All Chapters of FWB: Surviving In A World With A Cheat Power: Chapter 31 - Chapter 39
39 chapters
Chapter 31: Another Misunderstanding
A few minutes back.As Jin strolled to the classroom of the students, he was quite awed.Each classroom has its own respective space, much a third of a sports center for its own activity.There are training dummies, and other things as well, even spaces for dueling or sparring are available.It seemed that Feiselle was in her 3rd year already, he noticed it as he saw the '3rd year' sign above the gate that they had entered.There are currently 10 classes here, each has its own design.Then, he immediately found Feiselle, she was in a classroom in the middle.Only then did Yuro spoke: "We're here."Jin nodded his head.The two of them went there immediately.Although they were stopped by the guards, it was just some mandatory checking.But much to Jin's surprise, due to him being with Yuro, it seemed that the people were looking at them, there were looks of envy, looks of anger, looks of hate, and even looks of despair.Howls and chatters could be heard as they saw Yuro together with a
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Chapter 32: Empyrean Lightning Devourer Manual
After a long while of silence, Yu Zhong's expression shifted."What brings you here all here?" He asked as he looked at Jin, clearly, their visit revolves around this young man.Yuro smiled: "Patriarch Rayki, our main goal here is to inquire if the man we brought could have the honor of visiting some parts of the Rayki Clan's martial hall."Hearing this, Yu Zhong was quite confused.If they are really strong, why would they even need the skills of a lower-grade city of theirs?Unless they are looking for something specific.Yu Zhong grew interested in this, hence, he pondered a bit longer.The martial hall is only for the members of the Rayki clan, but then again, he's curious, what kind of martial skills would people from a powerful clan look for in this kind of place?Is there a hidden manual that they had long forgotten?Meanwhile, seeing this, Jin couldn't help but be nervous, for some reason, he couldn't help but anticipate being allowed to enter.Why? This is the city's stronges
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Chapter 33: Massive Improvement
[(Heaven)Empyrean Lightning Devourer ManualLevel: 1/100Rank: UnknownGrade: UnknownDescription: A complete set of the Empyrean Lightning Devourer art that was created by the Empyrean Xie, one of the strongest experts in history, his ranks among the other in history. Nobody knows.This art was left behind by Empyrean Xie in this world after he had stayed here for a few months before leaving for other worlds. It was given to Raijin, the Heavenly Lightning Saint after he had served Empyrean Xie his whole stay.Arts: (You can only learn one every time, you need to level the Empyrean Lightning Devourer Manual to 25 in order to learn the 2nd step, each step will be harder than the next one.)Lightning God's Grace.Lightning God's MightLightning God's AuraLightning God's Authority]Jin couldn't help but stare at the skills with shock, is this really good? There are even more descriptions than below, the sheer difference between this skill and the other skills he had gotten were quite ma
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Chapter 34:
Jin learned the skills in the meditation room within just a few seconds, hence, all of the time he had spent in the room was used to try the skills.He wanted to repay the Rayki clan, but how?What even is the value of the skills he has learned?He does not have a single clue about it!But, based on the grades and ranks of these skills, it's probably worth every single thing he had!If he was selling it, he'd probably ask for so many things, even the world's wealth!It's just that massive.Soon, Jin stepped out of the martial hall, there, the one that had escorted him was waiting.Jin smiled: "I'm done."The escort nodded and brought Jin back to the Rayki clan's guest hall.After he arrived, he noticed that everyone was sitting and is eating their food.Then, he saw Yuro.He was about to go to her, when he remembered the manners of the novels that he had read.Heading to the Rayki Clan's patriarch, he immediately clasped his hands out of respect and uttered: "I am done, thank you for
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Chapter 35
