All Chapters of RISE OF THE ALMIGHTY HEIR : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
219 chapters
Why are you still smiling at yourself? Laura looked at her beside her and saw Nicholas .she should rest her head and smiled. She was seeing him everywhere and and now he was speaking to her. She just ignored. Till she felt a his wet lips on her neck. Why was it so real. She just smiled against till he pulled her closer by the waist to his face. Eyeballs meeting and staring at themselves. She opened widely ;her eyes. That moment was so embarrassing. "What were you thinking about? What got you smiling unconsciously? "Were you thinking about me? His breath were on her lips. "You wish." She wanted to pull herself away. But he pulled her closer again. And kissed her lips. Then finally let go of her. What ? Why are you smiling? You were just telling me about how weirdly I was smiling to myself and now you are doing the same? What contagious soccer is this? Nicholas smiled again at her. Your smile is contagious. Laura scoffed. Plus I was thinking about how we fought th
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The inspector immediately changed his attitude. " She is my wife" Helen imitated Nicholas. All laughed. Money brings respect brother. Helen told Tony. "I will become rich one day and spoil you both. Especially you Helen, those cheap rascal won't have access to you" Tony told her . "Awwnmmmmm" .Laura and Helen said simultaneously. "Speaking of Rascal, what about that boy you have a crush on?" Laura asked Helen a with teasing tone "I don't think it's a crush Laura. I love him " Helen wasn't scared to open up to Laura or Tony. THEY had such a tight bond. "Love is a myth." Tony scoffed ..Shut up, it's not Laura told him. .Listen okay, take things slow Helen, you are still so young and naive. I'm not saying you can't take care of yourself, of course you can but don't mix love and infatuation together. " How do you mean Laura?" The curious Helen asked. She knew what the words meant but she wanted to know what Laura waa taking about. Infatuation is just feelin
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"Are you trying to bring out your Manhood ?" She teased him with her silly jokes. "You are so crazy "He finally pulled out his hands and brought out a tiny piece of jewelry. it was so tiny that it was almost invisible. It was tiny piece of jewelry. It was necklace. What is that's? Laura tried to dim her eyes to see what he had in his hands. That was how the necklace was. ."It's something I got for you. I have had it since I was a kid. She bought it for me."She? Your mother ?Yeah. Nicholas stopped her his mother. And Laura understood that. "Yes. " She told me that if I wore it close to my heart then I would always think about her. It helped me even while she was away. But I didn't need it anymore when she got married. I want you to have it .close to your heart top. I might not be with you all the time but this will always show you that I'm always With you may. Laura just couldn't stop smiling. His melted her heart. Was this the same man that she stand a few mont
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"Are you trying to bring out your Manhood ?" She teased him with her silly jokes. "You are so crazy "He finally pulled out his hands and brought out a tiny piece of jewelry. it was so tiny that it was almost invisible. It was tiny piece of jewelry. It was necklace. What is that's? Laura tried to dim her eyes to see what he had in his hands. That was how the necklace was. ."It's something I got for you. I have had it since I was a kid. She bought it for me."She? Your mother ?Yeah. Nicholas stopped her his mother. And Laura understood that. "Yes. " She told me that if I wore it close to my heart then I would always think about her. It helped me even while she was away. But I didn't need it anymore when she got married. I want you to have it .close to your heart top. I might not be with you all the time but this will always show you that I'm always With you may. Laura just couldn't stop smiling. His melted her heart. Was this the same man that she stand a few months ago? W
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Urgent Matter
Author "I love you" Ruth told her. "I'm sleepy ,now leave my phone. She chuckled and ended the class ""Thank you Nicholas, she is so happy. Thank you . "He gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "How about we take a jacuzzi bath Humm?" What do you think?he asked her with a seducing look on her lips." Naughty " She brushed her nose on his.The next morning, Laura woke up with the first call from Ruth. It was just 11 am . She forgot she didn't send the address of their hotel to Ruth. No wonder she was calling her so early. Laura would have woken up to Ruth's call at the reception. She was still in Nicholas's arms. He top was still asleep. She picked located her phone behind her and picked up ."Good morning. You didn't send Me that Address i have been waiting. Send it now "."I was so tired, I slept off . I will send it now. " Laura was still speaking with sleepy voice. ""Are you still Asleep ?""Of course I am, it's just 9 am. "9am? Did you hit your head?."It's 11 am silly "Wh
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For Your Sanity?
