All Chapters of System Activated: Rise Of The Bullied Student: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
105 chapters
Finding The WAKER
Be thorough and careful, the professor had said in his message.It was characteristic of him, Silas, with his thoroughness and fastidiousness. But Eren had taken it to heart. Which was why he suggested they scope the warehouse after the fight, and find anything else that they could. Samantha and Drake came up empty, but Eren found a strange, blue gem near the back of the warehouse. He opted not to tell the others and stuffed it into his pocket immediately, saving it for later inspection. Some things, he decided, he would keep to himself.All the way home, he palmed the gem in his pocket. It was smooth to touch. Samantha and Drake were silent, each with their own thoughts. When they arrived at the Academy, they reconvened with Sid and Gaine.“So you are saying whoever it was that attacked you might be inside the Academy right now?” Gaine asked. His distress was evident.Samantha shook her head. “I doubt that this is the case. We saw his face.”“Was it someone you recognized?”“Sa
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The Secret Missions
Eren waited till around midnight before he moved, trying to make sure he was sufficiently rested.He found himself sneaking out of his room the second time in the last couple of days. He was a bit more careful closing the door now; it drifted shut with nary a whisper behind him, as he began to embark on his mission.A small pouch was attached to his belt, and in it were all the bugs and miniscule listening devices he was supposed to install throughout all the locations sent to his communication device. Most of them were relatively simple and accessible, though a few of them gave him cause for concern.He wouldn’t let that stop him, though. He might not have suddenly become even more skilled at stealth overnight, but he had long since familiarized himself with the lay of the campus, using the resources available to him. That, coupled with his experience from the last time he had done something like this, meant that this would probably go smoother this time.It was in the very early
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Friends With A Winchester? Unbelievable…
Eren yawned noisily as he entered the lounge, a small backpack strapped across his shoulders. The automatic doors slid silently behind him, and he blinked away as he beheld the occupants of the room.“Hey, Eren. Rough day? Where’ve you been anyways?” asked Sid, who was sitting on a futon. He was playing card games with Gaine, who was sitting next to him.Gaine shot Eren a glance.“You look like death warmed over, Trost.”“Fuck off, Winchester.” Eren growled noncommittally as he threw the backpack on the bed, collapsing on the mattress. He didn’t want to admit it, but his activities this morning, undertaken so soon after returning from a mission no less, had really tired him out.“You’re late, by the way. What took you so long?” Sid continued persistently, his thoughts focused on Eren but his eyes practically glued to his game.“I was studying.”“That’s a lie if I’ve ever heard one.” Gaine butted in with his unwelcome commentary.“Fuck off. Are you implying that I don’t study?”“Oh,
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The Raging WARRIOR Student
The tournament had been going smoothly, though nothing had particularly caught Eren's eye so far. He wasn't a fan of the gladiatorial nature of the tournament, and sitting amongst the crowd made him remember the contempt he had felt for the crowd that had witnessed his own match.He was mostly apathetic to the entire thing, and his eyes had started to droop in boredom when he heard Drake mumble from where he sat next to him.“Ha? Isn't that Elrond?”Eren perked up minutely, gazing down at the arena below them. Indeed, it seemed it was Elrond fighting against someone he didn't recognize.“Elrond? You recognize him?” Eren heard Samantha say, but he didn't listen to Drake’s response.Eren felt complicated emotions surge through him at the sight of the boy, who seemed to be losing against his opponent, a blond haired girl with some sort of prescience that let her predict his attacks. Elrond hadn't been one of Eren’s many bullies; far from it. He'd just been a classmate that had stood
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Two Birds, One Stone
Eren's heart pounded as he jumped from his seat and ran towards the battle field, the cacophony of screams and yells from terrified students ringing in his ears.His eyes scanned the chaos until they locked onto the figure of Justin in the midst of a fierce battle with Samantha and Drake. Without hesitation, Eren sprinted towards them, his muscles flooded and reinforced with MANNA as he weaved his way through the throng.He heard Sid and Gaine calling after him, but he ignored them.He saw when Drake raised his hand to strike Justin, and he knew at that moment that he wouldn't make it fast enough to stop Justin from countering."Watch out!" Eren shouted, but it was too late. Justin's powerful strike sent Drake stumbling backwards, staring dumbly at his mutilated arm.Eren's adrenaline surged and his body was filled with a nearly addictive energy as he launched himself at Justin, landing a well-aimed kick that knocked the wind out of the boy.He landed next to Samantha, who, recoveri
