All Chapters of RISE OF THE INVINCIBLE HEIR : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
152 chapters
Stephanie stood frozen, her breath catching in her throat as the cold liquid soaked through her designer dress, and dripped down to her expensive shoes. Her mind raced, and her shock was quickly replaced by deep rage. “You bloody animal!” She shrieked, her cheeks burning with hot fury as she raised her hand to slap Adrian. But before she could make contact, Adrian caught her wrist just mere centimeters from his face. “Don’t you dare,” he hissed, his grip on her arm tightening slightly. His eyes bore into hers with a cold intensity. “You can’t just behave however you please and think you’ll get away with it. This isn’t business as usual.” “Let go of me, you bastard!” Stephanie seethed, yanking her hand free when Adrian finally loosened his grip. She took a step back, her chest heaving with indignation as the escalating tension caught the attention of the patrons in the bar and they turned to watch, their eyes alight with curiousity. Matt, who had been watching the scene unfold, quick
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Matt let out a strangled cry as he clutched his legs at the unbearable pain that coursed through them. His face contorted with agony, and tears welled up in his eyes. The manager, his expression still devoid of any warmth towards Matt, grabbed him by the collar and dragged him out of the bar, leaving behind a pool of something that looked like urine, and the sudden foul stench that permeated the air confirmed it. The sound of Matt's groaning and whimpering could still be faintly heard in the distance even after they had left. Stephanie's face paled as she stared at the entrance where Matt had just been dragged out of in disbelief. The horror of what had just happened played out in her mind, and she realized that she had severely underestimated Adrian, thinking he was still the same loser as before. Fear coursed through her veins as Leon’s icy eyes was now staring at her. “Apologize to Mr. Young,” he commanded, his voice leaving no room for defiance. “And then leave this hotel immedia
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Leon completely ignored Henry and Evelyn’s presence, acting as though they didn’t exist, and gestured for Adrian and Anita to follow him. Adrian nodded and offered Anita his arm with a warm smile. “Shall we?” Anita returned his smile, her heart beating with anticipation as she took his arm. They began to follow Leon, and Adrian made sure to step on the dollar bills Henry had thrown at his feet earlier and crinkle them until they were almost torn. Evelyn and Henry were left standing in the middle of the lobby, dumbfounded infuriated and humiliated as the elevator doors closed, shutting them out. Minutes later, the elevator dinged open and Adrian and Anita stepped out of it and onto the rooftop terrace of the hotel. The moment Anita set foot in the restaurant, she let out a gasp of awe. The place was adorned with beautiful red and white decorations that perfectly befitted the Valentine’s Day theme. Soft classical music was being played in the background by a female violinist and this
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Adrian reached out just in time, and knocked the fork from Anita’s grasp before she could take a bite of the cherry pie. The fork clattered to the floor, and Anita was startled as she looked up at him.“Adrian? What’s wrong?” she asked, her voice laced with confusion.Adrian’s gaze flickered to the phone in his hands and back to Anita with a serious expression. “Leon just told me they made a mistake with the pie and it’s not good enough for eating.”Anita frowned and was about to say something when Leon rushed towards their table, his expression tense and urgent. “I’m deeply sorry for the inconvenience, Sir, Ma’am, it seems our chefs were careless in preparing this dessert. It’s highly unacceptable and I’ll ensure this doesn’t happen again. Kindly exercise patience, a replacement is being made for you as we speak.”He then turned to Adrian. “Sir, please can I have a word with you in private?Adrian nodded, his expression still serious. “Of course.” His gaze flickered to Anita. “Anita,
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Henry and Evelyn kept writhing in their seats and within moments, the discomfort they felt became unbearable and they doubled over in pain.An unpleasant stench of fart suddenly permeated the air as Henry let out a strained groan, and Evelyn gasped in horror as she released a loud fart of her own that echoed through the restaurant. The foul odor of her and Henry’s farts quickly spread and this drew the attention of the other customers.“Ew, what’s that horrible smell?” a woman at a nearby table exclaimed, covering her nose.“It smells like a sewage pipe bursted in here!” another lady added, her nose crinkling as she gagged.“It’s certainly hazardous inhaling something as awful as this. Jeez!” someone spat in disgust.“I think it’s them,” a man yelled, pointing toward Henry and Evelyn, who had both turned a shade of green as they tried to contain their embarrassment.A wave of murmurs erupted in the restaurant as the realization that it was indeed Henry and Evelyn, dawned on everyone.
