All Chapters of RISE OF THE INVINCIBLE HEIR : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
152 chapters
Adrian pulled to a stop a few meters away from the bunker where Anita was being held captive within minutes, and thanked the driver for his patience before jumping out of the car. Just as he climbed out of the car, a black bulletproof van bearing the logo of Fortgate Security Services pulled up beside him. The van came to a stop, and several bodyguards in combat gear filed out, each falling on one knee before Adrian in respect. Adrian barely spared them a glance. He didn’t have the time for that. "Get up," he snapped, his voice commanding and urgent as his gaze swept over all the bodyguards. "Who's in charge?" A towering man with huge biceps stepped forward, his expression stoic and ready for action. "I am, sir." Adrian wasted no time in voicing out his orders. “We’re storming that bunker.” He pointed toward the desolate building that stood a few meters away from them. “I want those men at the entrance neutralized, and I want my wife out of there alive. Understood?” The leade
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Lilian’s eyes flickered with panic as she processed the weight of Adrian’s words. Hades Prison. The name alone sent chills down her spine. “I… I can’t go there,” she whispered, her voice trembling with fear. There was no way she’d survive in such a place. This realization made tears well up in her eyes, the earlier confidence she sported now completely diminished. Her mind raced with thoughts of how she could escape this punishment, but as her gaze met with the unwavering gazes of Adrian and the bodyguards, she knew that her attempts would be futile. The smirk never left Adrian’s face as he watched Lilian break down, but this was just the beginning of her suffering. He shifted his attention to the leader of the bodyguards. “Take her to Hades Prison,” he ordered in a tone of finality. “And inform your uncle that the young master of the Young family has commanded that she be kept in solitary confinement. Under no condition should she be released until I say otherwise.” The leader
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Adrian stepped out of the Fortgate Security van immediately it pulled over in front of Lifemate hospital. He made his way inside, and saw the bodyguard he had told to take Anita to the hospital, sitting patiently at a waiting room.When the guard saw him approaching, he instantly rose to his feet and bowed his head in respect. Adrian nodded at him in acknowledgment then asked, “Has Doctor Arnold examined my wife? Which ward is she in?”The guard nodded in response. “Yes sir, the doctor examined her and confirmed she was alright immediately I brought her in. She's in the last ward by the right of this hallway,” he finished, gesturing to the hallway adjacent to him. “Good work,” Adrian commended him. “You are dismissed, you may leave.” The guard bowed once more before taking his leave. Meanwhile, Adrian headed towards the narrow hallway where Anita’s ward was. When he reached Anita's room, he gently pushed open the door and the tension in his chest eased when he stepped in and saw An
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Adrian blinked, completely taken aback by Regina’s absurd accusation. “What? No, I would never—”“Stop lying!” Regina sharply cut him off then reared her hand back to slap him, but Anita firmly caught her wrist mid-air.“Stop this, mom!” Anita snapped, her eyes flashing with annoyance as she dropped Regina’s hand to the side. “Adrian didn’t do anything to me. Those marks on my wrist are as a result of an allergic reaction to jewelry. Please, stop jumping to conclusions!”“Don’t you dare defend him, Anita!” Regina shot back, folding her arms as she glared daggers at Adrian. “You have no idea how much I loathe this useless husband of yours! All my friends have sons-in-law who are worth something. They even got them invitations to the Mayor’s daughter’s wedding happening tomorrow. Something this good-for nothing can never afford to do!” As soon as Adrian heard Regina’s words about the wedding, his memory jogged, and he remembered the mayor had given him invitations to his daughter’s wed
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The man named Peyton, frowned as he moved away from the truck driver and turned his attention to Adrian. “And who the hell do you think you are to ask me such a question?” He retorted, his voice sharp and dripping with disdain.Unfazed by Peyton’s attempt at intimidation, Adrian repeated, pronouncing each word slowly this time, “Where did you get this car?”Peyton scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest. “I bought it with my money. Why? Do you want to know the price? I bet you can't afford a car like this,” he taunted, his eyes scanning Adrian from head to toe as if judging his worth based on his appearance.Adrian remained silent for a moment, then a smirk tugged at his lips as he pulled out his phone from his pocket and swiped open the tracker app he had installed for the tracking device in Anita’s car. He held the phone up for Peyton to see the screen which flashed a blinking dot that indicated the location of Anita’s car, and the dot was blinking right where they stood. Adrian
