All Chapters of System Activated: Rise Of The Bullied Student: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
105 chapters
Five Stars
‘this which you have here stores and expels MANNA. That's how it supplies MANNA to the humans who possess it.’ As he returned to his dorm, Alice’s words echoed in Eren’s head. But the newfound information wasn’t enough to satisfy his curiosity about the gem. He felt that there was more to the device than met the eye. When he got to the dorm, he approached Samantha, who was in the living room, looking lost in space. “Hey. This is the result. We can make it into an official report before it's time to see Solvane.” Eren uttered as he handed her the file of Justin’s bloodwork. “Alright. Good work, Eren.” Samantha commended him as she nodded her head. Eren headed upstairs to his room. When he got in, he shut the door behind him and went to bed immediately. He couldn't wait to study more of the blue gem he found at the abandoned warehouse. He brought out the gem and stared at it with squinted eyes. “Why can't I seem to place a finger on where I have seen this before?” He asked h
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Training With Zach
Things seemed light among the teams. They were happy that they were able to get their mission accomplished, but the academy and the people in high positions were still swamped concerning the drug. Investigations were being made to find out how the drugs got into the school without the security and administration knowing about it. The Winchester family, except Gaine, sat in the family house, discussing concerns about the ongoing investigations. Reports had been flying to them, and yet, they had not gotten any solid discovery as to how the drugs got into the school. “What do we do about this ongoing case?” Zachary asked Solvane as he munched on some chips. The sound of those chips crunched by his teeth irritated William to the extent that he almost burst out to tell him to stop eating. “Speak William. I can see the irritation growing on your face.” Zachary spoke and dumped three more chips into his mouth. “Can you just not eat? We are in the heat of a situation, and you can stil
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The Final Assessment
The time for the final assessment was close by and everyone knew they had to try their possible best for it, or all they had worked for would disappear into thin air. Their final assessment was the gallows event; that one particular event which everyone had tension for. Eren and his team were done with training and they all went back to their dorms, but stayed back in the living room. Eren, Sid, Tiana and Gaine were sitting on a sofa when Eren came up with a question. “I know the final assessment would make everyone so tensed, but what exactly is it going to be about that makes everyone feel so tensed?” Eren asked, out of curiosity. “Oh, man. Are you saying you don't know a thing about the gallows event? Where were you when Zachary would sometimes mention some things while speaking to us?” Sid spoke, looking at Eren weirdly. For Eren, on those days when Zachary had mentioned them casually, he was thinking about the revenge strategies which Silas and Saul had in mind as he had pla
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More Investigations
Investigations were being made to find out how the drugs got into the school without the security and administration knowing about it.The Winchester family except Gaine, were all seating in the family house, talking about the concerns of the ongoing investigations.Reports had been flying to them and yet, they had not gotten any solid discovery to how the drugs got into the school.“What do we do about this ongoing case?” Zachary asked Solvane as he munched on some chips.The sound of those chips being crunched by his teeth irritated William to an extent that he had almost burst out to tell him to stop eating.“Speak William. I can see the irritation growing on your face.” Zachary spoke and dumped 3 more chips into his mouth.“Can you just not eat? We are in the heat of a situation and you still are able to eat.”“Willy, you do not need to take life in a hard way. Eating is essential, regardless of the situation.” Zachary said, looking less bothered by William's scowl.William whoss
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Preparing For The Gallows
The time for their final assessment was near, and everyone knew they had to give it their all, or all they had worked for would disappear. Their final assessment was the gallows event, that one particular event for which everyone was tense. Eren and his team were done with training, and all returned to their dorms, only stopping to spend a moment in the joint living room. Eren, Sid, Tiana, and Gaine were sitting on a sofa when Eren asked a question. “I know the final assessment would make everyone tense, but what is it really about? Why is it so revered, so feared?” Eren asked out of curiosity. “Oh, man. Are you saying you don't know a thing about the gallows event?” “Not really,” he shrugged. “Where were you when Zachary sometimes mentioned things like this while speaking to us?” Sid spoke again, looking at Eren weirdly. For Eren, when Zachary mentioned them casually on those days, he was thinking about the revenge strategies that Silas and Sol had in mind as he had planted a
