All Chapters of RISE OF THE ALMIGHTY HEIR : Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
222 chapters
Author pov" Yes, I will stay up with him for as long as he wants to stay and you can go have your beauty sleep".Helen said. She was expecting a harsh reprimand since she expected Laura to get offended when they mentioned work but she was not. She rolled her eyes at them and lifted both hands before speaking."I will not be going to see him tomorrow. That is what you both want to hear".She said. They giggled. Laura often saw herself as the mom to her two siblings which was the more reason she scolded them more than one scolded kids and loved them and prioritized them. She did everything she could to see that they did not lack the basic needs of life and that they did not keep the wrong company. She cared about the company they kept because she did not want them to have any criminal records that would mar their perfect image and name. She had often told them and they had done their very best to not disappoint her. She was still worried about Tony though. He kept too many friends that
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Author povStill hoping for some kind of barge in from the door, Laura was confused and worried at the same time . The words of her mother kept ringing in her head. "Your drinking habit might get you into trouble one day " her mother's lecture was the last thing she needed. She wasn't there with her but her words did find a way to creep into her head. She was still properly dressed, her short tiny strap hand gown was a little shift to the side, with how she woke up, that was Definitely a possibility , though her hair was not in the same elegant curls she had them in the other night, her head was spinning and she suddenly felt the urge to throw up. Hangover?Of course Hangover with what she had yesterday, there was no way on earth she was not getting a Hangover. She ran to the bathroom with her hands over her mouth holding herself from throwing all over the room. Pushing the wooden panel door open, she breezed to the basin and let everything out . The tap was an automatic swi
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Author pov"Let go of me you punk". What are you doing here? She struggled to free herself. How did you find me?"I always find you my princess," He let go of her. "You should be thankful I did , or your name would have been In the papers alongside your family's name. ""What do you mean? She was a lot calmer, she had issues with her parents regarding the whole issue but the last thing she wanted was seeing their names dragged through the mold, a name her father spent years building. Importantly her reputation would be ruined .Nicholas left her standing,went ahead to sit on an arm cushion chair by the corner of the bed with his legs crossed and his hand opening up the button on his tuxedo. His silence was killing her , most infuriating her . She hated that he was putting her on ice . He enjoyed seeing her so disturbed and anxious. "Will you speak?""Huh?""You look really beautiful when tensed." He smiled from the corner of his mouth. "Fine, don't say anything, I'm leaving
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Bad Table Manners
Author povLaura was back at home , her mood was different. Her mother noticed her daughter, she was all buble and spirit Filled when she went for the trip and now she was More of a shadow of herself. Her father as always noticed nothing about the Change. He was either busy with his business or busy with meetings and calls. "Are you okay child? You have been quiet since you came back, today is the second day . You haven't even responded to me. Talk to me." Laura stabbing her steak with a fork. The poor beef did nothing wrong to her yet she let out all the built up emotions on the poor thing. Her father was sitting on the dinning table in front of them along with her mother who say adjacent to her. He was observing everything without a word. Pearl was tired of asking Laura over and over again Without any reasonable answers."Laura , your mother is questioning you , and for Christ sake would you stop with the bad table manners?" he gave her a stern look .Earl was from a Royal fa
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Author povShe took deep breaths while the phone was in her ear waiting for the receiver."Hey princess ... who would have thought my betrothed would call me up so soon .I was just thinking about you." Says a man that had a desk loaf of files and unfinished Job. " Do you perhaps want to say Thank you for saving your soft drink the other day?"How ridiculous was he ,thinking seriously, calling him up for a thank you? It's not Thanksgiving, Laura was ready to eat sand than say one word of appreciation to him." Fuck yourself. It's bold of you to assume that I will ever say thank you." "We need to talk ,I will send you an address."He laughed for a short while then stopped. His laughter had Laura confused. "What was so funny?" She did perhaps say something funny that she wasn't aware of. "This is why I can't get you off my mind, your attitude….. I just love it ." Why was he lying? Nicholas hated everything about her. What changed? So soon? Was he just pretending to hate ? No wa
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why Marriage?
