All Chapters of RISE OF THE ALMIGHTY HEIR : Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
219 chapters
On Contract
Author pov" What do you do for fun beside waiting table".He asked Arrogantly and saw her grimace in disgust." Don't be ridiculous, it does not suit you. I don't wait tables for fun. There is nothing remotely fun about waiting tables so I do it for the money! "She said. He winced at her sudden high tone of voice. She shouted at home every now and then and he was certain he might not be able to change that. Had she not raised her voice at him the very first time she had seen him?" What then do you do for fun since waiting tables is not part of your fun activities? "He asked her calmly, his expression blank and she could not read him. She did not know what he was thinking. Was he mad? Excited to be holding the conversation with her or disgusted that he even had to sit in the same office as her for as long as they hae been there?" Well, i sing and play the piano and also play chess very well."..She said with so much insouciance. He was relieved that she had not said she did not do
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The Nerves!!
Author povShe said.. she was furious again.. it was always difficult being with him. The emotions of anger and excitement and arrogance all welled up in her at different points in time." Why not prove me wrong. You see, my mind is made up on the fact that you are not a good cook and definitely not good in bed and you could maybe come with me just to correct my erroneous beliefs about you? "" The nerves of you! "She said and he turned to his sides.. perhaps to see if there was anyone else that she was referring to. There was no one else. Of course she was talking to him."How about you do it for some few. Thousand dollars?"He asked with a smile on his face. She stopped breathing temporarily. A few thousand dollars?. Wait, she was not going to have sex with him for the damn money. She was putting her pride at stake. She would always be goaded for it and she was not desperate for the money. Even if she was, she would not do it."Fuck you and your dollars, I am not going to fuck you
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Author pov"Can you lift you fucking head and take a fucking look at me?"She asked through gritted teeth..she was even more furious now. And did she just use the swear words to address her boss? She had fucked up and she knew that from the moment she saw him lift his head and casually relaxed his gaze on her. She looked away..she now hated herself. She should have her tongue but she had let it loose. She had just commanded her boss to look at her while she spoke and she had done it in the most vulgar manners."If I heard right, you asked me to lift my fucking head and look at you, is that so?"He asked. His gaze was pinned on her and it was suddenly her own turn to be uncomfortable and be the recipient of his scolding..if he was only going to scold her." I am sorry. I got a bit out of control"She said..she was evading his gaze even as she spoke. Of course she did not want to see his anger or his fury and the arrogance in his face." Now, lift your head and take a look at me".He co
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"How much longer do I have to stay here with you?"She asked as he took one long look at the door behind her." You don't have to stay any longer _"Her phone rang, interrupting him. She took one look at the screen and her eyes became huge..she had an habit of widening her eyes when she was surprised. He liked the view but he was never sure he would like what came with the expression." Well?" He demanded. She did not reply him. She took the call and placed the phone on her ear. It was Helen calling and she was crying." Helen, what is wrong? Why are you crying?"She asked. She was alarmed. She stood up while she was yet to get a reply from Helen.Helen spoke into the phone and then call ended. She was still crying when she dropped the call. Laura bolted for the door but Nicholass was behind her in a jiffy..she had difficulty trying to open the door with her fidgety hands but Nicholass reached the door and held it open..she ran off the office. He locked the office as fast as he could
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Critical Condition
Author pov The boy always had a fez cap on. Laura ran to them.. Lillian was shedding a few tears and so was Helen and Sam was trying to see that they both stopped crying. His hands continually moved from one lady to the next lady and they both tried to press their lips together to keep the sobs from escaping their lips.Laura ran to them. Nicholass followed behind."Where is he? Have you all seen him?"She asked stupidly."The doctor said he is still unconscious and would see us as soon as he was awake.. he had fainted".Helen said. Laura felt her heart give a loud thud.. she was scared to hell."Who had he been with?.. not you and you?"She asked pointing at Sam and then at Lilian. They both nodded. "We were all together, Miss Olivers".Lillian answered as she stood up."Then what happened to him? Why was he the only one hurt?"She asked. They both looked at her in surprise. Did she think it was an accident?"It was not an accident, Laura. We had been challenged by a group of bloke