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The WAKER Plague
Incidents involving The Waker continued to plague the school and its surroundings. Students, fueled by the potent drug, were losing control, and the consequences were dire. Eren and his group had been tracking the situation, trying to stay one step ahead of the chaos. The Waker was their responsibility after all, since they were the one's to discover it in the first place. Making the Ten one of the leading response teams for Waker incidents had taken a bit of convincing, mostly of the higher-ups who were hesitant to grant such jurisdiction to what amounted to volatile teenagers. A little… pressure, one could say, had solved that for them. Mostly from those in their team who had important connections, and the political know-how to leverage such connections. So instead of being limited to investigating the incidents, they were now slated as first responders in case an incident happened somewhere close to them. Subduing the students didn't usually take much when they were all
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The WAKER Warehouse
With precision and stealth, the team managed to track down the designated location. All they had to do, then was wait for their target. Eren, who had been following them from a distance, could almost appreciate the way they were going about this. When the group finally huddled in a corner some distance away from the location, Samantha spoke; “We know you're there, Eren. Come on out.” Eren jumped, his heart pounding. How had they noticed? He approached them, thinking that staying back would be pointless. There was a question on his lips, but Gaine spoke first before he could. “Did you really think you were going to sneak up on us?” Gaine said, smiling. Drake snorted. “Snowflake is definitely stronger than he was before, but he's still just as stupid.” “Silence,” Samantha interrupted, gesturing towards the meeting point. A car was pulling over at the mouth of an alleyway, and some people in dark clothes walked out. Eren recognized them; gangsters. A man, who had been hidi
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Shackled Minds
As Eren lost consciousness, he slipped into a dream. The scene around him changed and he found himself back in the arena. While the arena was notably a place of combat, it wasn't, this time. It was void of the people who usually stood on their feet and screamed at the top of their voices to celebrate a winner. And it was also void of the students fighting. “Hello.” Eren called out, but only his echo came back to him. He hadn't expected the arena to echo, but then it did and only meant the place was desolate as hell. Suddenly, a figure appeared before him in a hazy form, gradually becoming more vivid and solid. “Mother.” He called softly, looking a little shocked. Then her eyes turned as black as coal, her skin, gray and decaying. While this happened, Eren only looked at her in confusion. His eye balls danced up and down in his sockets as he took in the creepy image of his mother. Then she reached out her bony hand to him, urging him to come closer. Eren who was totally cr
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Team TERROR Unites
Zachary and Diane dashed towards Jared before he could even say anything else, and a big fight ensued. While Zachary and Diane fought against Jared, Eren managed to control his MANNA which began to flow freely from his veins to the tip of his fingers. A surge of the MANNA then filled the strong chains like water going through a pipe. In a moment, the chain busted out in tiny sharp pieces that scattered everywhere and Eren was released. Samantha couldn't free herself with flames of fire as it would only burn against her skin more. Gaine was still too weak to reach out for his MANNA. Jared's power had really gotten to him. “Guys, are you okay?” Eren asked, looking concerned. “Yes we are. Just get this off us.” Samantha snapped irritably. Eren then concentrated on his MANNA. He could feel it flowing through his veins, and then rushing like each MANNA in each vein was in a race. Suddenly, it busted out, cracking like lightning and then he channelled it to the chains binding them a
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The TERROR’s Victory
The joint powers in which Eren and his team used was successful as it blew the Walkers away with a powerful force and they all fell to the ground, unable to stand for a while. Fortunately, other awakened arrived and they arrested the culprits, cuffing them to a really strong cuff just in case the extraordinary strength of the drug kicked in again. “Good work, Terror team. I saw your efforts and you really did well as a team.” Zachary complimented them with a smile on his face. “I'm glad you all took to your training and also were able to think fast in such a situation. You all did very well.” Miss Diane complimented them as well. The terror team all grinned, feeling really accomplished that they had managed to pull the case off. “So, what about Jared Khan? What do we do about him?” Eren suddenly asked, out of curiosity. “You have no right to speak about my father!” Drake bellowed as he shot a glare at Eren. “Drake, anyone who hears you speaking like this would think you're on yo
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