All Chapters of Ashes to Acclaim: Revenge Of The Forgotten Heir: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
16 chapters
Twark! the beautiful young woman gave the waiter a deafening slap that shocked everyone.“I'm sorry, ma,” Jake, the waiter apologized.“You good for nothing fellow! How dare you spill drinks on me! Why are you so clumsy?”“I'm sorry ma,” he apologized again. Sadly, that was all he could do. He didn't have a say even when it was crystal clear that he wasn't at fault. Rachel and her friends had ordered for more drinks which he brought. As expected of him, he poured wine in their wine glasses. Rachel raised her hands to pick a piece of meat from her plate and she hit him mistakenly. The expensive bottle of wine and the wine glass fell down as a result and shattered into several tiny pieces, spilling the contents on Rachel. “Goodness me! Look at our fine wine! You can't afford it even if you are given ten lives!” one girl sneered and they all laughed at him. “Clear this mess! And call me your manager. This is the height of it, I can't tolerate this.”Jake knew it would only get worse of
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“Sky?”Jake stood still, shell shocked, not believing the sight before him.The two people on the bed stopped and turned towards the door. The young man, Vincent stared at him the way one would stare at a fly that fell into his food. “Shut the door behind you,” Sky said and focused on the man on the bed. She pressed her body closer to Vincent and continued to go intimate. His presence didn't bother her one bit. Vincent pulled her closer, plunging his tongue into her mouth. Jake felt his heart wrenching out when they shared a kiss. He had been married to Sky for two years but the most he did was stand a few paces and at a safe distance from her. He had never hugged her or held her hands. Kissing her was a far cry and something that would never happen. “Stop!” he yelled when he couldn't take it any longer. Sky adjusted her clothes and when she was decent, she turned to him and said,“Are you dumb? Why do you have to disrupt us? Can't you know your place even if it's for half a day? Wh
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He tapped the answer button and the call connected. “You good for nothing asshole! Do you have any idea how many important deliveries we have missed because of your insensitivity and inability to report to work on time?” the caller yelled. It happened to be his boss from one of his part time jobs. He was supposed to report to work that morning but he couldn't because he was in prison. He tried to explain but his boss would hear nothing of that sort. “Keep that slimy excuse to yourself. You made the manager scold me today. You are fired and your wages and deposit will be used to fill up the damages you caused.”No! Not another bad news. This was his most paying job. The man who just called was his merciless boss in the delivery department. He hated Jake and spared no opportunity to mistreat him. Jake could manage being fired but at least, he had to be given his wages. That was the only money that sustained him!“Hey! Move!” the strange man gave him a rough kick on his side. He winced
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Jake looked around the white room, wondering where he was. He was no longer wearing his wet clothes. Instead, he had dry, comfortable and clean clothes. Then, that man, why was he there? And what has his sleeping or waking up got to do with him?“Young master, you are awake. I'll go and get the doctor,” the man said and dashed out before Jake could even process what he said. “Young master? Who was he referring to as young master?”The door opened and a handsome and well built young man, entered the room confidently, his white coat flying behind him like a cape. “Good morning, young master. How do you do this morning?”Jake could only stare at this man, dumbstricken. It was true that he was poor but he was abreast with the news at least. The man on white, standing before him was the most popular medical doctor in the country. His skills, efficiency and expertise was widely known. Just a session with him cost almost a million dollars and this man didn't treat ordinary people. No! He w
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The man's words rang a bell in his head. Young master of the Fredrick family? Now, he was certain that Richard had mistaken him for someone else. To the best of his knowledge, he was an orphan who grew up in an orphanage. No one adopted him and when he was eighteen years old, he left the orphanage to fend for himself. It was in one of his work places that he met Bruce Kent, whom he finally married his granddaughter. He was thrown out of the house in the rainy night and ended up in an uncompleted building. How then did he suddenly become a young master?“We have been searching for you for many years but got no positive answer. When I learnt that there was a Fredrick in the Kent family, I hurried there but I was told that you left. For fear of my master, because I couldn't report to him that I lost again, I searched for you and finally found you. I'm sincerely sorry for not doing so earlier. Let's go home. The master will be waiting eagerly for you.”The door was opened for him and he g
