All Chapters of The System Lordships Son-Inlaw: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
100 chapters
Chapter 11
Lucas breaks from inside.He could bear to see his Ciara sad.He knew the problem the family were definitely facing right now should be definitely related to Daolin's genius plan.Yet still, Lucas had only a clue that Mr. Brin was forced or felt forced on Ciara.So that meant that Mr. Brin was definitely comfortable with their evil plans.Lucas could see it as a reason why Mr. Brin must have attempted to kill Ciara.It could have been his means of Escape.The rest of the family members left the scene, whilst Ciaras parents approached a sad Ciara."I thought you were okay with getting married to Mr. Brin... Why did you have to challenge your grandmother over a freedom that you don't need?" Ciaras father asked Ciara furiously."Hunny, calm down... She is still a child." Her mother seemed to have driven Ciara's father."Look into my eyes!" Her mother commands her and Ciara finally gathers the courage too."You are a major shareholder in the family business and your grandfather chose you
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Chapter 12
While in His room.Lucas had thoughts about Ciara.The kiss still rang in his head."Her lips felt too good." Lucas said, obviously craving to have more of it."But those bastards want to ruin her life!" He said lying over his bed as he grabbed one of the fluffy pillows placing it in-between his dick area.He romanticised it - Imagining it was Ciara.He smiled with great sexual tension to fuck her hitting over a hundred percent at this time, since it was a cold evening which had strong reactions on him.He was the type of guy that had strong sexual reactions to cold.He wanted more of her but it still seemed like Ciara looked at him like he was just a common personal security guard.This certainly wasn't the time to tell Ciara that her grandfather had willed their marriage together especially since he did not know what Ciaras reaction would be.He pulls off his clothes and takes his bath.Starring over the mirror in the toilet, as he admired his crazy ass salivating body.He was packe
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Chapter 13
Lucas exhales in pain.He really cherished Bella and it hurt him that he was now full of hatred for her.He missed when he was full of love that he had for her ever since they met.He stood up from his bed before he dipped his hand inside his bag seeing Harberts photo and kissed it so badly in tears.He soon cleans off his tears as he inhales and exhales once more before he sorts his dressing and heads out.He meets Mr. Sermon and his younger brother Mr. Brin, who held Ciara by her Waist to himself, so seductively."I didn't know he was going to follow us." Brin said, staring back at Ciara."I think my grandfather had a reason to make him my personal guard so I would like to Honour him as long as My guard stays, especially since he died." Ciara said as she handed Lucas the Benz Keys."Oh I see." Brin said as he eyed his elder brother Sermon whilsts Lucas got into the car, feeling good that he could watch over Ciara and ensure that she's safe.Mr. Sermon decides to use his own car whil
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Chapter 14
Lucas follows Ciara behind.She pays and enters for a room.Lucas uses his eyes to scan through the room, seeing that she was alone in it.He knew she was hurt.As soon as he reaches the room, he gets stopped by the VIP guard."I'm her entertainer." Lucas says and the man looks at him head to toe before moving off the entrance of the room for him to enter where Ciara was."Who are you?" Ciara asked, hiding her sobbing face from him."Your entertainer." Lucas replies to her."Sorry, I didn't know paying for the room had entertainment with it." Ciara said back as she cleaned off a load of tears over her eyes.Lucas walked gently towards her."Sorry, I have a boyfriend, he wouldn't like this." Ciara said back as she got on her feet."Don't be scared Ciara." Lucas adds."Wait, how do you know my name?" Ciara replies as she scanned through him, with her eyes hitting his huge familiar dick."Lucas?" She asked as he stared at her."Yeah." He replies back to her.Ciara turned stunned as she l
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Chapter 15
Lucas had soon reached home.His Heart kept pacing on the fact that he almost got killed as a result of his identity being known but what worried him most was the fact that the voice in his head made him know that Mr. Daolin was the one responsible for the attack."I'm really sorry, I never knew clubs could go so south, you look cold." Ciara said in a soft tone as Lucas walked her to her room petting her nicely as she entered her room.He stood by her door holding his Gun as he tried to balance his thoughts while Ciara stayed in, changing up her clothes.He needed to know who Mr. Daolin is, despite the fact that he already knew his sons.Lucas needed to know him personally."Could it be that my ring beeping was as a result of my family member being attacked?" Lucas asked himself worriedly.He didn't want to care much about it since he felt like his father and family betrayed him in the past so helping them didn't sit right.He felt chills run through him.It seems like the outside wea
