All Chapters of RISE OF THE ALMIGHTY HEIR : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
214 chapters
Maya continued to pace around the room, trying but failing obviously, to calm herself. "Sorry isn’t going to cut it." She told Shawn . "I’ve got enough on my plate without dealing with your irresponsibility." She said to him. She sank onto the couch, her anger giving way to evident frustration and helplessness. Shawn, not knowing what else to do, approached her cautiously, he cautiously and anxiously took a seat beside her. "Maya, talk to me. What’s really going on?" He asked her. She let out a sigh as her fingers moved to rub at her temples. They massaged the spot so tenderly but that wasn't taking away the migraine that she felt."It’s just... everything is falling apart." She said while Shawn watched her. " Nicholas is thriving, and Bob... Bob is drowning in debt. I thought he was my ticket out of this mess, but he’s dragging me down with him." She said. She almost felt like crying. Shawn knew all of these, he was there
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Maya took a swing of the beer placed atop the counter, she bent her head and scotched as the unpleasant taste corroded her mouth but he pleasant feeling lifting itself off her tongue all the way into the tip of her head before sending tiny shivers all the way down to her spine.“That’s your fourth bottle,” Tania reminded her. “It’s already late, Maya, we should go.”“Don’t worry I’ll pay.”“It’s not about your finances but your safety. You are a woman and…”“Oh don’t give me that woman bullshit now!” Maya snorted. “If you want to leave, leave.”“And leave you to the perils that this bloody city has to offer?”“Would you rather share in those perils with me?”“Loads better than deserting I’d say.”Maya ignored her best friend as she continued to drink her beer. One big swing at a swing at a time until the content of it was almost down to the bottom.“What do you think Bob would do if you divorce him?” Maya thought aloud.“Same thing all men always do.”“And what is that?”“Blame you.”
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Nicholas left Lindsay on the balcony and went to fetch Mal. He had promised to take him out today but they were not chance to meet at eth party because he got carried away making connections with other entrepreneurs.On his way down stairs to search for Mal, he bumped into an elderly man in a large black suit that although it looked too big for him, still managed to suit him so well it was as if it was the style he was going for. “Hey! Nicholas! How are you doing?” the man beamed as he put his arm around Nicholas. “It’s been a minute. Nice party by the way, the food is great and your wife is hospitable as well.”“My wife?” Nicholas squinted. He had a fortune he did not know about; he had a dad he did not know was still alive, was it possible he had a wife that he did not know about too?“Yeah, the nice lady that was with you earlier.”“Oh no that was my – ““Friend?” the man interjected with a mischievous smile. “They always say so at first I promise you.”“No, I was about to say vic
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The sun was unable to penetrate the thick dark curtains that lined every window of the room but Maya could tell by her pure instincts that it was already well into the day. She opened her eyes and the only thing that gave her a hint that of last night was the hangover that remained from yesterday’s fun. That was when she begun to understand her surroundings. Her eyes caught the bed side stool and the orange soft glowing lamp on it, the large television hoisted against the wall just opposite the bed and the tiny shelf on the west side of the room meant for clothes. The memory of last night began to come back to her.Maya struggled to sit, it was a burdensome thing to stand so she stumbled back to the bed the instant she attempted to do so. Maya clicked on her phone and where she expected to see the time at 7:00am, she saw 10:00am. Her mouth hung open as she frantically rose and threw the sheets off from herself to reveal her bare body. She covered herself as if aware of an invisible ey
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Three beeps pierce through the silence of the dark room followed by the faint illumination of a phone at the bed side table. Nicholas's right hand reach for the phone, pulling it towards him but it slips off and thuds once it reaches the ground.Nicholas slipped the bedsheet off his body, lazily pulling himself by his arms off his bed. He reached for his phone and checked the time. It was 5:00am. He should sleep a little, he thought but one glance at his phone changed his mind immediately."We have a promising proposal and i promise this isn't like the other ones Bob Fisher has been forcing into the system," wrote Lindsay via text. "Check your email."Nicholas climbed from bed finally, he dragged his feet towards the toilet to get his consciousness back on track. The running tap sounded odd this morning. He still wasn't used to the fact that he just needed to place his hand underneath it to get it flowing.The window looked blurry when Nicholas peered at it. But so did the rest of bat
