All Chapters of RISE OF THE ALMIGHTY HEIR : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
219 chapters
A Gold Digger
Laura was devastated, what did she just do ?what just happened? She blamed herself for everything that happened. Maybe she should have just kept quiet. No, she should have thought Ruth meant so much to her .She couldn't just allow her to suffer when she knew the truth. She couldn't. Laura stood there for a few seconds trying to grasp what happened. Tears were rolling down her eyes and people started to look with raised eyebrows when she felt a touch from behind. Nicholas. Laura gave him no chance to speak. She immediately grabbed his suit and pulled herself into them crying profusely not caring if people were staring or making comments. All that she saw at that point was Nicholas Alone. Her heart was broken into a million pieces.she came to London to be with Ruth. How excited she was and now Ruth doesn't even want to see her.Nicholas….I ... .Laura was gasping for breath unable to explain what just happened. To her. What happened between herself and Ruth. There was no need to ex
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Ovarian Cancer
Chapter 152Author"I should have never asked you for that trip. "Mess? You call your perfection a mess?.Perfection? Laura turned to him. He was still looking at the ceiling as he spoke. I'm glad to have been with you throughout everything. I'm proud of you for standing up for the truth Laura he turned only his head to her. You did the right thing by telling Ruth the truth. You looked out for her.Whatever you did,you did for her. And soon she will realize that too. Sooner or later, she will realize what you did for her.It's not a mess. It is your perfection. Laura could help but smile at how comforting his words always were to her. She moved closer to him and rested her head on his chest again . Her favorite place to be in. " I love you, Nicholas. ' "I love you too Laura " They soon became one person with intimately they cuddled Nicholas was just the perfect husband. The perfect man and the perfect companion and friend to be around. How soothing and nerve calming
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I am Ready
Author How I loved your sexual appealing body. I loved everything about you. Everything. Except I can't get married to you and even if I do, I can't stay loyal to you. You really thought I didn't want to get married because I wasn't ready or the public ? He scoffed again. I didn't want to get married . Why get married when I can stay single and lure all the women I want without moving a muscle. Women just like you. What did my mother call you? MIDDLE CLASS he pointed to her face. Clayton….i can't believe this. I can't believe you. You would really stop this low. "I loved you, I cared for you. I did everything I could, i trusted you blindly, I fought with Whitney for you, I fought with Laura for you,I endure all your torture and still took you back when Mark came into the picture. I did everything. So and what he moved closer to her . SO WHAT IF YOU DID? Fuck you Clay, Fuck you. Ruth was really pissed. Usually she would break down and cry but you time stood she didn't
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Always Stick to Your Promise
AuthorShe was worried ,what if Nicholas had been the one to see it first? She didn't even know what was lying inside. There was no way he was going to get how hands on her documents if she kept they well enough out of reach. She decided to use her bed, and it worked out perfectly well. She herself knew not where she kept it. She did knew what she was looking for After all. Laura sat on the bed , was really skeptical about the whole issue. But she had to anyways. Laura opened up the White envelope And brought out the small test script that was lying inside. So curious with hope that it wasn't going to be something serious.Laura opened up finally, she glanced on the paper, first with confusion, then understanding. Laura's hands fell week in the bed the paper fell off her hand. Laura was unable to speak or move. Her eyes immediately turned red with so much hurt. What could she have seen to have made her this devastated? What was lying on the paper? What exactly going on no
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I am Sorry
AuthorCLAYTON left with thinking any further. When he finally left, Ruth had all the time In the world to cry her eyes out. Yet again she was played by a man she loved so much. Does the circle ever end? She kept repeating the same mistakes on different men over and over again. Ruth was ashamed of herself for picking man over Laura. How could she have chosen her love for Clayton over Laura? Laura tried to warn her she was too blinded but so called love. If she had listen there a possible she would have been with her baby today. Ruth was never lucky when it came to Love. When it came to giving love,she would definitely be giving an award for the o best love offered to people. But when it came to receiving, she was unluckily Clayton stood against his family for Ruth when with everything they said against her. She thought she really found her person this time. Somebody that could stare up for her whenever but she was only kidding herself. He didn't linr her, no he didn't
