All Chapters of Tell The World, Ambrose Li Has Returned: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
151 chapters
Chapter 111: Aurora Feeds Ambrose
Ava's expression darkened instantly. She was about to stand up, her chair scraping against the floor, but her mother quickly reached out, grabbing her hand to stop her. "Please, Ava, listen to me. Just for a moment, please.” Ava sighed heavily, reluctantly sitting back down. "Can we not talk about him, please? I don't want to hear his name, Mom." Elizabeth squeezed Ava’s hand gently, trying to calm her. "Listen to me, Ava. It’s important." Ava shook her head, her frustration bubbling to the surface. "I don’t want to talk about him," she insisted. Seeing her daughter's determination, Elizabeth decided to change her approach. "Alright," she said softly, "if you don't want to talk about him, fine. But at least give me his contact.” Ava's eyes narrowed, anger in her gaze. "I don’t want you to call him either," she warned. "It’s like he’s changed his SIM card or something. Even if you tried, you wouldn’t get through." Elizabeth continued to press, her tone persuasive and calm. "Just g
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Chapter 112: Movie Together
Aurora continued to feed Ambrose, carefully bringing each bite to his mouth. After a few moments, she picked up the glass of water and held it to his lips, watching as he took a sip. Her eyes sparkled with happiness as she said, “You know, this is my first time feeding a man like this.”Ambrose raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement on his face. “Really?” he asked.Aurora nodded eagerly, smiling brightly. “Yes, really. I’ve never done this before. It feels… different, but nice.” She seemed genuinely delighted, her tone light and cheerful as she continued to feed him with a kind of excitementAmbrose chuckled softly, “Well, this is my first time being fed like a baby.” His eyes twinkled with amusement, and Aurora laughed along with him, clearly enjoying the moment.A few minutes later, after Ambrose had finished his meal, Aurora carefully set the bowls aside and looked at him with a warm smile. “Do you want anything else?” she asked, her tone gentle and attentive.Ambrose shook his hea
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Chapter 113: Failed Kiss
Aurora blinked rapidly, snapping out of her daze. “Yes, yes!” she replied quickly, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. “I was just… focused on the movie,” she added, a little too hastily.Ambrose raised an eyebrow, clearly not entirely convinced but choosing not to press further. “Alright,” he said, a hint of amusement in his tone. “Just making sure you’re still with me.”Aurora nodded, trying to steady her racing heart. “Yeah, I’m here,” she murmured, attempting to appear as if nothing unusual had happened. She shifted slightly in his arm, but she didn’t pull away. As they continued watching, the movie transitioned into a more intense scene. The atmosphere in the room shifted as the characters on screen moved closer, their breaths quickening, eyes locking in a gaze filled with desire. Aurora's eyes widened slightly as the scene unfolded. The characters' hands roamed over each other, the heat between them almost tangible. The room seemed to grow warmer despite the cold air from
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Chapter 114: Midnight Thoughts
Ambrose shook his head, his jaw tightening. "No mother in law. Ava doesn’t have any love for me," he insisted, his voice steady but filled with a quiet resolve. "She only pities me, and that's different. I don’t want her pity. I wanted her love, but it’s clear that’s not going to happen.”Evelyn's voice grew softer, almost pleading, “Ambrose, please, as your mother-in-law, I'm begging you to come back. I promised your mother I would take care of you, that I’d let you stay with us and treat you like family. I gave her my word.”Ambrose felt a pang of emotion at the mention of his mother, but he kept his tone firm. “Mother in law, I appreciate your concern and your promise to my mom. But staying there isn’t what’s best for me anymore. I need to find my own path, away from all the hostility and the constant feeling of not being wanted.”“Please, Ambrose,” Evelyn continued, her voice thick with sincerity. “We can work this out. We can fix things. Just come back, and we’ll figure it all ou
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Chapter 115
The night passed quickly, and as the first light of dawn broke through the curtains, Ambrose's eyes fluttered open. It was early, around 6 a.m. He sat up on the bed, feeling the slight stiffness in his muscles from the restless night. Getting up, he stretched his arms wide, trying to shake off the lingering fatigue. Just as he finished stretching, his phone started ringing, breaking the early morning silence.He quickly unplugged it from the charger and glanced at the screen. It was Evelyn, his mother-in-law, calling again. His expression remained neutral, a straight face masking his thoughts as he answered the call."Ambrose, how are you doing?" Evelyn's voice came through, sounding both gentle and concerned."I'm fine," Ambrose replied curtly, his tone giving away nothing.Evelyn wasted no time getting to the point. "About what I spoke with you about... will you be coming today?"Ambrose frowned slightly. "What did we speak about, please?" he asked, knowing full well what she meant