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Peyton’s face paled as he watched Rhea address Adrian with so much respect. The doubt and confusion he felt earlier was now replaced with fear as he realized that Adrian really hadn’t been bluffing. Adrian remained calm as he met Rhea’s gaze. “That car,” he began, pointing to the car behind Peyton, “belongs to my wife, Anita. It broke down last night on the side of the road. And this app.” He raised his phone, showing her the tracking app on the screen. “is connected to the tracking device which was placed in her car for security measures. The app clearly says that her car is here, but your brother-in-law claims it’s his. How is that possible?”Rhea’s gaze remained on Adrian’s phone screen for a moment, then her expression tightened as she now understood the situation. She nodded, and without needing further explanation, she turned towards Peyton’s direction, a glint of annoyance flickering in her eyes. Peyton, who noticed the disapproving look Rhea was giving him, blurted out defen
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Before joining the truck driver, Adrian first placed a call to one of Anita’s bodyguards, instructing him to come and pick up Anita’s car and drive it back to her apartment. Then, rolling up his sleeves, he crouched next to the truck driver, who was already carefully gathering the fallen antiques and loading them back into the truck.Adrian began helping out and as he picked up the pieces of a broken Ming Dynasty vase, an ancient looking scroll fell out suddenly, and the momentary distraction caused Adrian to prick his finger against a sharp edge of the vase. He hissed slightly, as he dropped the broken pieces and inspected the cut.While he was doing this, some blood from his finger dropped on the scroll, and Adrian was about to ignore it until something strange happened—The blood, instead of staining the scroll, absorbed into it and vaporized.“What the—” A crease formed on Adrian’s brow as he picked up the scroll which had ancient Chinese inscriptions and drawings written on the re
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Regina frowned as she looked between the invitations in her hand, and the ones Henry was showing her. Doubt swirled in her mines as she saw the clear difference between them. Hers definitely paled in comparison. Not wanting to reveal the doubt on her face, she cleared her throat and squared her chin. “Until the security guards say otherwise, then I don’t believe our invitations are fake.” Fiona rolled her eyes at Regina’s attempt at seeming unfazed, even though it was clear by the way her hands twitched that she was extremely nervous. “Regina, you don’t have to pretend to be confident, when It’s obvious you’re scared. “You know as well as we do that those cards you’re holding are worthless.” Evelyn pouted, her face expression turning to one of feigned concern. “Aunt Regina, there is no need to feel ashamed,” she chimed in, in a bit to add fuel to the fire. “It’s clear that Anita’s good for nothing husband had deceived you both. If you don’t want to be embarrassed once the securit
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Adrian's voice echoed through the narrow hallway and instantly drew the landlord's attention. The short, rotund man turned towards Adrian, his face twisted in disapproval, but Adrian’s focus was now on Irene. He rushed to her side as she braced herself against the wall, steadying her frame. The moment his hand touched her arm, he began to sense the essence of her wellbeing. It was as if he was viewing a visual representation of her health status, and he could detect that all her vitals were okay. Her cancer was truly gone.Relief flooded through Adrian, and he smiled gently as Irene caught her breath, patting her arm reassuringly. "I’ll handle this, mom. You just stay aside."Irene nodded and was about to say something when the gruff, crude voice of the landlord interrupted the moment. “Hey you!” the landlord barked, pointing a pudgy finger at Adrian. “Get your mother out of here! I’ve already rented this place out to someone else, so find another apartment to stay!”Adrian’s jaw t
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Adrian shook his head as he stared at the way the landlord’s face contorted with pain. Irene, who was behind him, panicked, her eyes wide with worry as she saw the landlord doubling over and clutching his chest. “Adrian, what do we do?” She asked in an urgent voice as she stepped towards the landlord. “We should help him.” Irene was about to move towards the landlord as she said this, but Adrian slightly touched her arm, preventing her from going. “He’s having a heart attack, mom,” Adrian informed her, his voice calm as though there wasn’t a man fighting for his life in front of him. “There’s no need to panic. I’ll stabilize him.” Irene’s forehead contorted in a frown as she tried to understand what Adrian had just said. As far as she remembered, he didn’t have any medical training. She was about to voice out her confusion, but Adrian had already started walking towards the landlord. The landlord wheezed, his face now as red as beetroot, and sweat broke out of his forehead a
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