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Chapter 16
Lucas held a hurt faced Ciara."I did you wrong Ciara and I am sorry, your grandfather could identify me in so many dimensions and I decided to give love a try again by protecting you and so far." Lucas shares."I can only tell you that you can't marry Brin Daolin, he is a bad person." Lucas says to Ciara who kept looking at his body.At this Moment... Lucas felt defeated, as he had thoughts that Ciara would reject him."I don't know how I can prove how evil the Daolin's are but you need to trust me... They attempted to kill me and also caused my son... Harbert to die." Lucas said before he burst into tears.He picks his things up about to leave as he felt Ciara was not going to accept him at all."Lucas wait..." Ciara said, holding onto his hand."Let me help you... Dress up... Let's announce our marriage to the entire family tomorrow which happens to be my grandmother's birthday, this way everyone will be around and we can finally have the love we always wanted." Ciara said in tears
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Chapter 17
Everyone could not understand if Mrs. Moran was outraged or if she was sad."He is your son inlaw and you will respect my grandfather's approval of our marriage." Ciara said bluntly in a crying tone to her grandma."Mr. Lucas, how much do you need to Disappear from my granddaughter's life?" Mrs. Moran asked him."With just one million dollars, I will leave and bring you back to glory." Lucas said to her and she found it Golddigging of him."Wow! You even dare to ask me for money!" Mrs. Moran said, mocking Lucas.Lucas and Ciara were too bold as Mrs. Moran was having her birthday, they did not only not prepare any gifts for her, and Lucas even dared to open his mouth and ask Mrs. Moran to lend him money."You're the only poor Son Inlaw my husband accepted in our great family." She abuses him.But they didn't understand that Lucas had a unique heart, because her insults or the mockery he was facing did not change the fact that he just wanted his Ciara safe and to get his revenge on the
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Chapter 18
Lucas stood unshaken."No! What I want is for this bastard to name his price and leave so that you can terminate the marriage your grandfather stamped with him and marry Brin Daolin, because he will help us better!" Mrs Moran said to Ciara in her full glory.Lucas stared back at Ciara who was full of words about the man her grandmother wanted for her instead... Knowing fully well that Mr. Brin Daolin wasn't into women nor had he ever made attempts to touch her in the past.She knew Brin Daolin had plans to help, but from listening to Lucas and seeing how powerful her husband was... She had to trust Lucas."Mr. Brin Daolin sent his birthday gift! A La Peregrina Pearl worth eleven million dollars." The attendant offered the jewellery to Mrs. Moran who was full of shock."Oh my god, La Peregrina Pearl!" She screams excitedly as she stretches her hand collecting the jewellery from the attendant.The entire family kept silent as they would never expect anyone would be able to find grandma'
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Chapter 19
Lucas felt as though he ran mad!It was hard to believe if it was true at all.He couldn't believe that he came from such a family, despite knowing back then that his family was well respected for their wealth, he didn't expect that they were that rich, or in this case extremely wealthy.He definitely couldn't tell of the amount of money they had back as it felt regular for him but then now… He knew.If his upkeep money was six trillion dollars per week then the amount of how much his family was worth could be quadrillions, definitely an uncountable amount of money that isn't fixed or exposed to the public due to the properties they owned.He fell speechless but he was overjoyed of what he was going to do next.Because he had made Ciara his official wife but thinking of the death of his mother who died after getting rejected by his grandfather who forced his dad, pained him and to think his father was now dead too, hurt him to the core.He felt really bad because he never got to say h
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Chapter 20
Lucas sighed before he gave out a smile.His eyes were fixated to the ground."Don't tell them who you are yet, face the pain and shock them all." The voice in Lucas's head says as he looks at his Ciara and her parents who were furious as they glared at him.Lucas was definitely going to listen to his system warning and that was because he had to be careful as he doesn't know who might harm or disrupt his plans If he Exposes himself."I apologise for Ciaras words including what today, we both just felt that it was the right thing to do." Lucas said as he bows showing respect to his in-laws."I see that you love to chit-Chat! No one needs your apologies, just pick yourself and smell out!" Ciaras mother rages back at him."That's your son in-law, talk to him with respect, he is my husband, mother!" Ciara defended Lucas as she stood in his front."Shut up! what do you know?" She asked."He is absolutely trash!" Her mother fired."A Poor man!" Ciaras father added."Nothing but Garbage!" H
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