloudy, reflecting the feeling I had at the moment. Standing in front of the hospital with a flat stare. I regret my fate. How could I make love to my own brother. While I really love him so much. "This can't be, the test results must be wrong. How could Ms. Lee be my brother, a brother from the same father. However, with different mothers. If it's like that, can we be together. Can we unite, can we live together?" Those questions were driving me crazy. I wanted to scream at this moment, regretting the fate that God had given me. But this is all already happening I took a deep breath. Hoping this
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chapter 99
99I also approached le Yuna. However, when this foot stepped towards her, she took a few steps back. After that, le yuna chose to walk away from me. I let her go, maybe she wanted to calm her heart. I also chose to come to Maurer's base camp, releasing Marcel. Fortunately, he could still be saved, and Maurer didn't hurt him at all. After releasing Marcel from the clutches of Maurer's men. I returned to the middle of the forest to pick up my aunt and also my friend Brian and his wife and child. With my clothes still wet, I hurried through the rain that was still falling heavily. Not caring about how I felt, I let my body get soaked. Running as hard as I could as if I was venting my anger that was now growing. However, I was confused with whom I was venting my anger, because my destiny had been arranged by God so intricately. With great difficulty I reached the top, I had arrived at the log house. Emilia and Bryan were waiting for me. As soon as I entered the wooden house, my aunt
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chapter 100
100Meanwhile, elsewhere, Miss Le was confined to her room. She had been watching her cell phone which kept ringing. She took a deep breath, knowing that it was Axel who had contacted her. Not receiving an incoming call from Axel. Instead, she pressed the red button and rejected Axel's call. Wiping away her tears that kept flowing, the woman was very. With hair that looks disheveled. Plus, the room is also messy. She returned to her late mother's house. The atmosphere of the room was silent, only sobs could be heard. And also the heavy breathing of Le Yuna. After she looked down, the woman realized that her cellphone rang again. Unexpectedly, Khang Chul's number was calling her back. "I don't want to continue like this, I have to continue my life. If I keep breaking down, the universe will laugh at me. And I lost to my fate, I have to win against fate. I will receive the call from khang chul." The woman received a call from khang chul. And finally the call was connected. "Hello,
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chapter 101
101"Clean the rag, it's still dirty!" she screeched with a swinging leg and kicked Maurer in the back. Maurer who was kicked only grimaced, his hand still clutching the rag in his hand. He continued to wipe the dirty floor."Well, like that." The bald cell dweller immediately turned to the other friend. He blinked one of his eyelids, then, one of his cellmates immediately got up from his seat. And, he immediately pushed Maurer's back, so that the man was on his stomach.Bug!Maurer squeezed the mop in his hand. Apparently, repentance is very emotionally draining, he was tested with his unique and jail cellmates. Because Maurer's patience was as thin as a tissue divided in two. The man finally got up and stood straight, his eyes staring at the man who pushed him. Then, with a quick movement Maurer swung his hand and ...Bug! He punched the man who pushed him in the face. One punch was enough to make the thin man's lips ooze thick blood. Wow!The skinny man vomited a thick red liqui
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