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Grandfather Ashley looked at Jake's little old phone and frowned. “Dear son, you can't be using that phone.”He opened his drawers and brought out a brand new phone which was also the latest model.“Manage this for a while please. I will ask Richard to send your phone to you in a few hours.”Jake stared at the phone, his mouth shaped an O and he couldn't even say a word. “Sir.. Grandfather, you mean, this phone, is mine?”He had only seen this phone on billboards along the streets where it was placed for advertisement. Back then, he admired it and quickly took his mind off it for he knew he would never be able to afford it. “Yes, but it's just for a moment. Your own phone will be ready before tomorrow ends.”“Thank you so much, grandfather…” he began.“Oh no! There's no need to thank me. It's all yours. And you deserve even more to compensate you for all the years you spent outside your home. That reminds me, you will be needing a lot of things. You are a Fredrick and must dress, b
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This time, Jake didn't wait for the door to be opened for him. He came down himself and looked around to be sure he was at the right place. “Is there a problem, young master?” Richard asked, noticing his movements. “Is this the estate? The one I own?”“Yes, young master. All but one of the houses are occupied. The last one has been paid for but the owner is yet to move in. You can be rest assured that there are no men of questionable character here. They are all wealthy men, who are into legitimate businesses and they all pay their rents as at when due. Let's take a tour sir, do you mind?”“No, I don't. Let's go please.”Richard took him around, explaining what was necessary to him. Finally, they got to the house that Jake worked in.“This is the house, young master. A wealthy business tycoon just got this house a few days ago. The humongous beauty, superior and superb nature of this estate is known to everyone, the occupants and the public alike. That is why we take only the best,
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“Good day, sir. Welcome to Becky Luxury stores,” the attendant greeted. She was recently employed and she didn't mind his poor clothes. She was eager to treat her customers well, be in their good books and earn a good commission for the clothes and jewellery she sold. Jake looked at the stunning young woman in front of him and at the store too. It screamed wealth, classy, exclusively for the wealthy! Finally, he was wealthy and could buy things from this shop now. Impressive. With the attendant as his right hand man, he selected some clothes and finally went to the jewellery section. There was this very nice and lovely masculine chain that caught his attention. The price tag on it was $12,000. He gasped when he saw the price but when he remembered that he was a rich man now, he heaved an inward sigh of relief and smiled to himself. He even owned the Becky stores for it was under his conglomerate! “Give me that,” he ordered, pointing at the chain. “Okay sir.”“That would be all. Pac
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But Jake did not say anything. He only stared coldly at the manager. The man looked at the inscriptions on the card, ‘ConglomerateFredrick group of companies.’‘Young master Frederick.’The attendant was surprised at the manager's attitude but she was in for more surprises. The manager fell on his knees before Jake in front of everyone! “I'm sorry sir. I'm sorry, young master. Please, forgive my stupidity,” he begged and turning to the attendant, he half shouted,“Kneel will you? Kneel and beg!” and the attendant obeyed immediately. “I'm so sorry sir…”Vincent, Sky and all present were taken aback by the sudden change of events. Few seconds ago, they were shouting at Jake but now, they were on their knees on front of him! Jake's silence only made things worse for the poor manager. “I'm sorry, young master. We will not delay you further. I'll have them pack up everything for you sir. You can take it for free, after all, it's yours. Please, see it as a compensation from me for my m
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As Jake stepped into the house, the first person to see him was Amelia, Sky's mother. “You wretched fool! What have you come here to do? Beg?” Her voice was loud enough to attract the attention of other people nearby. “I'm here to take my few belongings, mother…”“Did I hear mother? How dare you!”“I'm sorry ma.”Vincent came around at that time and Amelia turned to him. Her company has been trying for many years to get a chance to do business with a popular jewellery company owned by the Winters to no avail. She believed that if she treated him well, and he agrees to be her in law, that would be a walkover!“Hi, Vincent. I hope you are enjoying the party. Have you been served?”“Yes ma'am. And of course, I'm enjoying the party. Here's my glass of wine, I've been served,” Vincent answered. He looked up to say hello to everyone around Amelia and he sighted Jake. “Tsk! Tsk! What's this poor fool doing here? Go in and get useful. The people at the end of the room need more wine. Go an
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