All Chapters of RISE OF THE ALMIGHTY HEIR : Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
219 chapters
A Fresh Start
Author povAs Laura turned and tossed on the bed, the morning light streaming in from the window, she decided that her parents never loved her and her siblings, hence, they had taken that trip that had ended them..she did not know she was muttering out words "When people care too much about their own happiness, they forget that there are others dependent on them and if they make rash decisions for the sake of their happiness, It would definitely affect those depending on them"." Are those some lines from Aristotle?"Helen asked as she walked in with the coffee cup in a saucer. " No. I was just thinking of something".Laura maintained. She would be damned if she let her kid sister see her pains and eventually break down with her. She had been on the verge of tears severally but had always consoled herself and put on the tough facade that kept them together."I thought i should get you coffee in bed. You are worn out."Sure she was and every one who had an eye could see that she was
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What if??
Author "What I am saying is, I need you both to start picking up a few things and we could go put up with Ruth until we can figure out something. ""Wait, all three of us? No way anyone is doing that much. Where are gon' sleep ?""You have never been at her house, Tony. That means, you have basically no idea how large her house is"." Doesn't mean I don't know she lives in a two bedroom apartment like ours."Laura sighed." I could put up with Pete for sometime and pro'lly get Allan to lend me some more money so we can get another place"." Who is Allan? A loan shack? Better don't go get yourself messed up over the rest of us. We will be good."" I did not tell you who Allan is. He is Pete's dad, fam!"Both ladies exchanged glances. " Okay. Do what you want while staying out of trouble. I'm off to work now" Laura said as she picked up her bag..she stopped at the door." I'm almost late. Let me have my truck key".She called to Tony. Tony threw the key at her and caught it."Why's t
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Author povShe had no desire to have Ford walk up to her only to start demanding an explanation for whatever was amiss and eventually scolding her as if she was some lousy teenager who hardly knew what her job entails. Truth was, she knew what her job entailed_ smiles and nods and the nice tone of voice even when one was exhausted and had personal conflicts. Like she had.She looked back once and saw that Ford was trying to pacify the man who seemed to be angry. He was forcing a smile and rubbing his hands together. He was apologizing. And what was that look on his face? Why did he look worshipful of the young man? She was disgusted. She scoffed as she reached the Bar man who stopped lip syncing his songs and turned to her."Want something? What do you want now?"He asked while flashing her the same smile that never knew trouble. Laura had often wondered if he never had troubles. Why was he happy if he ever had troubles? Unfortunately, she had eye bags and she had plenty of reasons t
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Do You know?
Author pov "That is for making me lose my job, you son of a mother fucking bitch!" She ordinarily did not use the swear Words but now she could not help herself.. she would hit him again if she felt the need to.. her palms still tingled. He sensed her desire to slap him again and he lifter one hand and gave her a stern warning. "I did not deserve the first slap, I will not tolerate a second slap". He said. She stilled. She was fuming. " I did not make you lose your job, lady. I left when I saw that you were too proud to apologize appropriately". "Apologize! You mother fucker!" "You won't use the swear words on me again, I will not have any of that. And, I will make you apologize to me". He said. He was sure. Too sure. She laughed. A humorless laughter that was intended to spite him. "What do you mean? I have lost my job tonight and by tomorrow, I will be out in the streets without a roof over my head and you dare add to my woes.. how evil could you be?!" She did not
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Author pov"Reynolds Macpherson, good to meet you, gentleman".Reynolds had maintained. He was not one who would fight over a woman. Not one whom he did not feel strongly for and definitely not when he had the most beautiful women willing to do anything with him. Willing to be entangled with him"Rey, I_""Don't worry, Jenna. It was good seeing you" .He said and stormed out. He was not angry . He was only amazed. He had not counted on being the one to be cheated on and he definitely handled the issue with all the wisdom in the world. He was pleased with himself for that. But the problem remained that his father had gotten the marriage license ready and he was to be married in the next one week and then officially become the owner of the family business. How could he convince his father that he had to do it alone without a wife by his side which was the criteria which his father had mentioned? Damn. He did not want to marry the wrong person and be stuck for life with her and he was d
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New Changes
Author pov"I don't have to move anything if she has not said anything".Helen said. Tony rose to his feet and reached for the bag she had been holding." Why's this so heavy? "He asked with a wince as he lifted the bag and set it on the ground again before turning to Laura who had not gotten around to saying anything reasonable. He planted his hands on his waist and tuned to her. She had still not stepped properly into the house." You have been standing by that door since you returned.. what the hell is wrong? Why are you not saying anything sensible, Sis? "Tony demanded. He was getting impatient and it was evident in his tone of voice and eye roll.." We are not going anywhere because__"She stopped and looked about the room like she would cry. She set her tote bag which usually housed her clothes when she was at work and in work clothes." Why exactly? " Came Helen's voice." Now I'm guessing we will be sleeping out in the streets ! ". Tony said and then walked to a sofa and plo
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Be Glad!!