Author Thank you so much for coming. I will see you tomorrow. Stay in touch okay? I will. … Laura knew something was up but she couldn't figure out anything important. Laura went back to to hotel, the night was beautiful Nicholas by hers. She was on a call while Laura was on the bed on her know when she started to cough. It started off to as a slight cough. she cleared Her through. Til it started getting worse. Nicholas didn't really know what was happening with her . All his attention was on the important business call. She coughed out the first time, the second . The third came out with blood from her mouth. Laura immediately covered her mouth with her hands and ran past the unconscious Nicholas. She ran to the bathroom and started coughing. A cough accompanied with chest pain. Every cough up came up with a large pour of blood into the sink. Her eyes starting to get red from so much pressure In her chest cavity. The cough took about 45 seconds to stop. Laura was done, s
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Broken Into a Million Pieces
AuthorNicholas Macpherson? Why are you so quiet? "I didn't like the compliment and how he looked at you " Nicholas came out with the truth. Oh C'MON, that was just a compliment. You know I love you . She touched his hands and smiled at him. "He kissed her neck . I only have that right on you. "The party was high classed. Sophisticated and spoke of Power and fame. Important dignitaries.The party didn't have so many people present but also enough people to make a party worthy. It was almost time for the main celebration. Laura needed to use the bathroom. She wanted to asked Ruth for her whereabouts but Ruth was too occupied. she just gave a brief description of how to locate the bathroom. "Just go down the hall, by the left. " What Hall? The house was so big with different corners and rooms now was she going to find her way around. Ruth again was occupied. Laura decided to find her way . How hard could it be? She told Nicholas not worry, she would find her way around pretty q
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Your Perfection is a Mess
Author Everything he did pissed Laura off. How pretentious and deciteful was he? People were cheering soft and complimenting the couples. The same people that were condemning the act days back. Interesting. Are you sure you are okay? Nicholas asked again as they were about to exchange rings. Laura nodded . Immediately they exchanged the ring and Clayton kissed Ruth, Laura closed her eyes. It was then she realized she just made the biggest mistake of her life. ; allowing Ruth fall into the trap when she could have stopped it . Immediately they exchanged the rings, the cheering increased , a soothing song was played and celebrated continued. Ruth came over again and showed Laura her gold rings. It was beautiful. "It's beautiful " Laura told her. Again with a poor smile. "Laura are you okay ?" RUTH also noticed the cold change attitude in Laura . "No,I'm fine, I don't feel too well. A lie. Laura was perfectly fine. Just everything around there suffocated her. The fake
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Middle Class
AuthorNicholas curled her oval face In his palms. You know what doing is going to be like right? He was checking to make sure she hasn't changed her mind. I do. Take your bath and text her okay? Laura nodded again, took another sip and dropped the coffee. She took her phone, Ruth was already In the mail box. They spoke often. Laura texted " I need to see you , it's urgent. " Laura reluctantly tap send . She tossed the phone on the bed. Before she could even turn, her phone beep. A text from Ruth. It was almost like she was with her phone waiting for Laura's text. ' How are you now? Did you get drugs? .'"I will be there by 10. " Laura felt butterflies In her tummy. Not the good kind .She was finally going face Ruth with the truth. She didn't know how she was going to take it but like Nicholas said, " if you don't tell her the truth, you will only be doing the same thing Clayton is doing. Hurting her. "Nicholas wasn't in the room when she texted Ruth neither w
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Shut up And Getout
AuthorI don't believe you Laura . Ruth raised her voice too. The people around were able to hear her .I don't believe you. She reduced her voice. Hearing Ruth say she didn't believe her shook Laura to the bone. If you did see him, why didn't you tell me yesterday when you found out. Before the engagement right?- Then why didn't you tell me? You watched me get engaged to him when you knew you could stop me .why? "I was scared to tell you Ruth, trust me ,I didn't know how to without hurting your feelings. " Laura told her. "Scared of hurting me? Really? That's what you are going with? You didn't want me yesterday, you claimed to have seen Clayton with another woman but you didn't say anything. You watched me get engaged and you are telling me this today because you didn't want to hurt me yesterday? ""Laura please. "Everything Laura feared, everything she thought she did to protect Ruth, everything turned against her .No,no,Ruth……. Listen to me Laura, Ruth tried to stay cal
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