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The Gallows Day
The next day, the Terror and Saints Team gathered in the training room. “Now, as you know, the gallows event is close by, and because of that, all missions have been put on hold. Ensure that this training will not be for nothing.” Zachary spoke with a severe look on his face. Eren guessed that because of the gallows event's nature, all trainers had to be strict and let their trainees know just how much was at stake if they were too slow, unprepared, or weak. “I'll be pairing you, but will change your partners about three times during our training until D-Day,” Zachary informed them. “Is that clear?” “Yes!” They all responded in unison. “Samantha and Gaine, Drake and Trevor…..lastly, Sid and Eren. Now, let's have Sid and Eren come up first.” Zachary urged, and everyone clapped, cheering them on. As Sid and Eren stood at a distance, preparing to fight, they had the same thing on their mind — last night's discussion. It was as if Sid had predicted that a time like this would come s
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The Warriors Attack
Warriors! This was a Warriors attack. Strangely, Eren recognized one of the Warriors who’d come to attack. “Shit! That's Zack Palmer.” Eren spoke as he looked toward Zack, who halted behind them. Both Eren and Drake turned and prepared to fight. “You still haven't learned your lesson, have you? Want me to beat you up to a pulp again?” Eren threatened, trying to make Zack back out without them having to fight. “As long as it involves a promotion, I don't think I will ever learn my lesson.” Zack hissed in reply. “Leave him to me. I'll take it from here.” Drake said, glaring at Zack, who was also ready for a fight. Drake's body began to stretch and contort as his muscles bulged. Fur burst out of his skin, replacing every other human feature with a saber-toothed figure, and Eren briefly watched, amazed as always. Drake was the only one with this animal-like feature out of all the Ten. It was fascinating, truly. As soon as he finished changing, Drake then charged towards Zack
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The Twins Attack
Why was Samantha’s hands on fire? Eren and Drake asked this question internally as they glanced at each other. However, before either of them could ask what was happening, a tear dropped down Samantha’s face, and she began sobbing, “I'm sorry.” “What are you sorry for?” Drake was the first to speak. “I am truly.” She ignored the question, and said instead, “Drake, Eren, I am deeply sorry. I never meant this. I never meant any of this.” As she apologized, the flames of fire that lit her hand up got bigger. What was going on? “What the—“ Eren didn’t finish his sentence because Samantha suddenly charged at him, no them. Her brother also joined in the attack, and a loud ‘no’ tore out of Drake’s throat. The balls of fire lunged at Drake and Eren and they stumbled backwards in pain. “Shit! Shit!” Eren cussed as he desperately tried to dodge the fireballs. Samantha was no force to be reckoned with, but with her brother, the pair were almost unstoppable. This wasn’t going to e
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The Force Field
Eren tried his best to run as fast as he could because he knew that if he was even a minute too late for Sid - who was probably in danger - he might be unable to forgive himself. Soon, Eren came to a halt. The scent he was tracking had gotten faint. He couldn’t afford to go off-grid now that he’d lost the only thing directing him towards Sid. So, he looked around, hoping to find his friend nearby. As he was searching around, his eyes saw familiar clothing. It looked exactly like Sid’s. The person was behind a tree, utterly oblivious to Eren’s presence. Slowly and not wanting to cause a scene, Eren approached the figure. He stood behind the tree and slowly called, “Sid?” The person remained unmoving. So Eren approached more cautiously this time. He was still pretty sure the figure was Sid. “Sid,” he called, and the figure moved slightly. Then, “Eren,” the figure whispered, and Eren whistled. “Sid!” Eren exclaimed as Sid turned around, “We have been searching for you
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The Force Field Attack
What had Sid done? Eren stared in shock as the force field closed, trapping the students and William Winchester inside. The intruders began attacking the students, and they seemed to gain the upper hand. “We're failing.” One of the students said in a panic. “Let's keep fighting!” Another student advised. However, even with their skills, the intruders were closing in on them. The students weren’t as strong and equipped as the attackers. And they kept getting badly wounded to the extent that they couldn't fight anymore. Eren was so confused with everything. Sid had betrayed him. First, it was Samantha and her brother. Now Sid? He couldn’t believe it. “What the hell is going on?” He muttered under his breath, his palms sweaty as he looked around. It took Eren a long time before he finally figured out something. The attack was all a decoy. And he’d been a part of this decoy. He remembered the bugs he’d placed in the academy. The same bugs were now acting as teleportat
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