All Chapters of System Activated: Rise Of The Bullied Student: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
105 chapters
New Revelations
Motivated by Eren, Gaine erupted with lightning sparks and leaped towards the skyscraper, heading straight to its topmost floor to help his grandfather. Eren, meanwhile, headed for the last floor, the lab where he had placed one of the bugs. “Come on," he urged Drake, who was still limping. They walked towards the elevator, and when they got into it, Eren pushed the last floor button. Drake groaned in pain, and Eren sighed. “You have to hold on, okay? This will end soon.” Eren said, trying to encourage Drake to be patient and stand strong. Soon, they reached the last floor and walked toward the lab as quickly as possible. When they got there, the lab was in shambles. All the documents were scattered, some vials had broken on the floor, and different liquids had spilled around. “Alice!” Eren called out to, hoping to find the lab’s carekeeper. He spotted other scientists hiding around, but not Alice. Not giving up on his search, Eren dragged Drake to the second room, whe
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Sid’s Betrayal
Eren’s jaw dropped in shock as he stared at Silas unbelievably. He froze, looking dumbfoundedly as the man he’d known to be paralyzed limped towards what sat on the pedestal. Eren had learned a lot of things today, but this was the most shocking. So Silas wasn’t paralyzed. The professor had never been paralyzed. In a daze, Eren watched Silas climb the stairs one at a time, smiling. “Eren! Do not let him touch the pedestal!” Zachary shouted at the top of his voice, and this command snapped Eren out of his frozen state. “Shit!” He cursed out and made to run towards the stairs. However, before he could move, Sid appeared and pushed him back. “You can’t go beyond where you are,” Sid told Eren coldly. “No, Sid.” “Yes. I’m sorry, Eren. You can’t go there. You can’t stop him.” “But why?” Eren asked frustratingly. He still hadn’t come to terms with Sid’s betrayal. He didn’t know how the man could just turn against them like that. His mind raced for reasons, but none made
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“And Trevor? Does it look like he's still there?” Eren questioned, although, wasn't expecting an answer. Trevor was doing this with all his might and the heat of his fire was evident that he was being very violent right now. Both Samantha and Trevor then threw multiple balls of fire up and it came together as one, and they both held it up, about to direct it to Eren and Drake. “You still think she's in there?” Eren spoke with his hairs standing on his skin. This was deadlier than he thought. “I think we should just run from them and avoid as much fireballs as we can in the run.” Drake advised and Eren decided to go for it. By this time, a section of the forest had caught fire and was razing a lot. Anyone who wanted to pass through that fire would certainly go through a deep burn. Both Drake and Eren began to run while avoiding their balls of fire, but unfortunately, that didn't seem to be the best solution. Samantha and Trevor were bent on chasing them, and they seem
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“Come on.” He urged Drake who was managing to walk with him.Although, Eren was supporting him, but Drake still had to carry his weight or it won’t be possible for them to make any progress in their movement.They walked towards the elevator, and when they got into it, Eren pushed the last floor button. Drake groaned in pain, and Eren sighed.“You have to hold on, okay? This will end soon.” Eren said to Drake, trying to encourage him to be patient and stand strong.Soon, they got to the last floor, and walked towards the lab as quick as they could, but when they got there, the lab was in shambles. All documents had scattered, some of the vials had broken on the floor, with different liquids spilled around.“Alice!” Eren called out to her, hoping that she was still around, but looking around where he was, there was no sight of her.A few scientists were there, but were all hiding, and it looked like they didn’t care to help whether they knew where Alice was or not.Then he dragged Drak
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Alice To The Rescue
“Alice!” Eren called out to her, hoping that she was still around, but looking around where he was, there was no sight of her.A few scientists were there, but were all hiding, and it looked like they didn’t care to help whether they knew where Alice was or not.Then he dragged Drake along with him to the second room where Alice had brought the test results from the other day. Luckily, he found her hiding behind a shelf. She looked really scared, but Eren tried to walk slowly to her.“Be calm. It’s just us.” Eren said to her, and she rose to her feet, still standing behind the shelf.“What do you want? You do know I can’t make test results, right?”Eren smiled, and shook his head. “I know. I need you to take good care of Drake. He’s hurt and not healing as well. Please just help him in any way you can.” Eren asked for her help.“No. I can’t do this. I wasn’t trained in the medical line, and have no idea what to do or where to start from.” Alice said, shaking her head.“Please I’m sure
