All Chapters of RISE OF THE ALMIGHTY HEIR : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
214 chapters
Nicholas confidently strode into the high-end boutique, he had walked in with Lindsay at his side. This had to be the most expensive boutique the vicinity had and he was glad he chose this place. The store's sleek, modern design was a far cry from the places he once used to frequent while he was still.... you know. Now, his newfound success demanded that he mingled with and shopped with the high and mighty. As they both moved through the aisles which were filled with racks of designer clothing, Nicholas couldn't stop himself from letting out a small smile as he walked, he watched Lindsay choose the clothing and was in awe. He never knew she knew what was in vogue in the fashion world. She had usually always been the nerdy, glassed assistant of his and now this new part of her was all the more intriguing dared he say, fascinating. Her eye for fashion was simply impeccable, and the way she moved with an air of confidence about her, that he simply found it mesmerising."Lindsay," Nichol
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Maya continued to pace around the room, trying but failing obviously, to calm herself. "Sorry isn’t going to cut it." She told Shawn . "I’ve got enough on my plate without dealing with your irresponsibility." She said to him, She sank onto the couch, her anger giving way to evident frustration and helplessness. Shawn, not knowing what else to do, approached her cautiously, he cautiously and anxiously took a seat beside her. "Maya, talk to me. What’s really going on?" He asked her. She let out a sigh as her fingers moved to rub at her temples. They massaged the spot so tenderly but that wasn't taking away the migraine that she felt. "It’s just... everything is falling apart." She said while Shawn watched her. " Nicholas is thriving, and Bob... Bob is drowning in debt. I thought he was my ticket out of this mess, but he’s dragging me down with him." She said, She almost felt like crying. Shawn knew all of these, he was there in fact at that engagement party when those people
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Authors POV How on earth did she get to sign a contract with such a man? He was right to get his money back after all it's his money. I'm not upset, she told herself. A lie, a big one . She was mad that she brought herself to say thank you for her own money. Even if she wanted to terminate the contract, she can't now. She can but the money, how in heaven's name will she be able to raise such an amount of money . For all she was aware of ,she wasn't able to make the money for the rent and not to talk about all the money he had spent. She was stuck. It's just a week Laura you can keep up with her. She rubbed her forehead and packed her hair in a messy bun. Helen was still mad at her over such a trivial matter. "You better make peace with her, you know how she can be". Tony said. Totally forgetting that they were accompanied by Nicolas. Laura bothered to say nothing, they believed he helped them,let it stay that way for a while. "Heyy… I'm sorry ", I didn't mean to snap.
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The inside was even better than the outside view . The expensive furniture, the big mahogany well polished that sat in on the dining table. The two way staircase, the mini bar. Mini? That was over there was bigger than their whole room.To her the house was like heaven on earth. By the corner of the house, there was an inner space and and shiny glass table that had all Nicholas's award and important trophies arranged. If it were her parents, picture frames would be everywhere. Maybe the rich do not keep such memories. Or do they? There was nothing like pictures In the room aside his achievements. That was more than enough to Brag about. The glass stool , glass stand and glass flower vase .A typical description of people who live in Glass houses shouldn't throw stones. She was so clumsy that she feared to embarrass herself by making one wrong move out of nervousness. They had barely walked in and had their seat when she saw Mr Macpherson approaching them from down the stairs .
