All Chapters of FWB: Surviving In A World With A Cheat Power: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
39 chapters
Chapter 21: News About Mung Bean
After fifteen minutes, the sobbing had stopped.Jin noticed and immediately started walking in her direction."Ah, I wonder where I am, I got lost." Jin uttered, pretending to have been lost.Hearing this, Feiselle immediately stood up and fixed her face.She immediately looked over the corner and saw Jin."I told you the direction already, why are you even lost in this direction? It was totally opposite of the direction I pointed at!" Feiselle immediately spoke, her tone clear of anger.Jin looking at her pretending to be shocked: "Ah, that, sorry, I was looking for something to do and got lost in the process."Hearing this, Feiselle sighed, she pointed in the direction again: "Just head there straight!""Y-yeah, right I forgot, Young miss, can I ask if the Lan Clan is facing a challenge right now?" Jin asked.Feiselle frowned: "It's nothing you can help with, so you don't need to bother."Jin pouted: "I just wanted to know, after all, I don't want to go to a clan that's in decline a
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Chapter 22: Sealed Deal
With Feiselle dragging Jin to the main manor excitedly, she couldn't really care about anything."Young miss, wait." At this, Butler Ma showed up.Feiselle was quite shocked, it seemed Butler Ma was really rushing this time as he used his power completely, causing the wind to blow past them heavily."What is it Butler Ma?" Feiselle asked."Before you both go in, how about letting go of his ha-" Butler Ma couldn't finish his words as the door slid open and a few figures could be seen staring at Feiselle.The three males in front immediately looked at Feiselle's hands... which is currently holding another man's hand."Elle, who is this... man?" The one who spoke was Feiselle's father, Lan Kaster.Feiselle was so excited that she was about to reply, but then, noticed the two people beside and behind her father.Then, she noticed something and looked at her hand, which was still holding on to Jin's hand.She immediately shook and removed it: "F-father, this is Jin, he's someone who wishes
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Chapter 23: A Set Of Meal?
As Jin and Kaster sealed their deal, Kaster thought about something and looked at Jin: "Young man, how do we know that the seeds that you've promised are real?""After all, just a sack of those seeds would be enough to be traded for 10 pieces of tier-3 monster core." Kaster uttered, he looked around for a bit before glancing back at Jin: "Tell me, is this a trap?"As he uttered, Kaster smiled at Jin but his aura changed. It became rather fierce as he stared at Jin.Jin smiled: "Ah, well, here's the fun part, if you don't trust me, I could always go to the other clans."Hearing this, Kaster's aura slowly calmed down, he shook his head: "Well, truthfully, there are many people out there that wish for the downfall of the Lan Clan, so I can't really always be sure of who to trust other than my own people."Jin smiled: "Don't worry, I understand.""Well, so when will we depart?" Jin asked hopingly.Kaster pondered for a bit before replying: "I need to settle some things within the clan fir
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Chapter 24: Misunderstandings.
A few hours after Yuro and Feiselle had eaten with Jin.It was currently the middle of the night.Inside the Lan Clan's private room."Father." Yuro uttered."Did you find anything?" Kaster asked."He had brought out food, really delicious food from nowhere, I had checked every part of his body, but found no storage rings on his, I suspect that those food was brought from outside.""I find it quite bewildering as those foods are beyond just warm, the food was not reheated, it was cooked exactly at that time." Yuro reported.Hearing this, Kaster frowned: "From the Tan clan? Rayki?"Yuro shook her head without any hesitation: "Father, even the Tan clan and Rayki clan combined wouldn't be able to produce such a sumptuous meal, after all, the meal had a group of fish.""Fish?" Kaster asked."Yes." Yuro replied.For them living in the city, the last time that they had seen a fish was from six years ago, exactly at the time of the apocalypse.For it to have appeared again, properly cooked a
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Chapter 25: Martial Arts Skill books. (1)
Jin became excited, since it'll be three days before they depart, he had decided that he'll try to ask Kaster for some martial arts books to read.With that in mind, he tried to sleep.But due to his excitement, he couldn't really sleep for at least a whole hour more.After six hours.Dawn arrived, and he was awoken by the sun's kiss on his eyes."Morning already..." Jin couldn't help but utter as he was still half asleep.Since it was morning, surely, he needed to eat.He didn't join the feast yesterday and let the two sisters eat their fill of the meal he had, while he merely ate the one that Yuro had prepared."Jin, it's me Yuro, are you awake? I brought you food." At this time, Yuro arrived at the courtyard.Jin was quite confused, it seemed that Yuro was especially tending to him: "I think it's my charm that captivated her?"Yuro is a legitimate, strong expert, she's a rank A+, clearly, she should have better things to do than to tend to a stranger right? It's probably due to her
