All Chapters of RISE OF THE INVINCIBLE HEIR : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
152 chapters
Anita froze for a millisecond, feeling the strong arm around her waist, but as she realized that she was in the arms of a man who wasn’t her husband, she jerked away from him, her face flushing with a mix of embarrassment and gratitude.Thank you for catching me,” she managed, giving him a polite but guarded smile. She turned to leave, but the man stopped her as he spoke. “I should be the one thanking you,” he flashed a smile that showed his pearly white teeth. “I got an opportunity to see an angel today.”Anita’s polite smile faltered, and she shifted on her feet as she avoided his gaze. She had to stop his flattery before it crossed a line. “Actually—” she began but was interrupted by the nasally sound of a feminine voice.“Ethan, darling. There are some people I want you to meet,” the voice drew nearer and a middle aged eccentric looking woman appeared beside the man, whose name Anita now knew to be Ethan.The woman’s eyes flickered toward Anita, and she gave her a once over, a smi
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Fiona gasped, not knowing what to say for a moment, then her eyes narrowed as she gave Regina a withering glare. “My daughter is much more beautiful than yours!” She defended, and scoffs could be heard from Ophelia, Ethan, and the guests. Even Henry wasn’t left out as he stifled a snicker.Evelyn’s mouth shot open when she caught Henry trying to laugh and she nudged him painfully in the ribs, giving him a stern glare.“See, even your son-in-law agrees with me,” Regina taunted, her eyes also catching onto the scolding glare Evelyn gave Henry. Fiona frowned, her cheeks reddening in embarrassment as she pointed at Regina. “You!—”“That enough you two!” Ophelia chided from where she stood, her lips turned down in a disapproving frown. “Are you not ashamed? Bickering at each other like a bunch of teenagers,” she made her tsk tsk sound while shaking her head. “How uncouth.”Fiona let out a nervous smile as she turned to Ophelia. “I apologize for losing my etiquette, Mrs. Blackwell,” she fe
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Adrian's grip on his phone tightened, his jaw tightening as he replayed the bodyguard’s words. How dare they throw his wife and mother-in-law out?! They’d surely regret it.He instantly dialed Rhea Smith’s number and pressed the phone to his ear. She picked up on the first ring. “Young master,” she answered.“Rhea, are you at the Mayor’s daughter’s wedding?” Adrian asked, his anger barely restrained.“Not yet, young master,” Rhea replied. “But I’m on my way there.”“Good,” Adrian gritted before continuing. “I want you to call the manager of that hotel and ask him to shut down the wedding taking place there! Under no circumstance must that wedding continue!”Rhea was a bit taken aback at the intensity of Adrian’s voice. She hesitated before asking, “young master, is everything alright?”“No,” Adrian deadpanned. “My wife, Anita, and her mother were thrown out for some reason. And until I get to the bottom of it. That wedding wouldn’t hold.”“Understood, young master.” Rhea finally agree
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When Rhea found the person she was looking for, she began walking towards her, her heels clicking against the ground, and her lips curling up in a beautiful smile.Evelyn had initially thought Rhea was coming towards her, and she began to feel giddy inside and even raised her shoulders a bit, but her jaw dropped open as Rhea passed her without even acknowledging her existence, and walked straight over to Anita.Anita was taken aback as Rhea came to a stop before her, and her eyes widened in disbelief as Rhea stretched out a slender hand to her. “Hello, Miss. Anita. I’m Rhea Smith, and it’s a great honor to meet you.”Anita hesitantly brought her hands forward to return Rhea’s handshake, and she let out an almost nervous smile. “Uhh…Likewise, Miss. Smith”“Please,” Rhea’s smile brightened as she waved her off. “Call me Rhea.”Regina, who had been sulking by a corner, noticed that all attention had turned to her daughter and she moved closer to see what was going on. When she saw Rhea a
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The Mayor’s eyes subconsciously widened to that of saucers, and his throat bobbed constantly as he cleared his throat like a lump was lodged there. “T-the young master’s w-wife?” He sputtered out, the panic in his face now worse than it was before.Rhea’s eyes flashed with impatience. “I don’t think I stuttered the first time, did I? Explain why you had the audacity to throw the young master’s wife out of your daughter’s wedding. Weren’t you supposed to treat them like the honorary guests they were?”The mayor’s expression turned remorseful and apologetic. “I-I wasn’t aware they were related to the young master. I swear I wouldn’t have dared to treat them in such a manner if I did,” the mayor rushed out, his voice filled with desperation. “The young master is someone I dare not offend. Please forgive my oversight.”“There is only one way to fix your mistake,” Rhea began. “I’ll call the young master and explain that you acted out of ignorance, and once he reinstates your daughter’s wed
