chapter 91



Brian screamed, the sound deafening. Apparently, one of Maurer's men had fired a bullet at him.The bullet lodged right in Brian's arm. In a fit of rage, Brian took a few steps back, staring at his arm which was oozing a thick red liquid.

Then, he immediately held his injured arm. Meanwhile, the ties around Axel's aunt's wrists were about to fall off. The woman tried to swipe her hands repeatedly, until the bonds on her wrists gradually fell in random directions.

"How dare you attack me!" Brian screeched.

"Bi, back off!" Brian ordered Axel's aunt.

The middle-aged woman with aging wrinkles on her face took a few steps back, she was already free from the rope around her wrists.

Brian, with an angry face, went berserk. He immediately stretched out his hand and fired a bullet right at Maurer's men.


"Argh!" Blood spurted onto the pavement as the bullet landed on Maurer's head and lodged in his brain. One shot and the man was knocked down and helpless, his body collapsed
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