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Chapter 26: Martial Arts Skill Books (2)
After a few minutes, Yuro and Jin arrived at the back of the Lan Clan's build, the Martial Hall."Young miss Yuro!" As soon as they saw Yuro, the four guards guarding the vault immediately greeted them.Yuro nodded: "I'll be escorting a guest inside first, you guys guard properly.""Yes!" The guards immediately saluted and gave way.With that, Yuro and Jin entered.One of the guards couldn't help but look at the others: "That... was that really Young miss Yuro?""I don't really know, she used to be always cold, no men from the same generation as her or younger could even get close to her, but to think that she's actually escorting a man while having a warm expression?" Another one replied."I thought so as well, I guess the Ice Queen title is only for those that she does not favor!" The third guard couldn't help but remark."Hey, stop chatting about the Young miss, back to your positions." The fourth guard, the captain ordered."Yes!" The three immediately replied and returned to thei
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Chapter 27: The Major Clans and the Chaos Guild
Yuro looked at me like he's actually rather a weird person, he first took a trash cultivation book, and now, he actually took a broken book? And seemed more interested in it than other ones?Yuro felt that it really was weird.But then again, maybe, these books are actually great.After all, Jin is from a place much higher than theirs.Maybe those books that he took a liking to are actually heaven-defying arts?Yuro shook her head, whatever it was, she wouldn't be able to know the answer, right?After a long while, Jin looked at everything.He took one more skill book, this time, it was an active skill book.[Draconic Flame TechniquesLevel: 1 (Mastery)Rank: D+Grade: RareDescription: A skill book that contains all Draconic Flame Techniques, Draconic Flame Techniques are a proper martial art that has five steps, if learned properly, could deal heavy damage to the enemy through converting one's energy into flame qi.Effects:-Flame Spliiter Spinning Kick-Power Flame Punch-Descendin
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Chapter 28: Meeting Tan Gie
Truthfully, Jin shouldn't really care about the people here, after all, after his mission, he won't be coming back here.He's already in a world that's going to suffer in chaos, what will he even do with another one of those?Just one is enough for a headache, it's just that, he needed them to gather more cultivation to learn.Truthfully, if only he could bring all those martial arts books back to earth, he would!But the system only allowed him to bring back tier-1 and tier-2 monster cores.Jin then looked at Yuro: "Is that Yang person the only one able to help us?"Yuro pondered for a bit before her eyes widened in enlightenment."Feiselle! My little sister is friends with Lean, maybe she could help us with talking to Rayki's patriarch." Yuro said.Hearing this, Jin nodded his head: "Ah! Right, when I first met with Feiselle, she was together with Lean and that Yuroichi guy!""Right, Feiselle and Lean were childhood friends before." Yuro smiled.Jin was quite confused, 'before? Does
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Chapter 29: Kaster's Plan.
As Yuro and Jin continued to look for Feiselle, Kaster had already started his plan.What plan if you ask?Revival of the Lan Clan!Truthfully, they might look like they are alone, and powerless compared to the other clans, but, not really.After all, in front of him are his best friends and closest allies!Rayki Clan's patriarch, Rayki Yu Zhong.Su Clan's matriarch, Su Yanruo.Kaster and Yu Zhong have been friends since childhood, while Su Yanruo might be 30, but she's the current head of the Su clan, and, her father is Kaster's closest friend as well.Her father had died from the last beast wave, and the seat of the Su Clan's ruler is passed down to her.The Lan clan and the Rayki clan save them from massive predicaments on multiple occasions as well.Also, both the Lan and Rayki clans guided her after she had become the matriarch.At this, Yu Zhong asked: "Kaster, why had you gathered the three of us here secretly?"Su Yanruo smiled, she teased Kaster: "Old man, surely, you're not
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Chapter 30: Meh
As Kaster was about to end the meeting between the three of them, he remembered something."Right! Both of you, look at this!" As he finished speaking, he flicked his storage ring, and then two canned tunas appeared."What is this?" Yu Zhong asked.Yanruo then picked it up and checked it. "It seemed to be some kind of metal? But it's like, it's holding some sort of liquid inside of it?""Hehehe, well, that's correct!" Kaster smiled: "But not just any metal, you see that thing above that metal?""You can pull it up and remove the upper lead from it!" Kaster said with excitement.Then, as they both opened the can, an aroma that they had never smelled before wafted into their noses.Both of their eyebrows twitched slightly and they looked at Kaster.Kaster smiled at them. "Hehehe, it's fish! Cooked fish!"Hearing his words, the two immediately used their energy to take out the content, and the whole content of the can appeared in front of their eyes.There are tuna parts in it as well as
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