All Chapters of RISE OF THE ALMIGHTY HEIR : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
214 chapters
Lindsay and Mal walked into the house to meet Nicholas. He was holding a cup of tea. It was beginning to snow outside and the atmosphere was generally cold and pale. Nicholas smiled when he saw them. He watched them come into the house with a huge smile on his face. "Lindsay," he said. "What a pleasant surprise." He told her and she smiled back at him. So did Mal. "Hello Nicholas." She said to him as he offered them seats which they took. "How are you doing?" He asked her. "I'm good. " She said as she glanced at Mal. Mal walked towards where she was smiling at Nicholas. "Compliments of the season Nicholas." Mal said to him. Nicholas chuckled at that. "It is the season of yuletide." He responded with a nod. "What can I offer y'all? I've got coffee and hot chocolate." He offered and Lindsay smiled at that. "We're fine. " She said to her. "Cut the crap Lind," Nicholas said. "I insist. What would you like to take?" He asked them as he glanced from Mal to Lindsay. "We'll have cof
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Nicholas repeatedly paced back and forth in his study, he was lost in thoughts. The warmness of the crackling fire was doing quite little in trying to thaw the chill he felt from his conversation with Lindsay and Mal only just moments ago. Right at that moment, mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, ones that he simply couldn't place a hold of or whatever it was that he had planned. Finally, as he found himself unable to contain his anxiety any longer, he grabbed his phone and dialled Lindsay’s number. He waited for the call to connect and when it did he let out a breath before he spoke."Lindsay?" Nicholas called as soon as she picked up. He tried his hardest to keep his voice calm, but the tension made him sound like a frantic little kid who was trying to ask his abusive parent for a Christmas present. Coincidentally, it was indeed Christmas and he was indeed asking her for something that would in some ways be beneficial to him. "Nicholas," she responded in a surprised v
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That evening, Lindsay and Mal were having dinner when her phone buzzed. It was a message from Nicholas: Can we talk tomorrow? I want to make things right. His message read. When she read it, she rolled her eyes as she looked to Mal who was happily eating his meal without any cares in the world. Lindsay showed the message to Mal, who nodded approvingly. "That's good. Maybe he’s coming around." He said as he put some veggies into his mouth and began to munch away. Lindsay looked at Mal for a few moments before she let out a sigh. "I do hope so," she said, feeling a glimmer of hope. "I hate being at odds with him." She said, He was such a good person to her and she wouldn't appreciate it if what they shared was tainted for whatever reasons. They had their dinner and went to bed that night. Mal was okay with her going to see Nicholas. He was his friend too, but he wanted to see his girlfriend getting along with her employer and friend. After all, they both met and came to know each ot
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Maya tried to call Bob's line but it wasn't going through. She hated whenever that happened. How could right thinking humans have phones and still find it difficult to take their calls? She thought in frustration. She paced around her house. It wasn't like she cared for Bob, it was just that they had already gotten deep into this thing they were doing and it seemed like there was no going back for her. She rolled her eyes as she walked away from the living room towards the kitchen to grab a fruit from the kitchen counter. When she got in, she saw that her mother was beginning to make dinner. She let out a sigh as she headed for what she wanted to get. The fruits. She could see a couple of them in a basket on the kitchen island. She dipped her hand and grabbed a banana. Turning to her mother, she peeled off the skin of the banana and put the soft fruit into her mouth as she bit and began to chew casually.."What are you making for dinner mom?" She asked her mother in between mouthfuls
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Maya could hardly sleep that night. She kept tossing and turning on her bed without finding rest. She groaned loudly as she felt herself getting more annoyed with the passing of the day. Her thoughts were so full of regrets, uncertainties, and the strange, annoying curiosity about Bob's recent absence as well as his attitude towards her. She thought about what to do and came to the conclusion that she was going to listen to what Tania had told her, to confront him at his house. That would be way more profitable and she would get something out of it. At the very least he would be able to open up to her on why he was being AWOL all of a sudden. Yes, she thought, that was the best thing to do. She concluded and went to sleep.The next morning, after tossing and turning for hours, she had finally decided to take Tania's advice and confront Bob in person and so she prepared in that aspect. Bob needed to explain to her what the hell was his problem and why he was ignoring her for over a lo