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Long Story
Author pov"We have to see? That is not our jobs.. we do not have a job to see that they are arrested, that is the job of the police, not ours!"She cried. He shook his head.. perhaps, she did not understand what he meant."Those guys might have been doing all the shit they do and get away. We have to make sure that this time, They don't get away... You get my point?"He asked. Alicia nodded."What do we do then? Go to the police and see for ourselves?"."Maybe.""I think the cops on these parts are pretty efficient. Never seen niggars and thugs get away especially in broad daylight".He sighed..he was not going to force it. He would not force anything." Okay, I should drop you all off in your homes then?"He asked. Lillian shook her head." Ah, we came together, Sam and I. We stay close and that means we'll just go together."Lillian said. She was already standing beside Sam and they left together. It was almost dark outside and they knew it would be unwise to linger any longer." H
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Special Feelings
Author povShe would maybe wonder on that some other time. But at the moment, she needed to be at the hospital, to see her brother." That was true though. Difference is, I didn't mention how my new job looks like"." So, that means we get to know everything when you are ready to talk about it?"" Fuck, yes, Helen. You are practically pestering me! "She snapped. Helen grimaced." That is alright, then. Don't yell so much at me."She said as she walked to the car and jerked one door open and climbed inside. Alicia was suddenly sorry that she had snapped. She did not exactly like to yell at them. Her siblings. Especially not the fragile Helen who Would cry at the littlest provocation. She hoped inwardly that she was not crying as she walked to the driver's seat. She climbed into the car and took deep breaths. She listened without turning to look at her and good for her, Helen was not sniffing. She was not crying. She sighed. She was relieved that she was not crying."Helen, I did not m
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Author pov"Sorry..well, i said the truck was Sam's. We all wanted to get tickets and go see a certain movie but there was a queue. This guy, tall and brawn came and broke the queue. He wanted to stand where he ought not to and I did not let him. Told him he would have to wait until it was his turn and he had been very furious"."Was he one of the guys that beat you up? Can you recognize him?""Fuck. I can recognize the mother fucker"Tony said as he collected the apple and resumed nibbling on it."So, what then, did you try to fight back at all?"Helen asked. He looked at her and shook his head .."Do I look like I tried to fight three big guys who looked like they spent the most favourable part of their days at the gym? Those guys were really big. They could be younger than I am though" Tony said. Helen was surprised. She had no idea they were really young. As young as Tony said they were."We wanted to get some roast chicken and we were almost close to the lot when we realized we
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A New Car!!
Author povOf course they knew she was not that. They would be disappointed if they felt she had not done well and she did not want them disappointed."Fine. Let us talk about this as you Two want. You had questions?""Yeah.. did he get you a new car?"Helen asked."For god's sakes, Helen, did I not say yes to that question?"She Asked. Helen lifted her hands in mock surrender"Maybe I forgot?""Well, don't ask that again, Helen" Tony said. " What is the nature of your job? I have not seen you dress professional at any time to attend to your job. You don't have an office? "He asked.The question she had been waiting for was finally staring at Laura in the face and she was going to have to answer the question. Helen and Tony where at this time watching her intently. Their gazes on her face. They were patient as they anticipated an answer." Okay, fine. I lost my job Because of the man and I was really mad and worried and I was already crying when I walked out of Ford's__"" Wait, "
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Rules Included
Author pov" Let us not talk much about the are going to be bearing that name for a week and you are forever going to have an affiliation with the family wether or not you were married on contract"He said. Helen was by this time looking lost and weary of the whole conversation. She was looking from one face to the other.Laura scoffed." The man is a conceited peacock. I don't want to have anything to do with him beside our contract. We will just have our business done and over with and I will get my pay and then we would finally be able to get our house anywhere in new york!"Laura said, excited. She liked to think and dwell more on what she was going to be paid rather than what he could have beside that to give gave her great satisfaction to know that she was not a greedy person and she never demanded more than she agreed upon. Not in any setting had she ever demanded it. Well, except on one ocassion when she knew she had earned it. She was not going to wait and
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