All Chapters of RISE OF THE ALMIGHTY HEIR : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
214 chapters
Nicholas woke up with a serious banging sensation as he made to get up from his bed, he noticed he was still dressed in the attire he wore the previous night. He stared at his feet but he had no shoes on, just his socks. Nicholas sits up as he heaved a sigh of relief while strolling into the bathroom. He couldnʼt see clearly as he splashed water on his face calling himself to consciousness. He took a long look at the mirror brushing his messy hair to lay neatly. He moved to his kitchen and brought out a bowl pouring the contents of the Cereal box into it as he added some milk and settled down to eat. He almost choked out of shock to see Mal and Lindsay all dressed up staring at him. “What the?!” He exclaimed. “ How did you get into my apartment?” He asked, still eating from his plate. "And why are you staring like that!" He asked both Lindsay and Mal. “You granted us access last night, How much did you take?” Mal asked, rolling his eyes at him. "That you can't remember anything yo
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Nicholas felt a lump in his throat as he looked himself over. The royal blue tuxedo he wore sat elegantly on his well built masculine stature.He had his doubts about tonightʼs invitation but he got dressed anyway. He walks out of his room to meet Lindsay.Lindsay smiles at him excitedly. She held two masks. She wore an Emerald green dress with floral embroidery at the tail.“Are you ready Mr Nicholas?” She asked, smiling. “Do I look like I have a choice?” He asked, smiling at Lindsay.“Alright Letʼs Get this baby rolling”. She said, referring to the car. Nicholas couldnʼt help but laugh. She had her way of spicing things up.They drove to the gallery where the show was hosted. Nicholas put on his mask and so did Lindsay.The Host,a beautiful young lady making waves in the business world showcased her art. Greg Jessica, wore a white gown that displayed her slender figure and a matching heel with the most fascinating mask. She was an artist after all.Greg Jessica gave a brief history
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Nicholas picked a mug wearing a loose track suit and a t-shirt that hugged his body. He brushed his hair backwards while pouring hot water into the content of the mug.His doorbell rang as he held his mug strolling to the door he checked through an electronic monitor to see Lindsay he unlocked the door using a code.“Lindsay itʼs Saturday, could you free me of my misery!!” He said falling into his couch as he sips his coffee.“I hate my job too, Good morning Mr Nicholas” She says frowning.“Get a man and go on a date with Lindsay itʼs Saturday!” Nicholas says, teasing her."Yeah it will be possible if you stop creating so much news!” Lindsay says. “Are you flirting or you're real?”“Flirting? With you?!” He asked, surprised and confused.“Seriously?!” She says, raising her brows. “Have you checked your Insta!” She says punching her tab as she scrolls through it.“What? Is there something I should know?” Nicholas said calmly."Here” Lindsay said, showing him pictures of Jessica and hims
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"Everybody take a seat," Sam said, trying to calm the atmosphere. "I'm Sam Wesson, your number one intelligent agent; let's go through the formalities and introduction," he began."Let's skip the formalities," Damian said, still holding Jessica like Nicholas would steal her away."Okay, then I'll need three days!" Sam is scribbling some notes. "I'll have all you need.".Damian and Jessica walked out arguing, his masculine voice overshadowing hers. She seemed sad, and he didn't seem to care how much it affected her. He was calm before, and on seeing Nicholas, he flared up. Was he feeling threatened because he's black and Nicholas is white?Nicholas didn't want to intrude, so he quietly walked to where his car was parked and drove off.Nicholas walked into the restaurant where he would meet with Jessica, her fiance, and Sam, as agreed. They waited for Damian to arrive, and for some reason he was acting up."Okay, what I'm about to show you may never leave any of you the same, especially
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Lindsay walks out of her bedroom, walking towards the front door, as she puts her hair into a bun. She wore a shirt and track pants. Lindsay wasn't the big house type, but the furnishings? expensive!.“Alexia? Turn on the white lights." She said as she put in a code and opened the door to receive Mal.“So you sounded bothered,” she said, moving to the kitchen area as Mal settled on a couch. “Beer or wine?” She asked.“Beer please”. He says he is using his hands to cover his face. Lindsay brought two bottles of beer and two plates of finely cooked steak with lemons.“Could you give me a hand here?” She asked about having difficulties while holding the items. “Yeah, thanks," she says, impressed."Lindsay, you're a darling,” Mal said, eating his steak. “Did you always have this cooked?” He asked, still eating.“I leave some in my oven; for days I work overnight,” she said, eating too.“I haven't heard from Nicholas,” Mal said, sipping his beer after clearing his throat. “Unlike him, his
