All Chapters of RISE OF THE ALMIGHTY HEIR : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
214 chapters
Nicholas and Mal walked out of the hospital after he had gone to pay his father another visit. He frequently did so because he never knew when the old man would check out.They chatted happily as they approached the parking lot. “Good day Mr Nicholas “ Detective Mendel said “Iʼm Detective Mendel from the Central police station”. He said producing a badge.”Andy this is my colleague, Detective Bryan” He said as Detective Bryan waves.“Okay,” Nicholas said as he shared a glance with Mal.“You're invited to the station for questioning,” He said, replacing his badge.“What for?” Nicholas asked as He tried to maintain a vague posture.“In regards to the Miss Maya Shayʼs missing case”. He said. “Please we ask you to cooperate with us.” “Okay,” He said calmly, turning to Mal. “Ask Lindsay to contact Barrister Stewart.” He said facing the detectives. '`Gentle men, Shall we?''They escorted Nicholas to the car and took him to the station. ....…...Nicholas entered the car quietly as he peere
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Detective Mendel stared at the car in front of him as he cross checked the plate number with the one on the note. As the car strolled through the night down south he followed at snail speed.Soon the car came to a stop in front of a phone booth as the passenger came down and moved cautiously using the phone. As he noticed the Detective watching him. The stranger quickly dropped the call and hopped into his car zooming off.Detective Mendel chased him immediately, the chase continued through to an abandoned hotel there the stranger came down from his vehicle and began running down some abandoned buildings Detective Mendel shot at the strangerʼs left leg. As he approaches the stranger cautiously aiming his gun he meets no one, searchʼs the surrounding buildings but finds no one.He returns to where the car was parked as he approaches the car it blows off throwing him far off as he shields his head. The car burned as its flames went high.........Lindsay walks into Nicholasʼs office pi
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“I think we should demand for a ransom” The young sturdy looking man said into the phone as his eyes searched the environment for possible threats. "There's a lot of eyes on the case presently" "we need to think fast" He said. “The police are in on this case and wouldnʼt go down well if weʼre caught” The young man continued. “Weʼll be losing on every side” He paused as the man on the other end responded after a long wait. “ Demand for the ransom and fill me in.” The voice said calmly as the line disconnected. The young man puts on his hoodie as he walks out of the vicinity. ...... Laura shay walked round M&M's Mart as she picked a few groceries her eyes were weak and seemed weary a dark circle was casted around her eyes. She carefully picked her groceries off the counter holding the trolley. The other Customers muttered some gossip about her but she was too drained to engage in their stupidity. Laura Shay held her groceries after checking it at the counter she walked towards t
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Maya strolled out of her room to the kitchen to meet her mom and brother. Laura was preparing lunch as Shawn sat idly by pressing his phone.“Maya honey,” Laura said, stirring the stew. “ I wasnʼt expecting you to be up till much later” she said smiling.“ I'm awake now,” She said as she drew a seat and sat on it .Laura hands her her meds and a bottle of water maya takes it from her, Mayaʼs face seemed pale she took the drugs in one go.“I'll serve lunch soon,” Laura Said facing the pot.“Leave mine in the microwave,” Maya said, putting on her jacket as she headed for the front door. Laura stares at Maya then at Shawn who shrugs as he continues pressing his phone.“ you're so useless!!” She cursed attempting to hit Shawn...........Mr Morgan turned his chair to see the intruder whom his secretary fought hard to stop from accessing his office. On turning he sees Maya. "Allow her,” Morgan said, frowning to his secretary. “ Maya Shay,” He says, flashing his fine dentition. “ I wasnʼt
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Nicholas walked into the florist store with Lindsay as he flashed a smile, his eyes glittering like an ocean with which the sun graced its beauty.“ Hi Erika” He said to the female attendant at the florist store. “Mr Nicholas Good morning sir.” She said beaming with excitement.“ I'm back for the white Roses,” He said. “I'll have a large bouquet” He said flashing a smile.As they waited for the female attendant to pack their order some other customers strolled in amongst them were Maya Shay.She also requested a white rose bouquet. Nicholas turned his back on them; he didnʼt want any confrontation. But his prayers were not one to be fulfilled.Juanita walked in holding a tote bag to herself. Juanita wore a flowery yellow dress with black boots. She walked towards the counter as she exchanged pleasantries with Maya.Nicholas Graham knew for sure he wasnʼt going to make it out okay. All the ladies he liked, loved or knew stood there buying white roses.
