All Chapters of ANGEL INLAW: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
137 chapters
Mr. Hill checked the figures over and over again, it was huge and tempting. But then degrading for Mr. Hills to get into the cell all because of money.“But the money is huge and tempting, very tempting,” he murmured to himself.“And again, the process is very insulting,” he murmured again. He paced round the room pondering. It was a very tight one for him.Fifty percent of Galumantion shares runs into billions of dollars. A tempting one for him.“I will get into the cell for two reason, to help save my son and also possibly get the money,” he finally concluded.He prepared some substances, which he intends to get into the cell with.Charles was terrified when he saw his dad walking onto the cell with the body guards alongside Quincy Stone and Scott.“What in god’s name are you doing here dad?” Charles flared up. There was silence and Charles asked the question over and over again and yet got no answer from his dad.“I can always leave anytime I want right?” Mr. Hills asked Quincy Sto
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“Dad, it’s high time you’ve stopped,” Charles said, he has gotten tired of the whole torment, “let him live with his guilt, you don’t have to spill it out to him every morning,” Charles added.The guilt has taken over Lord Walter at the moment, he now blames himself for everything that happened in his family, and he blamed himself for Deborah’s condition most especially.It was like Mr. Hills plans worked just perfectly, his words pierced Lord Walter’s heart.The afternoon, lunch was served, Lord Walter had his own in front of him but was just spinning the spoon around.“Eat grandfather,” Charles said to him. Charles already had compassion for the old man. Lately he hardly eats, neither does he take his drugs and that contributed to his getting slimmer and sicker.“You need to eat your food and take your medication,” Charles warned.Lord Walter scoffed, “For what reason?” he asked Charles.“To be alive of course,” Charles replied rather surprised why he would ask such question. “Don’t
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Now how does he tell Khloe his wife that her grandfather is dead? Philip just got buried and now this. She is human and the news will affect her and shatter her drastically especially now that she is pregnant.“All she needs this nine months is good news after another. She needs to create wonderful memories this period,” Quincy told Scott.Lord Walter just shouldn’t have died, not just yet. “Everything about that man is bad, even is death timing,” Scot bashed the wall annoyingly seeing his boss’s mood.“Take it easy man, we will figure something out,” Quincy calmed him.He calmed Scot but what about his pregnant wife? “We won’t let her know about the old man’s death yet,” Scot suggested.That was very tough one for Quincy. “How can he not tell his wife that her grandfather is dead and he died where he locked him?”‘Always remember that the dead grandfather planned to kill you and your entire family,” Scot said while they both entered their different cars and headed to their various h
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Informing Khloe about Lord Walter’s death was not peanut one bit. Ops but he did it. Quincy Stone turned to the other side of then bed and smiled to himself. He wasn’t happy about the old man’s death but he was simply satisfied with himself for handling it the way he did. Again he rolled towards his wife and put his hands around her stomach to feel the baby in her womb.Khloe felt his hands and she reciprocated the love by rubbing her own hands on his hands.It was a long night and Quincy Stone left to decide, wouldn’t want the morning to come due to the sweet sensation from the sleep.Khloe opened the curtains to have the feel of a new day. The brightness from outside flashed on Quincy Stone’s face immediately, “Good morning,” she greeted him.He took notice of her glow, it was extra ordinary this morning. “Good morning,” he replied.“Tea or coffee?” she asked smiling.“Coffee will do,” he answered with a smile as well.“It’s past nine in the morning and you should be on your way t
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“Suicide is part of the game,” he said again when he got closer. The statement added fear to Mr. Hills. Here he is trying to give his already fed up son reasons to live this Scot is adding salt to injury.“Take me out of here,” he said.Quincy already told Scot that Mr. Hills can leave at will, he didn’t commit any crime.“Oh, you are free to walk out of the competition,” Scot told him. “I don’t need to take you out myself,” he added.Mr. Hills truly would love to leave but then, his son is already being suicidal.“Only a coward takes his own life by himself,” he turned and told his son Charles while he was about to leave.“Give me one week, and If I don’t get you out of here then you can do as you please with your life,” he pleaded with his son not to take his own life.Charles simply nodded his head. He wasn’t sure if he would give him the one week or not. But one thing was certain, “I am tired,” he murmured.“Good bye dad,” he said out loud.“Remember son, suicide is for the coward
