All Chapters of RISE OF THE INVINCIBLE HEIR : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
152 chapters
Fred’s eyes narrowed, his nostrils flaring like that of a bull. “You dare be so brazen as to challenge me?!” “Ignore him, sir.” Maya interjected, her distaste for Adrian growing by the second. “He’s not worth your anger at all.” A smirk grew on Adrian’s lips. “If he ignores me, that means he’s a big coward.” his smirk then widened as he raised a brow at Fred. “Are you going to be a big coward?” Steam could almost be seen coming out of Fred’s ears as his face reddened. “I’m not a coward!” he gritted and puffed out his chest. “I face whatever challenges thrown at me head on and I always win. So try me!” “Now that’s the spirit!” Adrian cheered, his tone laced with sarcasm. “The bet is simply ‘winner takes all.’ Whoever ends up winning the bake-off between this bakery and your bakery, gets ownership of the loser’s bakery.” Ashley and Vincent simultaneously turned to look at Adrian, their eyes widening as they looked at him like he had grown two heads. “What do you think you’re
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The host dragged out the anticipation for a moment longer, before he finally announced the winner. “Ashley Stevens of Happy Desserts Bakery!” The crowd erupted in cheers and Adrian and Vincent stood out in the audience as they gave Ashley ecstatic grins with their thumbs up. Ashley also mirrored their expressions as she mouthed, “I’m so glad I won this round.” Maya huffed and stomped her feet in anger. Then, she glanced at Fred with an exasperated expression on her face, and he subtly gestured for her to follow him with a head nod. He then stood up and walked out of the main bakery hall, and after a few minutes, Maya secretly sneaked out and followed in the direction Fred had just left in Shortly after, Adrian felt like using the restroom, and turned to Vincent. “Mr. Davies, do you have any idea where the restrooms are? I need to relieve myself before the second round begins.” “Yes I do, son. Once you make a turn by that hallway over there,” he gestured towards a narrow hallway
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The entire baking hall fell silent as all eyes turned to Adrian who sported a calm expression. Maya's smug smirk faltered and was replaced by a look of shock, while Fred's expression hardened, his eyes narrowing in anger. “W-what are you talking about?” Maya stumbled out, as she feigned surprise. “I’m talking about the fact that you intentionally poisoned your own pastry,” Adrian replied in a disgusted voice. “You also planned to put the blame on your fellow competitor from Happy Desserts Bakery, Ashley Stevens, in order to sabotage her chances of winning this competition, isn’t that right?” A collective gasp erupted from the crowd. Even the host, the other bakers, and the judges were not left out of the rising tension. Maya's eyes widened as she pointed a trembling finger at Adrian. “He's lying! I-I never did any of that!” Fred’s veins sizzled with a mix of shock and rage. Adrian had somehow gotten to know about their plans, but he wasn’t going to admit to any of it. “Bumpkin!
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After a few seconds of struggling to rein in his emotions, Fred took a deep breath. “I’ll hand over the bakery,” he muttered bitterly, and shakily reached into his suit pocket to pull out his phone. He then sent a text message to the manager of his bakery telling him to arrive at Happy Desserts with his bakery’s documents in a few minutes. “My manager will be here with the papers in a few minutes,” he informed Adrian in a strained voice, and his hands fell limply to his side as he sat on the floor, cradling his head in his hands, while mumbling incoherent words to himself. Maya immediately rushed to Fred, while still on her knees, and grabbed his arm in disbelief. “W-what are you doing, Mr. Fred? How can you admit defeat so easily?! You can’t just give up your bakery like that! I’d be left jobless!” “Let go of me, you wench!” Fred hissed as he violently yanked his arm out of Maya’s grip. “If you were competent enough, I wouldn’t have had to bribe my way into winning every damn t
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Adrian and Anita sported stunned expressions as they glanced at each other and then back at Nathan and Lloyd. “What are you talking about, Nathan? You know that’s not—”“Anita,” Nathan interrupted. “What brings you here?” he asked, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips.Grandpa Lloyd’s eyes darted to Adrian and Anita and his eyes narrowed in curiosity. “I’d also like to know was well. I don’t remember inviting you.”Anita walked over to Grandpa Lloyd. “Grandfather, well, I actually came to present your jade pipe to you.”Lloyd’s brows formed a V. “You must be mistaken,” he frowned as he looked down at the box Nathan had just presented to him. He opened the box and retrieved the jade pipe nestled inside. Anita’s breath caught in her throat as she saw the jade pipe in Lloyd’s hands. It looked exactly like the one Adrian had bought at the action. She glanced back at Adrian, who seemed to share the same confusion as her. Grandpa Lloyd examined the jade pipe carefully before looking up a