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Regina rose from the couch with her arms crossed and her eyes narrowed as they flickered between Anita and Adrian. Her lips curled into a disapproving scowl. “Why are you here?” she gritted, her voice rising with each word as she glared at Adrian with so much intensity. “You have no right to step foot in this house, because you aren’t welcome here! Your plans to leech off my daughter won’t work! Now turn around and get out!” “Mother!” Anita exclaimed, her voice laced with frustration, and her cheeks flushed with anger as she stepped in front of Adrian, as if to shield him from Regina’s hateful stare. “That’s enough! Adrian is my husband for goodness’ sake, and you will not speak to him like that. ” “Husband?” Regina scoffed, her gaze hardening as she ignored Anita’s protests. “He’s just a nobody! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again—you deserve so much better than him! Divorce him for crying out loud!” Adrian’s jaw tightened and he clenched his fists, but before he could re
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Adrian’s jaw twitched at Paul’s words and Anita could feel him stiffen so she grabbed his hand and subtly signaled for him to calm down. Adrian took a deep breath to calm himself, then he glanced back at Paul who had a smug smirk on his face. “Paul,” he began, a bit of anger still evident in his tone. “I recall you saying you’re a departmental head at Crestwood investment, is that right?” Paul raised his shoulder haughtily. “Of course I am. Why? Do you want me to put in a good word for you? Just say it and I can snag you a job as a janitor.” Some of the classmates snickered at Paul’s words and stared at Adrian mockingly. Adrian’s lips twitched into a mischievous smile, not letting Paul’s jabs affect him in the slightest. “Interesting. But no, Paul, I don’t need a job. Actually I asked you because I have a mean sixth sense, you know. It’s rarely wrong and it’s telling me something right now.” Paul chuckled, shaking his head in mock interest. “Oh yeah? What’s it telling you?”
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At Tristan’s declaration, some of the classmates exchanged awkward glances with each other, but none of them spoke up in Adrian’s defense. After all, he wasn’t one of their classmates, and they didn’t want to risk their chance to enter the exclusive club. They simply shrugged and made their way in. Adrian’s expression remained calm as he met Tristan’s gaze. He wasn’t surprised that Tristan had said this. Infact, he expected this kind of pettiness from him. Deciding to indulge him, he raised a brow and asked, “And why am I not invited?” Tristan’s grin widened, his voice low and taunting as he replied. “It’s simple, really. You’re a nobody and a loser that no one wants around. Tell you what though,” he leaned in closer, his breath almost fanning Adrian’s face. “If you lick my feet, I’ll let you in with the rest of us. How does that sound?” Anita’s eyes widened in disbelief, and she quickly stepped in front of Adrian, her voice firm. “That’s enough, Tristan. You’re going too far! If
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The atmosphere outside the club grew even more tense as Adrian turned slowly towards the source of the voice. Standing a few feet away was Landon Welsh, his posture oozing arrogance. The smirk on his face was one of malicious satisfaction, and his eyes gleamed with the pleasure of seeing Adrian in what he presumed to be a humiliating situation. Adrian remained impassive as he stared at Landon, and all he could see was the spoiled brat who had once tried to intimidate him and failed miserably. The sheer arrogance he still exuded made it obvious that he hadn’t learned his lesson. He made a mental note to have a serious talk with Harold Welsh regarding this. “What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?” Landon taunted when Adrian didn’t say anything, his voice loud enough to pique the attention of Skylar and the bouncer. “Or are you too embarrassed to admit you are one of my father’s benefactors?” Adrian arched an eyebrow, his head tilting in mock confusion. “Benefactor? The last time I
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Skyler ignored Landon’s question as she kept staring at Adrian in wide-eyed disbelief, and her mind raced as she struggled to process the reality of her situation. The bouncer also felt a chill run down his spine as he observed Skyler’s panicked expression, then he shot a nervous glance at Adrian before turning back to Skyler. “Manager Skyler, was he really telling the truth about being a platinum member? Before Skyler could reply, the sounds of incoming footsteps echoed across the pavement, and her whole body went rigid as David Reed, the club’s owner, approached with two bodyguards, that sported muscles which put Dwayne Johnson to shame, trailing behind him. David was not so tall, but he had a commanding presence, and his sharp eyes flickered as they scanned the scene. As soon as he spotted Adrian, his expression softened, and he quickened his pace, a genuine smile spreading across his face as he came to a stop in front of him. “Mr. Young,” David greeted with a bow, his tone fil
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