All Chapters of The System Lordships Son-Inlaw: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
100 chapters
Chapter 21
Lucas turned to look at Ciara.He wondered what kind of woman Ciara was… for her to love him so much even though she thought he was poor… Ciara represented the woman he has been looking for all his life and he was going to keep and crown her as him forever.She made him realise that she didn't see him as a poor man but as her husband and that only made him feel safer with her."You're still hard." Ciara said as grabbed Lucas's dick which was inside his silk boxers before she began to suck on it."Concerning your friend who you said could help you out with getting an investor, where were you able to talk to him?" Ciara asked Lucas who understood her worry."The person was actually not just my friend but my uncle and no, I wasn't able to talk to him, I didn't have money to approach him then and he's a different kind of person you don't want to deal with." Lucas said, thinking about his uncle's life."Okay, about your granny, have you been able to pay for hospital bills though?" Ciara as
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Chapter 22
Lucas couldn't help but respond."Oh what brought you guys here?" Lucas asked Sintia who stood with her Fiance.."What are you guessing!" Sintia asked, giving Lucas an open teeth smile."You're here to do business?" Lucas asked and she nodded, locking her eyes at him."Mason family's company have a corporation with the Bezos, so we thought it would be cool for us to help out, and see if we can get Moran th contract." Sintia said as held onto Lucas's hand.Lucas gave out an awkward smile as he stared even at Mason who carried hatred and fit over his face to lash at him.Lucas knew this could be as a result of him not being with his family, so definitely weird corporations were bound to be in effect, although now he was the fucking boss!"Wow, that's such good news to find out… How loving of you." Lucas said as he dashed his crushing Sintia a warm smile."Enough of the holding!" Mason, who had gotten fed up with the fact that it was obvious Sintia kept drooling at Lucas, spoke up as he
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Chapter 23
Lucas Smiled as he looked at Erica.He Wondered if he could trust her."You can trust her." The voice in Lucas's head tells him and he walks towards her."I want you to invite the press here so this can be televised worldwide, use the security officers to humiliate them, call them goats and spit on their faces before throwing both Mr. Mason and his Fiancee out!" Lucas said as he looked into Erica's eyes.She was shocked at how upset Lucas must have been and could tell that they must have probably hurt Lucas to want that."Will that be all?" Erica asked."Not exactly, but ensure that you terminate the useless partnership The Mason family has with Bezos Incorporation after that... I want you to make them feel like filth and garbage, am I clear?" Lucas asked."Yes sir." Erica said."Make the fools know who the real stubborn goat is okay?" Lucas said and Erica noted that sentence in her mind as a weapon."Hello ma, the masons are here and I have told them that you're in a meeting but they
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Chapter 24
Mrs. Moran couldn't hold the pain.She was disgusted at Mr. Mason.He went together with Sintia to do such nonsense without telling her.She wanted to call off their marriage as well since Mason had ruined her family chances in obtaining contracts there too.But that wasn't Lucas's reaction.He receives a text message from an unknown line, telling him to visit and an address, regarding his wife Ciara.Lucas immediately gets worried as he visits the said address only to meet his wife Ciara together with Brin Daolin having a date.He couldn't believe his eyes.He felt stabbed watching Ciara converse with Brin Daolin lovingly and it hurt him.Lucas felt like his love life was a joke as this was not what he expected from Ciara.She was betraying him.Lucas left the scene immediately as he kept running through the evening streets.From road to road till he gets hit.He rolls over the floor and just before he could get up, a familiar looking lady, wearing a doctor's wear rushes towards him.