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Nicholas walked towards his front door with caution, frowning. He looked into the electronic monitor as he saw Jessica standing there, looking worried. He enters the code. As the door opens, Jessica hugs him tightly for a while. He just stands there, not knowing whether to hold her back or break from her embrace. On a second thought, he holds her tightly. He felt guilty for running away from her; he had kept his distance. He was blank at why he did so too. His grip on Jessica tightened as he stood still. “I thought I had lost you." Jessica said, breaking down. “I felt like I had brought you into my sh*t, and then you're gone.” Jessica said, shaken by pain. “And everything's falling apart, Nichole!!” She says crying loudly. Nicholas was so confused as to what he should do. He held her closely to his abs as she heard the rhythmic activities of his heart. He held her for a little longer, as Jessica wouldn't stop. And then he let himself in. Nicholas pulled her face to his as he kisse
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Jessica sat painting a portrait as she danced to a song. She does so with ease. Her new personal assistant walks in to meet her. “Miss Greg?” He called after giving the door a little tap. “Thereʼs someone waiting for you at the gallery.” The young man says. He was a man with a touch of feminism. Slender with long hair and he wore colourful clothes. “I'll join them soon, '' she said, looking the portrait over.He nods his head slightly as he leaves. Jessica cleans herself up as she moves to the gallery to see Maya. “Hi Miss Shay” Jessica said smiling while opening her arms warmly for an embrace. “Hello Miss Greg, forgive me but Iʼm not here for that” she said neither shaken nor accepted Jessicaʼs gesture. “Well I'm most disappointed because a person of your status can stoop so low,” Maya says, confusing Jessica the most. “If you could speak in clear terms, I might understand what it is you're talking about.” Jessica said, cracking her brain a little while trying to figure out what
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Posters and postcards were all over Brooklyn. The Higher ups bought seats while the average resigned to sitting amongst the crowd.People of different colours and nationalities trooped into Brooklyn for the fashion show! The host was and always remains a promising gift to the fashion world. So they didnʼt bother about how much they spent just to honour her invitation. Her brand was so awesome and durable!Lindsay kept pressing to Nicholas the need to attend. She really wanted to go, she just didnʼt want to go alone so she had to push Nicholas, Mal wasnʼt available. She would have hung onto him without stressing much. He really didnʼt see any reason to, Not until Jessica asked she started her fashion icon would be there. Nicholas knew he had to make up for the last time so he didn't give it a rethink.Lindsay was happy she still attended the show and for what itʼs worth she wouldnʼt be seated amongst the crowd but with the higher ups.Maya came with her assistant and she was really lo
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Nicholas walked into Mr Grahamʼs ward while holding Andre as Stephanie and Lindsay followed them holding a big picnic basket. Lindsay held a sealed tuxedo for Mr Graham to Change into. “Hey Dad.” Nicholas said, beaming with excitement. “Hello Mr Graham,”ʼAndre said as his curiosity kicked in, causing him to touch some stuff.”Will my mom get treated now?!” Andre asked. “Andre” Stephanie called him cautiously. “Good morning Mr Graham.”ʼshe said, greeting Mr Graham who sat on his bed smiling excitedly. “Ready to go on a road trip?” Nicholas asked, smiling. “Good morning Mr Graham,” Lindsay greeted him with a kiss on his cheeks. “I thought youʼd be coming with Jessica?” He asks searchingly. “Sheʼs currently on a business trip and apologises for not being available.”ʼLindsay says as she exchanges glances with Nicholas. He heaved a sigh of relief, what was he going to say anyways? How would he explain the complexity of the issue at hand. Jessica was actually being self entered like
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Maya was charged to court by Nicholas for the defamation of Jessica Gregʼs character. A proper investigation was carried out and there was evidence to prove that Jessica was innocent of the accusations levelled against her.Jessica wore a plain corporate dress as she packed her hair ponytail style. She wore diamond earrings and a complimenting necklace on flat shoes. She came by herself one could tell there was something going on between her and Nicholas.Jessica also preferred her lawyer over Nicholasʼs. Nicholas attended the hearing either way. His aim mainly was to see Maya fall.“Yeah, call me self centred.” He thought to himself as he entered the courtroom with Lindsay by his side. The judge entered as the clerk announced and then the hearing began.Nicholas was a bit distracted to listen to the details of the hearing. He kept frowning at his phone during the hearing.“Are you going to miss the judgesʼ sentence?” Lindsay asks as she nudges him. Nicholas nods as if to shake the no
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