chapter 99


After waiting for a few minutes, a black luxury car arrived near the sidewalk. Aurel's friend was ready to pick him up. Aurel got into the car, and they were definitely going to Axel's apartment.

After an hour's drive he had arrived at Axel's apartment. Of course Aurel knew where Axel's apartment was, because, a few hours ago she had stalked her father when he came to Axel's apartment.

The girl immediately ran and got into the elevator, followed by her friend. After the elevator took her to the floor where Axel's apartment was located. The girl got out and stepped on her feet, with her breath already ragged. She was really scared if something happened to Axel.

After arriving in front of Axel's apartment door pass, the girl was surprised to see Axel's apartment door still open. With staggering steps she entered Axel's apartment. How surprised Aurel was when she saw the blood from Daniel's body splattered in Axel's living room.

His body went limp as soon as he saw the horrifying
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