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"You have my blessings," he said again. "Thank you father". Laura smiled . A big burden had been removed if she was told to decide based on how she started talking she would have sworn the wedding was going to be broken. Macpherson stood up, Nicholas followed, and so did Laura. "Have lunch before you leave okay? "I have to decline , today Is a busy one for me." Nicholas rejected making Mr MacPherson stare at the both of them weirdly, they only came here to get approval or what? Were the questions going through Mr MacPherson mind."You could have Messed up everything with your stupidity, you fool" Nicholas said with an angry tone as he drove out of the compound. "Now it's my fault?tell me who is the bigger fool here , you who told me about what I needed to say to your father or me who came up with the truth and got the approval. Go ahead, tell me". "You are the bigger fool here. If you were smart you would know you took a big risk that could have cost you not only your pay
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Laura was pissed at everything but had no choice than to rush in .At this point if a truck fell from the sky she would gladly Jump Into it without thinking twice. She sat beside the driver,the horrible smell that came from her seat was like a mixture of rotten tomatoes and cheap bad fragrance. All this trouble and stress she went Through for that low life skunk. she murmured with anger. He probably is not even thinking about her. Wrong assumption. Nicholas knew what he did was wrong. Why is he feeling pity for her? He has done worse to people and never felt so remorseful. Maybe because he was the reason she let her guards down or maybe that wasn't the only reason he felt that way .Tony was fully okay,he was back to his old ways again. Street friends Laura had warned him about on several occasions but she never listened. Helen was out, study group as always. Laura was exhausted from all the stress the previous day. The memory was still fresh like it happened a few hours
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Laura was dropped home by the chauffeur. She had a lot of shopping Bags .It was already 5pm . He helped her carry some of the bags. He acted like a gentleman and helped her to the door and left. Helen and Tony were already home waiting for her. She praised her hands to ring the bell just to recall what happened. Struggling to balance the bags ,with one hand knocking the door. Tony opened up.and saw his sister with shopping Bags.. Those sure didn't look like grocery nor did they look like take away parks from restaurants. "Will you help me? Or keep staring ""Where did you get all of these from ?"He said helping her with the two bags in her hands. "Helen! ,Helen!" Laura called out with no response to Tony. Helen came out of the room after two more calls ."Woah , how did you get all this.?" "Will you both help me out or watch me struggle with your questions?"Aside from the shopping Bags Tony was holding , there were 7 other bags that needed lifting. Helen helped her and so
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"You are enjoying all the Luxury aren't you?"" You are enjoying holding my waist aren't you"? He pulled her away , spinned her a little and and caught her again. Spinning her again but this time he didn't catch her . He brought out a ring case and opened it. Nicholas brought out a small jewelry case, opened it while Laura was wondering what he was doing. It was a jewelry case that was obvious but what exactly was he doing? He opened, the beautiful sparkle and glow of the diamond ring under the dark light in the room got the attention of almost everybody. The loud laughter and glass clicking In the room suddenly turned into gasping and murmurs. A few comments were heard while others weren't."It's a diamond ring.""It's so beautiful ". Helen's Jaw dropped. She saw earlier admiring her sister on the dance floor before the shocking surprise. Tony nearly choked on his drink seeing the ring . The press were taking pictures, those who were admiring were .Nicholas's father appea
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"It's just for a week Tony , I'll be fine. After a week the contract will be broken, And we'll be back to our normal life". Laura told him but somehow wish she believed her own words. She didn't want any of them to worry. She got herself into the mess and was ready to take herself off after collecting the money . The wedding was in less than 28 Hours, the engagement party was What's more the main wedding . Laura secretly wished she had a time machine, maybe go back in time or fast forward the signs after the contract is broken.Laura looked so gracefully In long white wedding gown. The biggest hall was used. Her father was dead ,so Tony did the honors of walking her down the Aisle. He wore a black suit with a white and green boutonniere in his floral pocket square on his suit. The hall was so big , it took about 4 minutes to get to the altar. The only relatives Laura had there were her siblings. Helen who sat with her head looking at how beautiful her sister was , Tony who
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"Sorry? I'd rather you leave, I do not want to draw attention from the press . You already did that when you walked in here. Leave " "Rey, at least listen to her "Richard Said."Who do you think you are? Get out! I do not want to lay my hands on you .Get out!" Nicholas was starting to get infuriated, his voice was getting really aggressive. Sarah knew he would do something stupid if they didn't leave .. The poor woman just wanted to congratulate her son. After 18 years of being away in the same city . "You can't speak to me that way, Rey " Richard was trying to prove a point as his mother's husband. "He said get out! You don't want to be bundled out of here do you? "His father said. He never truly stopped loving Sarah, till today he had no idea why she filed for divorce. Richard saw it as the reason his family broke up. Few months after their divorce he found out Sarah had remarried to Richard. He never told Nicholas till two years later . Protecting him from the heartache
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