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Bob sat in the café, nursing a coffee and trying to focus on anything but the storm brewing in his chaos that was his life. He knew he needed to clear his head, but it felt impossible with Maya's frustration. It was beginning to tell him so badly. Just as he was about to take another sip, the door swung open, and in walked Nicholas Graham. Nicholas spotted Bob immediately and made a beeline for his table, his expression hardened with each step. Bob let out a silent sigh. This was probably the last thing he needed at the moment. "Bob Fisher," Nicholas said in a disdainful voice as he stood over the table. "Fancy seeing you here." Nicholas said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes, tainting his lips. Bob looked up with feigned nonchalance. "Nicholas. What brings you to this neck of the woods?" He asked him. Nicholas sneered. "Cut the crap, Bob. You know exactly why I'm here. I've heard the rumours. You're messing around with Maya, and now you're ducking her calls. What kind
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Maya sat on a park bench, her mind raced with questions and doubts about what was to come that evening. She had impromptu accepted to meet with Bob after his unexpected phone call last night, and now she was ready to get some answers. As she watched him approach where she was, she steeled herself as she waited for whatever revelations were about to come. She was ready for whatever explanation he wanted to give to her. Bob walked up to her. He had a vague expression on his face. "Thanks for meeting me, Maya." Bob said as soon as he got to where she was. Maya nodded her head. Her face was unreadable so Bob couldn't see what she felt. "Let's just get to it, Bob. What do you need to tell me?" She told him without even mincing words. They both took their seats, and Bob inhaled deeply. "I've been an idiot, Maya." He said. "I've let my work stress and personal issues get in the way of our relationship." He began. Maya crossed her arms as she narrowed her eyes. "What personal i
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Nicholas already had it all figured out. It was simple and he was ready to do it. He was just going to deceive Maya and Bob into believing that he was for them. He was going to act along with their schemes and then he was going to reap them off everything that they worked and sweated for. Yes, that was the ultimate revenge, he thought as he smiled proudly to himself. Bob Fisher and Maya Shay had grown into the enemies of his life and he was hell bent and determined on showing them who was the boss. With that thought in mind, Nicholas grabbed his phone as he called the guy he had asked to call Bob Fisher. The phone rang and was picked on the first ring and the voice flowed out of the speaker. "Hello?" It said and Nicholas sighed before he spoke. "It's Nicholas Graham." Nicholas said into the call. "How did it go?" He asked him. "It went well." The detached voice said from the speaker. "I called and informed Bob Fisher and I can say that he was beginning to believe what I ha
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Nicholas' eyes widened at that. Mal was on his way? He looked alarmed at that. Lindsay looked at him and she folded her hand as she did. "What are you going to do?" She asked him. "What do you mean what am I going to do?" He asked her. "What are we going to do?" He asked her. This wasn't just him. It was both of them. "It's not something to be scared about. " She said to him. "You're Mal's friend are you not?" She asked him. "What do you mean by that?" Nicholas asked as he gave her a hard look. Before Lindsay could respond to Nicholas' question, the door creaked open and Mal stepped into the room. as he came in, all eyes were turned on him. His presence was filled in the room, and as he entered Nicholas stiffened on seeing him. He became uncomfortable. At least he wasn't uncomfortable. Mal's eyes swept the room before settling on Nicholas and he let out a small smile on seeing them. "Nicholas, Lindsay," he greeted them, his tone was neutral but his gaze was penetrating a
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Nicholas slowly opened his eyes and looked around his room. He groaned out loud as he watched with squinted eyes as the sunlight filtered through the curtains, illuminating his thoroughly dishevelled room. His head pounded from the hangover he had the previous night, and the events of the previous night came rushing back like a flood whose gates that held back the waters had been let open. He still felt somewhat uneasy at the ordeals of last night when he had had the brief altercation with Lindsay and Mal. His phone suddenly buzzed on the nightstand, and groaning he lazily reached for it, squinting at the screen. It was Maya. With a sigh, he answered the call. "Nicholas," Maya's voice came through the receiver speaker and he groaned at how loud her voice was, "I'm on my way to my lawyer's office to get the check for the money my father left me in his will." She told him. Nicholas rolled his eyes as his lips curled into a sardonic smile. Maya really was falling for this, huh? "O
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