All Chapters of RISE OF THE ALMIGHTY HEIR : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
214 chapters
Nicholas took a deep breath. He could very well feel the weight of the words he'd just spoken settle over them like a heavy blanket. Lindsay was silent, her eyes fixed on the ground. The park around them seemed unusually still, as if the world itself was holding its breath, waiting for her response. “I know you care about him,” Nicholas continued, his voice quieter now. “But I’ve been your friend for so long, Lindsay. I’ve seen how he treats you, and I just can’t stand it. I can’t stand by and do nothing.” Lindsay finally looked up, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. “Nicholas, I appreciate your honesty, but this is so complicated. Mal and I have a history, and it’s not something I can just walk away from.” Nicholas clenched his fists, trying to keep his emotions in check. “I understand that. But don’t you see? He’s not right for you. You deserve someone who truly loves you, who respects you, and who won’t take you for granted.” She sighed, looking torn. “I... I need time
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Maya paced angrily around the room. “I think we should demand for a ransom” The young sturdy looking man said into the phone as his eyes searched the environment for possible threats. "There's a lot of eyes on the case presently" "we need to think fast" He said. “The police are in on this case and wouldnʼt go down well if weʼre caught” The young man continued. “Weʼll be losing on every side” He paused as the man on the other end responded after a long wait. “ Demand for the ransom and fill me in.” The voice said calmly as the line disconnected. The young man puts on his hoodie as he walks out of the vicinity. ....... Laura shay walked round M&M's Mart as she picked a few groceries her eyes were weak and seemed weary a dark circle was casted around her eyes. She carefully picked her groceries off the counter holding the trolley. The other Customers muttered some gossip about her but she was too drained to engage i
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Laura Shay stood by the window of the small psychiatric hospital room, staring out at the city skyline. It was a bright day, but no one was sure on whether it would rain or not. The twilight hues painted a surreal picture, it was totally different from the mess that was her life life. Jer daughter was still too young to be going through a midlife crisis. She had only just left one marriage. Not two and most certainly not three! She wasn't even up to the age of thirty yet. Well she was on her way but not there yet. She turned back to look at Maya, whose tear-streaked face lay calm and untroubled as she lay fast asleep. She wished she could feel that peace, even if just for a moment. The sound of a knock on the door broke Laura out from her thoughts. She opened it to find Tania standing there. Tania glanced into the room at Maya who was sleeping before she looked back to Laura . "Mrs Shay, we need to talk," Tania said, and stepped inside as she closed the door behind her. "I've been
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Nicholas sat in his spacious living room. The city lights filtered through the large windows and illuminated the room. The silence he basked in alone in the room was quite comforting, it was way different from the apparent chaos that was swirling in his mind. His thoughts were interrupted by the shrill ring of his phone. Glancing at the screen, he saw the name "Bob Fisher" flashing. With a resigned sigh, he answered. "What is it?" He asked tiredly. "Nicholas, we need to talk," Bob's voice was firm, leaving no room for argument. He seemed to be urgent. But Nicholas already knew what this was about. He instinctively leaned back and then he closed his eyes momentarily. "Bob, I don't think now is the best time. I'm dealing with a lot right now." He said in a tired voice. "Maybe some other time." He opined. Bob's tone sharpened at that. "I don't care about your schedule, Nicholas. This is important. Meet me at the diner on 8th and Main in an hour." He told him sharply and Nichol
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Thirty minutes later, Nicholas heard the familiar chime of his doorbell. He opened the door to find Morgan standing there, her sharp eyes immediately taking in his tensed demeanour. He let her in. "Nicholas," she greeted curtly, stepping inside. "You said things were getting complicated. What's going on?" She asked him. He motioned for her to follow him into the living room. As she settled onto the couch, he poured himself another drink, offering her one which she declined with a wave of her hand. "It's about Maya's inheritance," he began, leaning against the mantle. "Bob Fisher and his fiancée, Maya, are convinced they were scammed and are holding me responsible. Bob even accused me of being involved." He said to her, Morgan's expression didn't change, but he could see the gears turning in her mind. She was always good at assessing situations quickly and coming up with solutions. "Why would they think you were involved?" she asked. "Because I was the one who introduced them
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Nicholas adjusted his tie as he stared at his reflection in the mirror. He let out a heavy sigh. He honestly didn't want to be here, at Lindsay and Mal's wedding, but he knew he had to show up. For Lindsay's sake, if nothing else. As he walked out of his room, his father approached him. He wore a wane smile when he noticed Nicholas' demeanour. He really felt bad that he was going to go through with this. "Nicholas," Justin said, his voice calm and steady. "Are you ready?" He asked his son. Nicholas nodded his head. He was trying too hard to cheer up. To not look like this bothered him at all even though his father knew very well that it did. "As ready as I'll ever be." He said in a somewhat chirpy voice. "Good," Justin replied. He placed a reassuring hand on his son's shoulder and tapped calmly. "Remember, today is about Lindsay and Mal. Let's focus on making it a memorable day for them." He told his son. Nicholas forced a smile at that. "Of course, Dad. Let's get going."