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“Deborah should be present at Grandpa’s funeral,” Khloe said. She had thought about it over and over and found it right that se and Deborah his only surviving family members should be available on the funeral day.“How is that possible when she is mentally unstable?” Quincy kicked against the thought. He was particularly concerned about her appearance on that day. She is mentally unstable and would act up if allowed to be in the crowd, “Would she be on chains?” he added.“She can start getting medical attention now, the funeral should be postponed till she gets a little better,” Khloe said and she meant it.Quincy already promised Mr. Hills that all would be released. And he agreed to carter for Deborah but that was a promise he made under duress of pains because he knows that aside the fact that Charles would kick against that, he himself does not want Deborah in his home.“They all would be released soon, maybe tomorrow,” Quincy told Khloe. She has no opinion but he told her just fo
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One thing is to be released and the other is to be free. Charles Hills has been released from the cell by the man he hurt so badly. But he is not yet free.He still leaves with the torture that comes from within. He was freed from the cell but he is not yet freed.“Why did I do it? I shouldn’t have done it,” he kept pondering when the sun is sinking low.He often talks to himself and is always locked up in a room and has practically refused to come out nor speak to anyone.“Charles come out please, your friends are here,” his father would call him out but he won’t even reply let alone open the door.Mr. Hills was the one that shoulders the pains all by himself. Has Charles forgotten all he went through to get him freed from Quincy’s cell.“Vincent please you need to come over and help me talk to your friend. He is going insane. Locked up in a room and talking to himself,” Mr. Hills spoke to Vincent over the phone. The old man was gradually losing it himself.“Give him time, he get over
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Life goes on, business booms like every other days. It was almost like everything has gotten back to normal.Quincy Stone goes to work every day and returns to his lovely beautiful pregnant wife. “The baby will look like you,” he tells her very night, each time he says it, she smiles. It gladdens her heart. She is currently living the dream.A fairly fantasy life has become her reality with her prince charming by her side always to cheer her up. Even the baby in her womb could feel the love that blooms.But just like everyone else, Khloe could not imprison her mind. She kept thinking and getting worked up over her sister Deborah’s situation.“Maybe I should pay her a visit at the hospital, it could help ease off the burden in my heart,” she thought. “That visit should wait till after your pregnancy,” her husband’s voce will ring in her head, as the possible reply she would get from him, if she dares to bring up the topic to him.Sleepless nights still ain’t good for her as well so
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The journey back home was nothing close to fun. It seems the power couple are getting it hot, gradually falling apart with constant nagging and yelling at each other.This is not the love Quincy Stone promised his wife. This is not in any way close to the love he wants his Khloe to experience. After his return and recovery from the mysterious sickness that nearly took his life, Quincy Stone vowed not to ever make his woman angry, he vowed to ensure her happiness and protect her from every harm. He should be her shield and armor against the cruel people of this world.But it seems like he is failing or he has already failed. While driving, he gave her a glance and could perceive the pains she goes through by mere looking at her. He pulled over and stopped the car.Typical Khloe would have queried that act but she was mute, uttered no single word.Quincy took her hands, fondling them he said, “I love you.”Those words were the only words that could come out of his mouth at the moment.
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“Here to see Deborah Walter,” he told the first nurse he placed is eyes on at the entrance door.“Good afternoon,” she greeted. “But her room is out of bound,” she added.That was expected considering this is a hospital but then I need to see her. “When will visitors be allowed?” he asked.But the nurse had already left, she was on duty. George drove straight to the hospital, he was tempted to stop at the gift shop to get some nice life flowers for Deborah but the fire to see her surpasses the need for a flower. Deborah got her groove back.Knowing she is here and receiving treatment was enough harmony, she was denied treatment by Quincy Stone, George could still remember.He ran into another nurse and got the same reply that her room was out of bound. “Till when please?” he asked and unlike the previous nurse this one was patience enough.“Drop your contact, I will hint you,” she said. Deborah’s doctor didn’t say when she can attend to visitors.Contacts were exchanged and George lef
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