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Last Warning
Author With his just schedule,he fixed a time for them. 8AM sharp they needed to be in front of him and then opportunity he fought hard for was going to be in vain. You have an appointment with Dr Shanley. "Dr Shanley?" She had heard about him and his visits to different countries. He was that famous. Nicholas wanted everything to do he could to male sure he got all the information. He needed. At exactly 8:57, that were on his desk. DR Shanley was a young man just like Nicholas but not built. He had a slender body too.He requested for some test to be ran on Laura. Truly Laura never liked the but she had .Before the test results came out, Stanley and Nicholas were got into a conversation They spoke about the business schedule. None of those conversations were Important ,it was just to keep them calm. Two hours of boring Talk later, the test, came. Immediately Laura saw the nurses coming, with the files, her heard skipped a beat. She heard Nicholas hands and he did
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Out in Pain
AuthorNicholas had said to share in her pains and her sorrows To share in her laughter and her joy. To make everything perfect. Now he wished he could manifest that. He wished he could carry the burden from her. He wished he spent then time he had with her making memories rather than spend it didn't and querying her. He wished he did a lot more when he had the he had the chance to. He wished they were closer from the start. Nicholas wished for a lot but none was possible now. He wanted more than just her. He wanted her soul, he wanted a connection that lasted for ever.he wanted her for himself. Laura was happy place and that was also going to be taken away from him soon. Nicholas?I love you so much, with all of my heart, I love you with everything In me. You have me this necklace. Laura never took it off,right from the very first day he placed it on her neck, she already lay her perfectly. You said it will always remind me of you Right?- I will always keep it with me now . Whe
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AuthorJust a few months ago, you are making promises to always stick with us, what happened now? Laura?Tony say something? Tony was unable to say a word.Not one. He was standing there, crying and wishing things were different. The only person that stood by him through the thick and the thin ,she even got married for their sake, she did so many crazy things for their sake. She fought thugs once for his sake even if she ended up hurt , the thoughts mattered Just a few months ago, you are making promises to always stick with us, what happened now? Laura?Tony say something? Tony was unable to say a wordTony …? Laura called out ,please keep Helen save. You know how naughty she can be . Take care of yourself. In this world we have only each other…..Laura was reciting the verse, Tony and Helen Joined in. We have only each other, we are out strength. Others might leave but we will never leave each other. When they got to verse, they all burst into tears and continued Others m
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AuthorWhat does he mean? He was so unpredictable. Just a few minutes ago he was taunting her and now he wanted her to leave? She thought to herself. Did as he said before he changed his mind. After the last text Mark sent , he didn't send anyone. So Laura was unable to find out anything that happened unless she went to her mailbox which she didn't. Nicholas was angry at himself , angry at him for doubting Laura and hurting her so much. Meanwhile, Laura was already thinking of resigning. She couldn't take it all . Laura got home extremely tired that night, she couldn't help but cry her eyes out. All these things Nicholas did for what? For something she knew nothing about.All the lies and hurt she couldn't bear any more. Sick and tired of enduring the pain. Laura was thinking of resigning and Starting everything again. As it was , Nicholas wasn't ready to let anything go anytime soon she thought. "I can't Keep running away from my problems, I'm not a coward. "The last time ,s
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The Beginning of The End
AuthorNicholas was sure Jenna would be happy to meet his father. Sincerely, he had promised himself that the next time his father ever made mention of his sexual life _ which was not suffering_ and marriage, that he would Introduce Jenna to him. It sounded too good even to him then when he had introduced her only few days after he was in town. She had flown in from france and had made a show of demanding certain French dishes at dinner which unfortunately, Imelda had not made available. When she had eventually met his father, she had been all fussy and excited to be meeting the man and Nicholas had agreed within him that he would ask her hand that same night. He needed not be on his knees. He would ask her and she would agree. The thought had propelled him to knock on her door that night while she had just stepped out of the tub. She had opened the door to him, still on her towel. He was torn between asking her outright to marry him and having her body moulded firmly against him
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