Author pov"You should be glad I just helped you get rid of it. The car's worth losing"..He said with composure.. she did not believe what he had just done. Had he seriously done that? He had just gotten rid of her car and he was not even apologetic? Wait, was she dreaming or hallucinating?" Stop now so i can go back and have my car. I'll beat down this door, I'm going to attract the cops at the traffic..I'm going to shout and wave for them to see that I need help!"She said. Her eyes were welling up again and she did not care that he would see her as a weak Woman who seized the littlest opportunities to cry. The last thing she ever wanted to be regarded as was as a weak Woman. Especially not in Front of this mean man.."Well, you won't do that when I have helped you get rid of your problem. I had only been trying to help. Everyone would understand that if you told them_""Listen to yourself! Can you hear what you are saying?!""Well, you can stop yelling your ass out because I am g
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Author pov"That's your business, not mine..just don't make all of these seem staged to my parents.. it would disgust them"." I wonder why it should bother me wether or not your parents get irked.. that's not what you pay me for "." Enough of the gibberish talks. Let us proceed. Do not ask too many questions".She nodded and followed him into the building. The lawyer's secretary had seen Reynolds and had at once rang the office of the lawyer and had reported that it was Reynolds Macpherson that had come to see him and he had asked that they be ushered in at once..the lawyer was a short skinny looking man who used more jargons than was necessary while speaking and Alicia did not enjoy his compliments as much as he thought she did. She was eager to finish whatever business had brought her and leave..not to stay and watch the man who had his glasses at the bridge of his nose. The lawyer spoke at length with Reynolds and only paused to look at her a few times all of which she nodded
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AuthorsNot like she cared about his personal life..a lie. She was beginning to care about the littlest details about him with each passing moments..she could not help herself. She could not help her curiousity. She was curious abou him. If he had not proven over and over again to her that he was just the arrogant bastard that never cared for the emotions of others, she would definitely be crushing on him. What was with all that body and hotness that he possessed?.When Reynolds got to his home in queens, the first call he had was from his father..he wanted to be sure he was still getting married the following week. He agreed. "Stop by the house in new york tomorrow. There are a thousand things about the business that we need to talk about..and you could come with Jenna if she is still around?".He said.. Reynolds agreed. He did not tell his father that he was no longer with Jenna..he did not mention to him that he was no longer betrothed to her and come the next week, he was not Als
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Just Memories Now
Author povHis house stood on the perfect location in the queens. His room was Directly opposite the Direction where the sun rose from and his house was set on a semi hill land..he had a vast that one would spend minutes walking from the gates and that way, he knew whoever it was that was coming towards his house. He could easily see through the camera he had planted everywhere around. The house was undoubtedly the most exquisite and elegant in the neighborhood that had only few residents and a small school for the neighborhood kids. He liked the environment and the serene little pool that he had built by the house cooled him well during the summer. He was satisfied with the elegance and simplicity of his his house. Big in the inside with walls polished glittering white . The house with a few tall flowers to adorn the balcony definitely looked like a vacation house and he did need it when he had to get away from all the hustle and bustle of the inside town.His doorbell ran
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