chapter 92


The car that Brian and the other two women were riding in had arrived at the hideout, in a remote village. Brian parked the car at the original spot. And, covered the car with grass.

"Brian, you brought our baby to a place like this?" asked Elena, shaking her head violently.

"Our baby isn't forty days old, you're taking her to the woods like this."

Brian was silent. "We'll go up there, Bi, Axel is over there." said Brian as he pointed to a small path that would lead them to a small wooden house in the middle of the forest. Axel and a few others were already there.

"The path is very small, Brian, are you serious? I'm carrying our child, if I fall?" asked Elena, she objected and shook her head roughly again.

"I'll carry the baby, you can walk on your own," he said.

"Brian, you're too much, what did you bring us here for?"

"Elena don't talk so much, come on!"

Brian took over carrying the little red baby. Then, Axel's aunt also obeyed, they walked through the path. A small path o
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