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Ignoring Ophelia’s dramatic exit, and seeing as the mayor had done as Adrian commanded, Rhea pulled out her phone and called William Cosby. To the hearing of everyone, she ordered that the mayor’s daughter’s wedding be reinstated.Some of the guests, including Evelyn, Fiona, and Henry gasped in surprise. Rhea Smith was the one who had ordered for the mayor’s daughter’s wedding to be canceled? How powerful was this woman? They wondered in astonishment.Regina, however, was riddled with mixed feelings. On one hand, she was happy that the earlier embarrassment they faced had now been replaced with respect and admiration, and on the other hand, she was troubled about Ophelia Blackwell’s words. Will she stay true to them? She had to find a way to reach her and apologize to her.Soon enough, the hotel’s grand double doors were opened, and out came Will Cosby, who stood and announced, “You can all now come in!”Valerie almost leapt for joy as she entwined her hands with her husband and they
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At the mayor’s daughter’s wedding, Anita and her mother, Regina, were seated with Rhea at a table. The atmosphere was filled with laughter and the clinking of glasses as guests mingled with each other, the earlier incidents now completely forgotten. Rhea, deciding to engage in business conversation with Anita, leaned in towards her. "So Anita, have you made any proposals for the Alpha Group construction project yet?" Rhea asked, her tone both casual and inquisitive. Anita nodded, a hint of excitement that Rhea had brought up the topic as well a bit of nervousness flickering in her eyes. "Yes, I have. But it’s still a draft though, I’ll still need to add in some ideas.” Rhea smiled, inwardly impressed that Anita had actually begun crafting a proposal. She definitely deserved a construction contract. “That’s good. If you don’t mind, I’ll like to review it. Kindly send it to my email.” She texted her email address to Anita after she finished talking. Anita nodded eagerly and brough
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Anita sighed in frustration, and apologetically excused herself from Rhea before rising up and following after her mother.When Anita got outside, she saw her mother trying to wave down a cab. She pinched the bridge of her nose to control her frustration before she rushed to her mother, and brought down her hand to prevent her from actually stopping a cab.“Mom, what do you think you’re doing?” She demanded. “How can you possibly consider apologizing to Ophelia Blackwell when we did nothing wrong!”“Nothing wrong?!” Regina whipped around to face Anita, bristling. “I agree that I did nothing wrong, but you? All this wouldn’t have been happening if you had just accepted the Blackwells’ marriage proposal!” She threw her hands up in exasperation .“Mom—” Anita began, her expression falling in disbelief, but Regina didn’t let her finish as she continued,“Your stubbornness is about to leave us homeless, and I won’t stand here and do nothing about it! Enough is enough!” She snapped, and wit
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Adrian turned towards the sound of Ophelia’s voice, and he stared at her blankly, unable to recall who she was.The chauffeur fidgeted as he replied to her question. “Ma’am, I was just telling this man,” he gestured to Adrian, “to pay a compensation for the scratch he caused on the car.It was at this time that Ophelia finally turned to look at Adrian, her expression a mix of contempt, derision and distaste as she assessed him from head to toe.“You…are the fool who bumped into my car?” She questioned, her tone demeaning.Adrian’s expression remained blank, even though his jaw ticked at the word ‘fool’ she had addressed him as. “I bumped into your car, yes. But, I’m not a fool, so I’d advise you watch what you call me.”“Excuse me,” Ophelia bristled, her eyes flashing with surprise then anger as she felt insulted. Nobody had ever spoken to her with so much audacity before, not even Anita Davies, who she was incredibly pissed with.“How dare you talk to me in such a manner?!” She explo
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Adrian noticed the panicked expression on Regina’s face and the gentle tapping of Anita’s finger on his arm. It was then he realized that he had gotten carried away. He loosened his grip on Regina’s wrist and let go of her hand, which dropped limply to her side as she stared dumbfounded, reeling from the shock of what had just happened.Regina regained her composure, and a wild look of fury flashed through her eyes as she narrowed them at Adrian, then whipped to the side to look at Anita. “Did you see that?” She spat, shooting a finger at Adrian. “He almost broke my arm! Me! That’s the kind of animal you have as a husband!”Ethan, seeing as Regina was incredibly displeased with Anita, decided to interfere and add more fuel to the fire. “What kind of a man treats his mother-in-law in such a manner,” he shook his head distastefully. “You know,” he continued, “when Anita told me she was married, I expected a competition of some sort. But, seeing you right now…” he paused, his eyes scan
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