Author povNicholas wondered what it was that Laura was trying to do. Just a few weeks back,She gave herself to him in return for a favor of " call off" and out of the blue she was interested .He wanted to get the truth out of her, and the only way was to intimidate her with his presence. As it was, she couldn't resist. No one could.The Flemmings mansion had an unusually lifted spirit. The bride's family are always elited ,but this was different. Earl was smiling more than usual pearl, not so much. Laura was breaking on the inside but still keeping up a Beautiful " I'm okay" smile .She wasn't, not even a little. THE Sergeyevich were to arrive soon , Earl already ordered dishes to be made He seemed happier than Laura herself.. Laura picked up her best attire yet, light makeup she hoped would Cover her pain. She earlier cried her eyes out in the bathroom and braced up like nothing happened. Princesses don't cry.She was in her room , fixing her hair in Front of the dressing t
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The Man She Wanted
Author pov With how excited Earl was about the whole thing, of he walked in on them having sex he would just smile and find nothing wrong in it after all they were full grown adults. Nicholas stopped kissing her, his left hand was on her jaw pining her head to the wall while his right hand was still inside her thigh. "What… What are you doing ? H"er breath, her hot heated breath, wason his face. " Don't be in such a hurry to find out ". "I …."As she was about to speak she felt the hidden fingers inside of her . The two fingers finding their way around. She gasped for breath…. How unexpected. While she was speaking to him, she was so lost in his eyes that she lost track of what he was doing there. He shoved those fingers in, hard and sensational once , then twice and slowly continuously. Laura was moving her head side to side with her teeth biting down on her palm . She tried not to make a sound not like the people down the staircase would hear .She was being too careful a
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The Wedding
Author povThe first week of moving in was the best feeling for her . Quality time , undivided attention, romance and intimacy. She felt like she was on Top of the world with her dream man holding hands and saying " I won't let you go." It all went well until Eli started abusing her. Sexually and domestically. He would raise his hand to her over the triviest of issues, force himself on her when she refused to let him have his way .There was no possible way she could return home not after vowing to stay away and never return till he landed her in the hospital with internal bleeding. How her parents got to know?how they located her she had no idea all she knew was waking up to her worried mother and furious father .Eli had fled with no traces . Ever since her father didn't give her the privilege to choose a suitor. According to him "she was immature and let emotion cloud her decision " forgetting pearl did the same thing with him. Pearl feared Laura was repeating her mistakes and g
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At the Dinning
Author povThe dining king sized table was already set with the goblets and plates. As per the tradition, the bride and groom were to be seated first next to each other before another member of each family could join in. Laura didn't like the idea of sitting so close to her husband. Nicholas on the other hand was enjoying every bit of what was happening. Seeing her so uncomfortable gave him peace of mind . Laura's cheeks soon started to hurt from so much pretense and fake smile. When Nicholas saw that everyone on the table was occupied in their conversation,laughing and dining to the jokes and delicious meals served, he struck .Laura was already trying so hard to Avoid Petite talks and contact with him, that only made him eager to do something. He couldn't just leave the poor girl alone, there was no fun in that. Laura already Changed to a more comfortable outfit after everything. There was no way a full ball gown could fit into the chair. He slipped his hands under the tabl
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Just a Week
Author povLaura knew that already she just felt bad that this might be that last time she saw her mother. Everything was planned out,get married, get the inheritance, divorce Nicholas or probably elope to a whole new city to start a new life with no memories of the past .She was so sure that after Earl heard about what she did he was going to disown and compel Pearl to do so too. He did it before, he can do it again. Yet she was ready for this worse. Ready for the cut off. She said her final goodbyes ,tears welled up in her eyes with the thought of not getting to see her mother again.Soon they were on a plane back to France. It was her first flight .Her seat was next to Nicholas. She did everything not to talk to him. Still fuming with anger from what he did. " I told you…. "He spoke to Laura that had her head and eyes looking at stars from the window seat she chose. "You belong to Me now, only me" . Laura had a lot she wanted to say to him but she held back .Was she an obje
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