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As Grandpa Lloyd disappeared up the stairs, a wave of tense silence fell over the room as the weight of his words settled on Nathan and Anita like a thick cloud. Adrian noticed the way Anita fiddled with her fingers, and he placed a hand over them in an attempt to calm her anxiety. “Don’t overthink it,” he reassured softly. “Whatever the task turns out be, I know you’ll tackle it like a champ.” Nathan scoffed loudly as he rose up from his seat. “Not if I have anything to do about it,” he challenged, his eyes flashing with hostility before he stormed out of the living room. Adrian squeezed Anita’s hand gently. “Ignore him. He’s just insecure and feels threatened by you. And truthfully, he should be,” Adrian’s lips tugged up in a playful smirk. “…because you’re definitely getting that title.” “I hope so,” Anita managed a weak smile, not seeming convinced. “Come on,” Adrian said, rising to his feet and helping her up. “Let’s get you out of here. ” He draped one of her arms arou
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The sales assistant’s eyes widened in surprise and she hesitated a bit before blurting out, “Are you sure sir? It’s quite expensive.” Adrian chuckled at her bewildered expression. “I’m sure, now ring it up for me,” he extended his credit card towards her. She nodded and took the card from him with shaky hands, then she swiped it across the payment machine and the amount was deducted successfully. “The payment was successful,” she announced, still in a daze as she handed Adrian back his card. Regaining her composure after a few seconds, she proceeded to carefully retrieve the bracelet from its display case. She was about to pack the jewelry in a red velvet box when a loud almost banshee-like shriek interrupted her. “Oh my Gosh! Babe, that’s the Cartier bracelet I’ve been wanting!” Skylar squealed excitedly and let go of Miles arm, rushing towards the glass display. Without acknowledging Adrian, she eagerly stretched out her hand towards the nice sales assistant. “Give it to me
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“I’ll do that right away, young master,” Jonah replied without hesitation and the line went dead. Miles, Skylar, the manager, and the rude sales assistant exchanged amused glances as they looked down on Adrian, thinking he was bluffing. “Cut the act, loser,” Skylar spat. “You’re not fooling anyone here.” The rude sales assistant joined in, sneering. “It’s not too late to take up the manager’s offer to compensate you and save the last shred of self respect you have.” “The offer is off the table!” The manager declared in a derisive tone. “His money, if it’s even his at all, will be refunded to him. I won’t have a lowlife like him buying any of our precious jewelry. He'll just soil them with his poor hands.” As the group jeered at him, Adrian remained silent, his expression calm, almost bored. On the other hand, a million thoughts of how to teach Adrian a lesson, swirled through Miles’ mind, and he contemplated calling his father and reporting Adrian’s bashfulness to him. But af
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As Adrian stepped out of the jewelry store, he slipped the invitation from the mayor into his pocket. His first gift for Anita was secured, but there was more to do. An idea struck him, and he quickly pulled out his phone to call Jonah. “Hello young master,” Jonah answered on the first ring. “I trust the mayor was able to make it to the jewelry store in time, as you requested?” “Yes, Jonah,” Adrian affirmed. “The issue has been resolved. “That’s good to hear,” Jonah exhaled in relief. “Is there anything else I can help you with?” “Actually, there is. I’m looking for a place to take Anita for Valentine’s Day—a place that’s truly special. Preferably a restaurant.” There was a brief pause from the other end, as Jonah smiled knowingly. He cleared his throat and finally replied. “As a matter of fact, I have the perfect place in mind, young master. It might interest you to know that Alpha hotel, a subsidiary of Alpha group, has the best and most luxurious restaurant in the entire r
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“Perfect,” Adrian rubbed his hands together and leaned forward. “ I’d like everything to be arranged with the utmost care—from the restaurant to the service to the food. It all needs to be impeccable. But there’s one more thing; when I arrive with my wife tonight, she’s going to wonder how I could afford such a luxurious dinner, considering my cover up identity as a jobless average joe. We’d have to come up with a believable explanation that quells her curiosity. Is that understood?” “Clearly understood, young master.” Leon replied confidently. “I’ll have the staff reserve the entire rooftop restaurant for your dinner. And I’ll personally ensure that everything is perfectly set in place, so your dinner can be a memorable one.” “I expect nothing less,” Adrian said seriously as he picked up the teacup and sipped his tea until its last drop. “Now, tell me more about this hotel. I want to know everything.” About half an hour later, Adrian was done with his
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