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Chapter 25
Lucas soon gets a call from Erica."Hello sir, they're more things you need to familiarise yourself with the Bezos business, I would have loved it if you could find time so I can tell you about all our important partners and organisations." Erica said."I have time now, where do we see?" Lucas asks and Erica tells him.Using his powers Lucas soon reaches Erica's mansion, with the security officials welcoming him until he had entered the house seeing Erica staring back at him."You did such a good job today and because of this... I will ensure that I have your salary doubled." Lucas said to Erica who was facing him with her back."Miss Erica." Lucas called before she turned, only for Lucas to see that she's wearing a Versace designer kind of suit which revealed her entire boobs and pussy too."Miss Erica..." Lucas said shocked as she walked towards him with her boobs shaking from every movement that she made.Lucas stepped back as he couldn't believe ladies were throwing themselves out
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Chapter 26
Lucas felt Guilt burning inside him.He stared at Innocent Ciara who had blatantly announced that she was signed to him by her grandpa's blood... Feeling as though he had betrayed her.Although they had not had their white wedding yet, what he did was still wrong."Well you look worried, I wanted to see if I could meet the boss lady Erica and see if talking to her might help her forgive the Masons family for what they did." Ciara said as she placed Lucas to the bed."Does it matter? After all the insults they usually rain on me, is helping them out worth it?" Lucas asked Ciara."I wasn't expecting Brin Daolin to show up and the fool told me that he won't stop until he has gotten me under his bisexual ass, so I decided to text you our address so you could teach the goat a lesson." Ciara said."I think Brin needs to be taught a lesson! Like I don't get his behavior anymore, you already announced your marriage with me to the entire family, he needs to fuck off and for Mr. Mason, he needs
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Chapter 27
Lucas Levitates through the air!He soon lands into his uncle's clan with his system changing his clothes Immediately to make him look like a rough gangster."System, start video recording." Lucas instructs the voice in his head as he sees his masked Uncle walking towards him."Lucas, I didn't invite you here." Dariac said as soon as he spotted Lucas."Uncle, I was born and trained here... Why shouldn't I be welcomed in such a grand meeting with Mr. Daolin." Lucas said to his uncle as Dariac's boys pointed their guns at him as his uncle asked them to put their guns down and they obeyed."Fine, I also wanted to contact you before to inform you that I have forgiven you over your last refusal to help me out in my last mission, since you were able to pay for your grandmother's health bill, I'm sorry." Lucas's uncle apologies as Lucas smiles at him."My boy, you really changed, if it wasn't that I knew you in the past, I wouldn't have wanted to call you my nephew but listen attentively...
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Chapter 28
Lucas was full of Chaos!The air he exhaled was full of pain too.The words he heard Daolin say were intense as his eyes glowed green filled with vengeance as his core was hurt."Ahh! What did I do to deserve this?" Lucas cried as he levitated facing the moon.That stupid man destroyed his marriage.The wicked man killed his son!"Harbert!" Lucas cried like a child."He killed me!" Lucas screamed as the force inside him instantly sent waves through the entire state with him scanning for Arthur.In a flash he storms Arthur's Quarters.That bastard killed his father!The entire Ronald Estate was shocked as soon as his legs stepped to the ground.The security men began rushing to Arthur Quarters as Lucas walked towards his settlement with Mr. Arthur recognizing that the demon who landed in his quarters was one of the Ronald Family members judging from the ring which he carried.Mr. Arthur at this point felt like Mr. Ronald, Lucas's father, had reincarnated.He immediately carries his tra
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Chapter 29
Lucas soon reaches back home.His system converts his assassin's clothes into his usual clothes before Lucas takes a warm bath and heads back to bed together with Ciara, who noticed, that he had left the room earlier.Although it didn't take many hours before the day brightened with Ciara awake."Lucas! wake up, my grandma requested a meeting this morning and we need to be there as soon as possible." Ciara tells Lucas as she drags him into the toilet, not caring if he was still sleepy."Today I don't want you to take the shitty insults my family always fires at you... Like Common you're such a perfect guy... They don't just know." Ciara said as she soon finished with Lucas in the toilet.They dressed up and soon walked out only for Lucas to clash with Ciara's parents.Lucas could notice that they were starring elsewhere before he greets them and they ignored him since they really hated him."Who has that Lamborghini Urus?" Ciaras father asked as he looked at the car."Ciara, how can y
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Chapter 30
Lucas knew Mr. Daolin had a bad plan."Everyone has their sad pasts." Sermon said with a heartbroken depressed voice."I had to divorce my wife that day because I didn't know she was already married, it felt horrible when her real husband came on our wedding day and ruined everything." Sermon lied as he began to fake tears, as Daolin gives him a handkerchief.He already knew his marriage with Lucas's first wife Bella, was an illegal act."Hmm!" Mrs. Moran notices Ciaras wisdom and decides to speak up."My granddaughter, can't you see that our opportunity with Bezos has been ruined and we can't even near the Ronald for help either, they will never invite us to do business, we need the Daolin's!" Mrs. Moran says as she sips on her coffee glaring at Mr. Mason and Sintia.Those two were the ones responsible for spoiling the Moran family relationship with the Bezos."Lucas persuade Ciara to challenge getting a contract from Ronald Incorporation and level up with respect." The voice in Luca
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