All Chapters of ANGEL INLAW: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
137 chapters
Revenge is sweet
Cold silent nights, turning around on the king sized bed. Lord Walter leapt out of the bed after several hours of insomnia. Walking round the room, he could hear the sound of air, like it has a sound.Men don’t cry was the only consolation that currently stops him from crying like a two years old. This is just the sign of failure. “Yes I failed drastically,” he voiced out and it was very painful to hear himself speak that.Schizophrenia is the name. If only she could be attended to she would be fine. But the instruction from Quincy Stone stays that she should not be attended to.Both Lord Walter and George were stopped from entering the hospital.As early as five in the morning, despite the fact that Lord Walter had a sleepless night, he hopped into car “Lucas Hospital immediately,” he ordered his driver.Still instructions from the management remained that, Lord Walter should not be allowed into the hospital. And that’s final.‘I need to get in there, George made it clear to me that
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Dressed in a short denim and a polo, it was deliberate. Quincy Stone placed a cowboy cap over his head. Smiling on the dressing mirror, he tried different sunglasses, and finally picked the dark sunshade.“Good morning baby and can I come along?” Khloe asked when he noticed the excitement.Dancing happily Quincy turned towards her, “No baby, you don’t have to stress yourself,” he uttered softly into her ear, more like e whisper.He dashed off to the garage and entered his car. He got the office before everyone else, actually got there before work hour.He had to prepare the dismissal mail for those doctors that went against the instruction and attended to Deborah. “Done,” he voiced out happily. Mails sent. They can no longer continue working for the hospital, “rules are rules,” Quincy Stone pronounced again as he was told growing up.“Good morning sir,” the receptionist greeted expressing surprise at seeing her boss at work that early.“Good morning Pauline,” he replied even without
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Lord Walter losing it already at the moment. Looking up from the ground where his gaze was and then seeing Quincy walking towards him with crowds.He wasn’t comfortable with it, his mind resorted to running away but it will send the wrong signal to the crows that already had compassion for him.“I am Quincy Stone, the owner of Lucas Hospital,” Quincy purposely introduced himself to Lord Walter. “Do you think the hospital was wrong for not treating Deborah your granddaughter?” Quincy asked smiling. The smile was very sweet but irritating to Walter.Walter practically ignored him, what would anyone have him say. And he was terrified because he does not known Quincy Stone’s next move. Standing in front of him was a man he burnt down his house, killed his niece and his in-laws. He knew that standing in his presence was not a good one for him, all Walter wanted to do was to evaporate into the thin air if possible.His legs were shaking and the crowd assumed it to be as a result of stress a
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The first time in a very long time, Walter was having a good night sleep. He was able to sleep soundly because he believed help was near. The bad boy gang he met assured him that they will render successful help.Nothing positive yet but he somehow ha a tiny hope, and it was enough to get him a good sound sleep.He woke up with a yawn, and that was a sign of hunger, he hasn’t had good meal as well.He went into the kitchen, one of his good qualities was a good cook. He made a lot of money and thus was able to afford a professional cook and that was why he dropped his passion for cooking and let it slide.But today as a lonely man, he remembered his abandoned passion. Walter made a very good meal for himself.“When are we getting the information needed for a successful operation?” he asked Lord Walter.Asking Lord Walter was sort of a mistake because he had no idea. He had made a lot of failed plan and he is already exhausted when it comes to thinking out ideas.“Can the operation halt
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Lord Walter trembling sat on the floor even without knowing the owner of the voice. It was a very familiar voice but out of fear, he couldn’t trace the voice.Charles and the rest focused their gaze on Lord Walter with lots of regrets. They prayed silently that he would be kept in the cell with them. “I will strangle this old man to death myself if he ends up with us in the cell,” Philip said in his head.Just as they were all pondering on different things in their mind, Quincy Stone opened the curtain and appeared with his wife Khloe by his side.He had ordered Jack to get Khloe. Khloe was reluctant about it at first but her husband persuaded her with love she agreed.She came dressed in a long black gown, wore a black fashion glasses, carried a Black Hand bag, and wore a black shoe and a dark make up. She decided to be all black because she felt the pains in her heart would be poured out today.Lord Walter sighting Khloe got a bit relieved, believing that her kindness will take ove