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The following day, Nicholas awoke grudgingly with a call. He winced when the light from the windows entered his eyes and he groaned so painfully. "Hello," he said in a gruff voice. "Nicholas, we've got a lead on Vincent Laramie," Morgan said in an urgent tone. Her voice was harsh, and she didn't even bother to say good morning to him. "I need you to come to my office right away." She told him. Nicholas groaned out loud. "I'll be there as soon as I can," he said to her. After ending the call, Nicholas sat up and rubbed his temples. His head pounded, so painfully reminding him of the previous night's drinking. Despite his physical discomfort, he felt a glimmer of determination. This lead on Vincent Laramie was crucial. Just as he was about to get ready, someone knocked on the door and his father stepped into the room. "Morning, son. You don't look too well." He said as he observed him. "Rough night," Nicholas admitted as he rubbed at his temples. "Want to get some air? Mayb
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Nicholas awoke the next morning with a newfound purpose. The arrest of Vincent Laramie had been a big victory to himself and his team. He couldn't let the weight of the past hold him back any longer. After a quick shower and breakfast, he received another call from Morgan. "Morning, Nicholas," she greeted him, her tone lighter than usual. "I wanted to give you an update. Vincent's being held without bail, and our evidence is solid. He won't be slipping through our fingers this time." She informed him. Nicholas felt relieved at that. "That's good to hear, Morgan. What's next?" He asked her as he regarded her. "We've got a lot of work to do to untangle his network, but we've made a solid start. Take the day off, you deserve it." She told him and he nodded his head at that. "Thanks, Morgan," Nicholas said, appreciating her understanding. He ended the call and decided to take his father's advice seriously. It was time to start living his life again. He was in fact no longer
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Nicholas found himself embracing life more fully, and his attraction to Charlotte deepened. They spent weekends exploring new places, sharing quiet evenings at home, and enjoying each other's company in a way that felt effortless and right. One Saturday afternoon, Nicholas and Charlotte decided to take a trip to a nearby vineyard. The rolling hills and lush greenery provided a picturesque backdrop for their day together. As they walked hand in hand through the rows of grapevines, Nicholas felt a profound sense of contentment. "Isn't this place beautiful?" Charlotte said, her eyes sparkling with delight. "It is," Nicholas agreed, smiling at her. "I'm glad we came here." They found a quiet spot overlooking the vineyard and sat down on a blanket, enjoying a picnic they had brought along. As they sipped on wine and chatted, Nicholas felt a surge of emotion. He had never imagined he could feel this happy again. "Charlotte," he said, his voice serious, "there's something I want to talk
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"Language," Nicholas said, shielding Jessica from him. "You want to call off the engagement, go ahead and do it!" He says picking his keys as he storms off threatening Sam."And you?I'll find you and make sure you're erased from the surface of the earth!!""I'm used to threats like this" He said smiling. "Can we eat now?!" Sam said."I don't have an appetite," Jessica said. "Thank you Mr Sam" she says, picking her purse."Do you need a ride?" Nicholas asked her. As he stared at her and then to Sam who was busy observing everyone."No I'm good, guess I'll see around?" She said smiling to Nicholas. "We could finish our game some time"."I'd be honoured" Nicholas said as he watched Jessica leave. Then turns to Sam, " what would you like to eat?" Nicholas asked him, impressed at the treasure next to him."Oh it's time already". Sam says smiling as they place an order."Is she the one behind the abduction?" Nicholas asked as he received his order."Well I looked that up too, I'm not sure y
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