After a long while of checking, Jin finally finished a list.It's kind of weird that many condiments that they had are the most expensive ones.But then, the three most essential condiments for his cusine are gone, and what are those?Soy sauce, fish sauce, and vinegar.Other than those three, many others are missing, but these three are the most used condiments in his world.After all, almost all of the dishes, including these three, could be added.For soy sauce, he had purchased quite a lot of seeds for them, the same for vinegar, after all, he had the two famous ones, apples, and grape seeds.Truthfully, these fruits are the best to be planted in this weather, just, not that much.After pondering for a while, he also added a few more to his list, it also seemed that in this city, chickens are nowhere to be seen, it's quite the fastest-growing livestock as well, eggs! Even without the rest of the food, eggs are quite a vital source of nutrients, and one could eat it for a whole ye
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Chapter 36
A few days had passed, in the dead of the night.It was the time for departure.Right now, Jin is with Yuro and Kaster, their body is covered by robes.There are at least 24 people here, most of them are from the Lan clan, while there are two from the Rayki clan and two from the Su clan.Right now, everyone is wearing a mask, so, only a few could really tell who the other person is.With that, they used the secret door to the south and stealthily rushed out of the gates.Unlike them though, Jin was a special case, for some reason, Yuro and another one from the Su clan grabbed him in the shoulder as they dashed away.It was only about two minutes, but they couldn't even see the city anymore, only the light that came from it.They rushed even more and only stopped after 30 minutes.There were four people that was tasked to erase their tracks, while the rest just kept on following Kaster.As soon as they made sure that they were far enough, everyone took off their mask.Then, two of the
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Chapter 37
Yanruo was quite excited as she started continuing "Well, just so you both know, only the ancestors of each clan could fight 1v1 against a tier-7 monster and win, although they are also all S+ ranked, they are actually that strong."Jin then asked: "Wait, is the S+ ranked the highest rank there is?"Hearing this, Yanruo was quite shocked, but still, she smiled: "Well, our city had only produced S+ ranked even from the beginning of times.""Well..." Yanruo paused for a bit before glancing at Jin: "Unless there is someone that will show us a way to break through from it."As she said those words, her gaze intensified, hinting about something, but Jin merely stared at her with an unknowing smile.Yanruo couldn't help but sigh, Jin is quite formidable indeed.Then, she continued and told the story."Well, in our previous place, the Solar Blaze Empire, the major clans of the city that you're familiar with were just small clans.""Compared to the truly massive clans, our clans were quite we
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Chapter 38
As Yanruo was following the one that reported, she asked: "What kind of beasts?"The Lan clan member was about to send a signal but was immediately jolted by Yanruo's question."Ah, it was a horde of Orange Crazed Monkeys." He reported.Yanruo immediately looked at him: "Don't send a signal, gather the team from the left, I'll have Kaster gather the people from the right.""Y-yes!" The expert nodded and immediately moved back.Yuro wasn't even shocked, but Jin was confused, he looked at Yanruo and asked: "Why didn't we send the signal light?"Seeing that it was the fastest way to gather everyone, he was quite confused at this.Yanruo looked at Jin, she pitied this person, after all, his knowledge about monsters was limited due to the people around him.Hence, Yanruo then started to explain: "The orange crazed monkeys aren't really a problem, it's their tactics that are troublesome.""What do you mean?" Jin asked.Yanruo sighed, it seemed that the people on Jin's side were so strong, t
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Chapter 39
With the plan going on, other than Yanruo, everyone remained at the same spot.It took around three hours for Yanruo and soon, she came back."I'm done." Yanruo landed and whistled cutely as she smiled at Jin: "Well, we can start now."Jin nodded his head: "Alright, but I think I'm forgetting something really important."Kaster patted his shoulder: "Well, if you forgot it, it's probably not that important right?"Hearing this, Jin nodded his head, but there was this something in his consciousness that told him that he needs to remember it as fast as he could!Kaster then smiled at everyone: "Then, I'll be destroying these monkeys now, I'll leave the exit to all of you.""Yes!" Everyone responded.Their group are composed of highly experienced A+ and S-ranked experts, hence, handling this monkey when they are only escaping in a single location is no big deal.They won't even sweat!"Alright, as you guys kill these monkeys, don't forget to get its monster cores!" Kaster reminded them."
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