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Alice To The Rescue 2
Chapter 94Eren then turned to look back at Sid who was preparing to fight, since Silas wasn’t listening to him.“Sid, are you really going to do this?” He questioned, still trying to talk him out of it.But Sid didn’t say a word, and charged towards him.“Shit!” Eren cursed under his breath, and dodged his sword. Although, he remembered that it had been almost difficult to beat Sid at some point in most of the trainings where they put against each other, but he wasn’t at all intimidated. If Sid was really going against him to fight, then he knew he had to do his best to fight for his life or he would end up dying without achieving anything.Eren charged up himself with MANNA, and the fact that he absorbed MANNA from the force shield made him stronger, so he felt a little more confident about taking Sid down, or at least, fighting for his life.Sid swung his swords so fast that Eren found it difficult to know the exact location in which the swords were at, at that moment.Eren then b
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Alice To The Rescue 3
Then he dragged Drake along with him to the second room where Alice had brought the test results from the other day. Luckily, he found her hiding behind a shelf. She looked really scared, but Eren tried to walk slowly to her. “Be calm. It’s just us.” Eren said to her, and she rose to her feet, still standing behind the shelf. “What do you want? You do know I can’t make test results, right?” Eren smiled, and shook his head. “I know. I need you to take good care of Drake. He’s hurt and not healing as well. Please just help him in any way you can.” Eren asked for her help. “No. I can’t do this. I wasn’t trained in the medical line, and have no idea what to do or where to start from.” Alice said, shaking her head. “Please I’m sure you’ll find a way. I trust in your abilities, and I appreciate them.” Eren told her, hoping she would listen to him. “Look Eren. Bringing him to me to get him to feel better might be a suicide mission you’re planning for him. What if I make a mistake or t
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Alice To The Rescue 4
Then he immediately ran towards Zachary whom blood was dripping out from his wound.“Zachary!” He called out to him again in anxiousness and fear that anything worse than this could happen to him.His hands were trembling as he stared at Zachary, not knowing what to do.Zachary groaned in pain, and could no longer apply pressure to his bleeding wound.“Zachary, you need to stay.” Eren pleaded, staring at how Zachary was beginning to look pale.“Eren… Please take care of Diane just in case I do not make it.” Zachary urged, still groaning in pain.Tears fell from his eyes to Zachary’s body, and he sniffled.“No. Don’t say that. You will live through this.” Eren said, not wanting to accept death for him.They had come too far just to lose him, and just finding out and being a hundred percent certain that he was a good man made it difficult for him to let go.On the other side, Sid walked towards Silas with a smile on his face. He felt a nice aura of freedom, and was happy to be a part of
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Eren, Sid, Tiana and Gaine were sitting on a sofa when Eren came up with a question.“I know the final assessment would make everyone so tensed, but what exactly is it about? Why is it so revered, so feared?” Eren asked, out of curiosity.“Oh, man. Are you saying you don't know a thing about the gallows event?”“Not really,” he shrugged. “Where were you when Zachary would sometimes mention things like this while speaking to us?” Sid spoke again, looking at Eren weirdly.For Eren, on those days when Zachary had mentioned them casually, he was thinking about the revenge strategies which Silas and Saul had in mind as he had planted all the bugs at the necessary place.His mind had been far off, but surely he couldn’t divulge that now.“It’s none of your business,” Eren said with a roll of his eyes. Then added, “Well, can I get my answer now?”“This event will be held with both the Warrior Class and the Saints and Terrors. The purpose of the event is to give the Warriors a chance to disp
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Earth To Eren
After the recent attack which happened at Winchester Academy, the Ten’s training was halted while things were put back i9n place. Due to this, most of them returned to their home and families. But as for Eren, since Silas was no longer the man he used to know, he had nowhere to go and had no choice than to stay in the Academy.“So, you’re going to be staying at the Academy since you can’t go back to Silas, right?” Tiana asked while she leaned against a seat.She hadn’t gone home yet, so she was still spending time with Eren, and maybe that’s the reason Eren hadn’t felt the vacant space that would be left once she goes home. If Sid were around, he knew for sure that he would stay around as well, but unfortunately, he was part of the gang.Tiana noticed that Eren seemed to be absent-minded, so she rose to her feet and walked up to him, then waved her hand before his face to get his attention.“Hello. Earth to Eren?” She voiced out, and Eren’s eyes blinked and his head jerked backward, t
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