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Maya stood perplexed in the middle of the office. Her eyes went from Nicholas to the door where that tall dark man just walked from. She could swear that he had seen him before but she could not place where and in what circumstance they had met.“I did not lock your lover up,” Nicholas said. “I did not even know that he was locked up until Mr Morgan told me.”“Lair!” Maya spat. “You have always been.”“Says the woman who cheat on me every day with a good for nothing braggart and blackmails me into feeling like I don’t do enough to provide.” Nicholas eyes flashed with what was concealed anger.Maya stepped back. Tania had told her in the bar the other day that men change once they climb the economic ladder. God knows what man Nicholas had become. His voice came off as more hoarse than usual and the look on his face screamed of rage. But against who?“He never owed you money, Nicholas.”“I said I did not lock him up. I did not order for his arrest. If what Mr Morgan tells me is true, th
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Still deep in thought, the telephone on the desk began to buzz incessantly thereby cutting Nicholas’s flow of thought. “How may I help you?” Nicholas asked as he picked the call. “It's Lina and apologies for the sudden disturbance sir. Miss Lindsay said something about you and her having a meeting booked by 3pm?” “Oh of course. Please show her in and thank you.” “You're welcome boss.” Disconnecting the call, Nicholas stared at the door as Lindsay walked in. “Hello sir.” She said as she flashed a smile at him and sat down. “Hello Lindsay. It's been quite an interesting day if you ask me?” “Oh really? Well that's nice to hear. So on the agenda for this meeting, we have to deal with some really stub–” “Morgan came in today with a proposal.” “Morgan? Morgan , who's also your friend?” Lindsay questioned with a skeptical tone. “Yes? And why do you sound… surprised? “It's just that he has never for once talked about a proposal before and all of a sudden, he comes to you w
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"I'll take these,” Nicholas flashed a smile at the florist who blushed at the sight. “Don't mind if I ask but are the flowers for your girlfriend?” The florist who seemed to be a new employee at the shop question sheepishly. “You seem to be quite interested in my personal life,” he teased. “No! T-that’s not it, I'm sorry if I'm being nosy. I just thought that maybe I could give you a better suggestion if it was for a lover,” she mumbled the last part, looking at the floor unable to maintain eye contact with him. “It's alright,” he smiled amicably. “ I'm single.” “Then why don't you get white roses? I know red is a little too common but white is perfect as it symbolizes eternal love and loyalty,” the florist suggested. “I appreciate your suggestions but it would be so awkward to give my father white roses,” Nicholas ran his hand through his hair. “I forgot to add that I'm visiting my dad not a girl,” he added to make sure everything was clear. “I'
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As wine goes with a finely cooked steak, so should wealth and happiness. But no! They keep conflicting, especially in my life. Nicholas thought as he walked into his apartment. His hand fumbled around the wall in search of the switch.He took a wine glass as he turned a glass full. Staring into space while running his hands through his hair, He kept wondering what would become of his father, Justin Graham. He was currently the only one he could call family.Thoughts of considering his fatherʼs request played as he shook his head waving the thoughts off. He lost his tie as he strolled to the bathroom, he paused and turned back as if forgetting something. He reaches out and grabs the bottle of wine as he makes a bath for himself giving in to his thoughts......The beeping sound from his phone brought him into consciousness.Nicholas took the phone scrolling through the messages that just popped up and also and also to some missed calls.Nicholas flung a towel around his waist as He str
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Maya looked herself over again in the mirror as she adjusted her cleavages to sit properly where they could be seen. She smiled while applying some more makeup.“Donʼt you think youʼre a bit ahead with this_this Morgan” Tania asked “Wealth is for those willing to take a new step at every opportunity glaring at them” Maya said smiling as she turned to look at Tania whoʼs sitting on the bed.“Bobʼs past tense now” She said “It will only take a miracle to get him back to the status that befits me “ She said trying to pick a matching purse.“Yeah Bobʼs past tense but have you considered this Morgan guy” she said pressing further.“I'll be careful honey” Maya said to Tania “ I just donʼt want Nicholas to ever have a reason to think heʼs better off” she said frowning “I'll never recover from that trauma” she said, sliding her heels on.“Besides Mr Morgan is one ticket for that” she said her smiles flashing back.“Alright then, seems youʼve got it all figured out” Tania said, giving in “jus
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