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Chapter 116: Ambrose Returns
As Jin adjusted the collar of his crisp white shirt, he turned to Chen with a confident grin. "I'm taking Ava out for breakfast," he announced casually.Chen blinked in surprise. "Breakfast, Master? Did she...accept to go out with you?"Jin chuckled and shook his head. "Accept? Why should she have to accept?" he replied. "I'm going to make it a surprise. Show up unannounced, and she'll have no choice but to agree, of course."Chen hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "But...what about her husband, Master?”Jin's expression hardened slightly, a hint of irritation flickering in his eyes. "Her husband?" he scoffed. "I don’t care who he is. Can he stand in front of me? No, he can’t. I like the lady, and that’s all that matters."Chen nodded, sensing his master's determination. "Of course, Master. You're right. If you want something, you should go for it. I'm sure Miss Ava will be flattered by your gesture."Jin smiled, pleased with Chen's support. "Exactly. Now, make sure everyth
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Chapter 117: Shocked To See Ambrose
As Ambrose stepped inside the manor, the sound of the door opening caught the attention of those inside. Grandma Margaret, Evelyn, Ava, and Dera, who were in the living room, all turned their heads toward the entrance. For a moment, there was silence as they registered who had walked in.Grandma Margaret’s eyes widened in shock, her hand flying to her chest as if she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. "Ambrose?" she muttered, her voice tinged with disbelief. Her expression hardened almost immediately, her surprise giving way to annoyance.Ava, standing beside her grandmother, gasped softly. Her eyes met Ambrose’s, and she seemed frozen in place, a mix of emotions flickering across her face—surprise, confusion, and something else she couldn’t quite place.Dera, beside Ava, blinked in surprise. She hadn’t expected to see Ambrose back so soon, if at all. Her gaze shifted between Ava and Ambrose, trying to gauge Ava’s reaction, but she couldn’t hide her own astonishment.Only Evelyn’s
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Chapter 118: Ambrose vrs Jin Wei
Meanwhile, a sleek, unmarked car drove up and parked just outside the walls of the Ainsley manor. Inside the car was the young master of the Wei family, Jin Wei. He had arrived, as he had planned, to take Ava out for breakfast. Jin turned off the engine and stepped out, his shoes hitting the ground with a soft thud.Walking around to the front passenger seat, he opened the door and carefully took out a beautifully wrapped bouquet of flowers. The flowers were a striking blend of rare orchids and exotic lilies, their petals vibrant and fresh. The arrangement was tastefully adorned with silver accents and wrapped in luxurious satin, hinting at its expense and thoughtfulness.With the bouquet in hand, Jin entered the manor's expansive compound, his eyes scanning the area. He noticed Ava’s car parked nearby, alongside an electric bike that seemed out of place amidst the grandeur of the estate. Jin raised an eyebrow at the sight but quickly refocused, his purpose clear. He strode confident
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Chapter 119: Malcolm Gets A Mail
Ambrose remained silent, his expression calm as he turned to head upstairs. But before he could take a step, Grandma Margaret's sharp voice cut through the air. "I said you can't go inside! You're not allowed in here!"Evelyn quickly intervened, “Mother-in-law, he’s Ava’s husband. He has every right to stay here.”Grandma scoffed, her eyes narrowing. “I own this house, and I have the right to decide who stays and who leaves.”Ambrose looked calmly at her. "If that is the only issue, I can leave with Ava and my mother-in-law to a new house if Ava wants that.""A new house? Whose house?" Grandma asked, her eyes narrowing suspiciously."I would buy a house on my own," Ambrose replied confidently.Grandma scoffed, shaking her head. "You're crazy, still bragging and acting big? Do you think you can fool us with your empty words? You're nothing but a poor, useless man." She laughed derisively, her disdain for him evident.Evelyn turned to Ambrose with a gentle smile. "Ambrose, just send you
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Chapter 120: Jin & Ava Breakfast
Ava looked around, taking in the impressive surroundings. The building before them was a masterpiece of modern architecture, with large glass windows that reflected the morning sun, manicured gardens surrounding it, and a terrace set for an intimate breakfast.Despite the beauty of the location, Ava felt a bit uneasy, still wary of Jin's intentions. However, she maintained her composure, nodding politely."This is… quite something," Ava replied, her voice steady but polite.Two more guards stood by the entrance, nodding respectfully as Jin and Ava walked past them. Jin led the way, his hand lightly guiding Ava by her lower back as they stepped into the foyer of the private dining area. Inside, the atmosphere was even more luxurious. Soft classical music played in the background, and the room was elegantly decorated with fine art and lavish furnishings. A large, round table was set up near a panoramic window, offering a breathtaking view of the garden outside.A waiter stood by, ready
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