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“No, she is raving mad,” Phillip declared disapproval for the idea of Deborah staying with them, but his opinion just doesn’t matter.Charles said nothing but he prayed silently that Quincy should on no account leave Deborah in the same cell with them.“My mind is made up, and your opinion is not needed, so she stays here with the four of you,” Quincy said pointing at Lord Walter.They all turned to the spot Quincy’s finger pointed at and seeing it pointed at Lord Walter, “He is sick and old,” Charles spoke out of fear of the unknown. Staying in the same room with a sick old man and a raving mad woman in chains.This is the worst situation any one could find his or herself in.After Quincy Stone warned that it was not their decision to make and that their opinion doesn’t matter, they all succumbed to sharing the same room with a mad woman and a sick old man.“That would be difficult,” Philip murmured. “But who cares?” Philip replied him.Quincy and Scout left them all there. But he en
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“What exactly is the plan?” out of curiosity, Khloe asked her husband Quincy. She just couldn’t fathom the direction the whole drama was heading to.“Pay back is the direction,” he answered her with a soft caress on her curly hair.“Why did you dress in black,” was the next question that popped out from his mouth. He was at work but sent Jack to go get Khloe.“I would have stopped my wife from wearing all black, we actually not mourning,” Quincy joked.But the joke didn’t put smile on Khloe’s face. The direct hit was on her.She remembered growing up with Deborah, playing under the sun and all that. She remembers her grandfather’s love for her when she was younger.“What happened to all the love we shared growing up?” she voiced out this emotional question. And now those people she called family are all after her life and also that’s of her little baby.“Philip is my family too,” Quincy said just to appease her that it was not only her family members that turned against her. Implying
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Scot as well knew about Philp’s death and the first thing he did was to inform Quincy Stone. “Deborah just strangled Philip.”Quincy dressed and hurried to the cell. While he was approaching was when he heard Charles asking the doctor what the plan was.“What was the plan when you used her for the despicable act?” Quincy repeated his question.“It seems like you all have forgotten the atrocities you committed,” Quincy Stone continued.Each time they ask to be treated like humans, he reminds them of the crimes they committed and that always weakens them.“Kill me off, its far better off than this,” Coco said pointing at lifeless body of Philip.“All of you are killers, so continue with that which you know how to do. Kill yourselves. The winner would be forgiven and given a lot of money,” said Quincy.Charles faced the wall and hit the wall with his fist, he hit it real hard several times that it started to bleed, “Stop that! You are not told to yourself,” Coco reminded Charles of what
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Philip’s body was taken to the morgue as directed by Quincy.“Boss, the body has been there for one week, I just thought I should remind you,” Scot told Quincy this morning at work.He left the body there on purpose. The death of his brother really broke his heart. He had always hoped and prayed for his brother Philip to turn a new leaf but instead of turning a new leaf, Philip got worst by the day and now it has resulted to death.“Maybe I shouldn’t have locked him up,” he cried blaming himself for the death of his only brother.Khloe has been the one consoling him at home and she did a good job there because it helped in easing the pain.But currently at work trying so hard to focus, Scot just brought up the topic again.“Do you think he deserves a proper funeral?” Quincy asked Scot. Without even deliberating on the words to use Scot replied, “Hell no! But for the sake of your late parents just do the proper. You are a nice man and keep being yourself.”Scot’s reply was mature and
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Somehow the news broke out all over the city of Gatto that Quincy Stone killed his younger brother. It was pathetic how the people chooses to believe such ridiculous lie.“What led to the sudden death of Philip?” was the question flying around the city.“I owe no one any explanation, my wife is expecting and that’s all that matters to me right now,” Quincy shunned Scot when he came to have a Tet’ a Tet with him concerning the rumor flying around.“But you have to do something just for the interest of the company. The people might turn their back on us,” Scot said. He needed to bring Quincy on track, because ever since Khloe’s pregnancy. Excitement and joy has taken over him that he cares less about any other thing except Khloe.Quincy Stone was away when Khloe was pregnant with Ashley their first child, and for that reason he vowed to be part of this particular one.“Scot handle the rumor spreaders, control it that it doesn’t affect our brand, fish out the person spreading the fake ne
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