All Chapters of RISE OF THE INVINCIBLE HEIR : Chapter 151 - Chapter 152
152 chapters
Anita stared blankly at Ethan, his words passing over her head. There was nothing she hated more than pompous spoilt brats who think the world revolves around them. She simply ignored him as though he didn’t say anything. This infuriated Ethan, and his eyes narrowed at her. “I see you’re still being stubborn, huh? Don’t come begging when it’s too late, because then I won’t be as considerate.” Regina, getting fed up with Anita’s insistent stubbornness stomped up to her and grabbed her arm, her fingernails slightly digging into her skin. “Anita, what’s wrong with you? Why are you making things so difficult for us? Just apologize, and agree to their demands so we can get our house back!” Anita winced and looked at her mother, her expression contorting into one of pain. “Mom, stop hurting me because of these people for crying out loud!” She snapped, yanking her hand forcefully from Regina’s grip. Regina’s eyes narrowed and she turned to glare at Adrian. She was about to lash out
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Regina gasped audibly as she watched Adrian take Blaze down with a single hit. Ophelia and Ethan also wore the same expressions. Even Anita looked surprised, but hers was more of an impressed look than anything else.“Ethan was the first to voice out his disbelief. “H-how was he able to do that? That’s just not possible! Blaze was our strongest and most skilled martial artist for goodness sakes.”“I-I don’t know,” Ophelia stammered, her eyes with bewilderment. “I’m also as surprised as you are.”Anita on the other hand, rushed to Adrian’s side before Regina could stop her, and her eyes quizzically searched his face. “Adrian, that was amazing. But, how were you able to take a man twice your size down with so much ease?”Adrian shrugged as if what he had done was not a big deal. “I’ve been taking martial arts training. I guess I’ve mastered more than I thought.”Ethan stomped his foot on the ground, seeing as his plan to teach Adrian a lesson had a fallen through. His face darkened wi
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