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The radar in the prison beeped as the warden led Bob Fisher out into the visiting room. As he takes his seat.“You came, finally,” he says, balancing in his seat. “Your friend said you were missing." He said it with a smirk. “Thank God you're found." He totted“I thought we were meant to be lovers?!” Maya asked, burning with fury."Well, we actually are,” he said calmly. “Or aren't we?!” He said this, raising his voice a little.“You kidnap me, you conniving little dimwit!!!!” She says her eyes are flashing with danger!.“Easy with your choice of words,” he said, laughing. “I mean, you'll be insulting the US prison protocol.” He grinned from ear to ear.“You Bastard!!” She cursed. “I'll make you pay every penny you took from me!”“Speaking of a penny, you still owe me 6.5 billion dollars,“ he said, flicking his finger. “I only took 4 billion dollars, and it's left with 6.5.“ He said this, raising his voice as he flashed his eyes. The warden hits his baton on the wall like a warning.“
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Nicholas made a fist as he loosened his tie, walking aggressively towards the room Juanita was in. He walked angrily down the halls to the room Juanita was in. He throws the door open to see Juanita packing her things in a rush. His gaze fell on the bag as he menaced towards her, grabbing her wrist tightly. “Nicholas, you're hurting me,” Juanita says, her eyes watering. “What did she have on you?!” He asks gently as Juanita struggles to get her hands freed. “Answer me!” He said, his voice thundering. “You know nothing about me!!” She says this, looking at Nicholas angrily. “So don't stand there and question me like some saint, which you're not!!!” She says she feels tears rolling down her cheeks. “No, you're wrong, Juanita! I know you, yes, I do!” He says it angrily. ”I know you're a charming chameleon!" Nicholas began, tightening his grip around her wrists as he pushed her to the wall. “I also know you're a greedy lowlife and a scheming pitshot,” he said, pushing her to the wall.
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Nicholas dressed in a black suit,He held his umbrella as the priest said the final rites for Juanita. They were just a few mourners. Mal and Lindsay stood besides him too,monitoring his every mood.The priest sang some hymns as finally the mourners dispersed.Nicholas dropped the bouquet on her grave side.”Let pure love and uniqueness guide you home” He says.“Iʼm sorry for the loss” He said turning to Mr Jang Shin.“She was a good girl that did nothing but good,” Jang began sniffing. “ And she took the wrong turn, so it's nobody's fault”. He concluded by wiping tears away from his eyes as he sobs into his handkerchief. “She didnʼt deserve to die! My Juanita didnʼt deserve to die” He cried, shaken by pain.“I totally understand and I'm sorry for dragging her into my mess” Nicholas apologised, his voice cracked a bit. “Iʼm available if thereʼs anything youʼll be needing”. Nicholas said leaving Mr Shin,his eyes had a thin shed of red.Nicholas felt a
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Bob Fisher opened his eyes gradually as they adjusted to the light.He tried to use his right hand to shield his eyes from the brightness but they were cuffed as he raised his left hand he felt a sting from the needle. “ Ouch!” He exclaimed, frowning. He raises them carefully this time as he tries to sit upright. “ Welcome back Mr Fisher.” The doctor said "holding a chart in hand." You've been sleeping for a while now, Thank God you made it" The doctor says smiling warmly. “How are you feeling?” He asked further. “Tired,” Bob said, using his left hand to feel his neck wound. “Any pain?” The doctor asks as he observes Bob and scribbles some notes on his chart. “Yes, My head hurts,” Bob said, relaxing his back a bit. “I'll ask the nurse to induce some extra painkillers,” The doctor says. “Youʼll be fit in two days, hopefully” He concludes putting his pen away. Bob knew that he wasnʼt safe outside the prison walls at least not yet. He was yet to figure out a plan to escape the loa
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Nicholas sat fiddling with his ball point pen as Lindsay sat in front of him sorting some files as she itched with curiosity and finally asked. “So_you met with Maya Shay?” She asked, still going through the documents vaguely as she peered at the absent minded Nicholas.“Hmmhmm” He responded. “ Iʼm yet to get her response,” He says, frowning.“Sheʼll come around” Lindsay says as she continues with the documents she held in her hands.“Howʼs Mr Jang?” He asked, turning to face his table as he picked some of the documents Lindsay arranged in a neat stack.“Heʼs fine, we sent him some supplies but he complained of having nightmares" Lindsay responded. “Do you think we should pay Maya Shay a visit?” She asked, looking at him.“No!” Nicholas said in a calm but authoritative manner. “She should come to me, I'll wait patiently” He says, raising his head to look Lindsay in the eyes.“Okay,” Lindsay says, giving in as she continues to arrange the documents .All she wanted was for Nicholas to
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