All Chapters of Tell The World, Ambrose Li Has Returned: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
151 chapters
Chapter 101: Wet Dreams
As the hours passed and the night deepened, the house was enveloped in a calm silence. It was around 4:15 a.m. when Aurora's eyes fluttered open. She blinked, adjusting to the darkness of the room, and then slowly sat up, feeling something unusual. She reached down, lifting the duvet off her body, and immediately noticed the dampness on her sheets and pajamas. Her face flushed with embarrassment as she realized what had happened—it was a wet dream, and the thought of Ambrose had been the cause. Aurora glanced at the clock beside her bed and saw that it was already close to morning, just after 4:15 a.m. She sighed, knowing that sleep would probably not return. She got up from the bed, quickly changed out of her damp clothes, and slipped into something fresh and comfortable. Deciding to distract herself, she picked up her laptop from the bedside table, opened it, and started working on some tasks. The quiet hum of the machine filled the room as she typed away, trying to focus on he
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Chapter 102: Million Dollar Contract
After the hug, Dera walked out of the room, and Ava followed her. They both made their way downstairs, chatting lightly. As they reached the bottom of the stairs, Ava noticed the entire family gathered in the living room, all standing up and looking at her expectantly.Ava furrowed her brows in confusion. "What's wrong? Why are you all standing like that?" she asked, her eyes scanning the room.Grandma Margaret quickly stepped forward, her face beaming with excitement. "My granddaughter, have you forgotten that today is the beginning of the million-dollar project? I'm very, very happy because this campaign is progressing, and very soon our family will make a lot of profit."Ava smiled at her grandmother’s enthusiasm because she herself was happy, but then her father, William, chimed in. "That's true, Ava. You need to work hard. Your dad needs money," he added with a chuckle.Elizabeth, interjected with a cold tone. "Is it always your daughter who has to work hard for you to get money?
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Chapter 103: Ameera Warns Chefs
As Elizabeth disappeared from sight, Grandma Margaret shook her head in disapproval and turned to William. "That woman has no respect, no manners," she spat, her voice dripping with disdain. "Imagine speaking to you like that! She’s always been too proud for her own good. I don’t know how you put up with her, William. She's nothing but trouble, always trying to undermine you and now even me, in my own house!” She crossed her arms, her face twisted with irritation. "You should've put her in her place a long time ago. She doesn’t appreciate the life she has, the roof over her head, or the food on the table. If it weren’t for me, where would she be? She thinks she’s so high and mighty just because Ava brings in money. But that girl’s success has nothing to do with her—Elizabeth’s just riding on her coattails.” William nodded in agreement, his face contorted with anger. "You're right, Mom," he said, his voice firm. "Elizabeth has no idea how good she has it. She’s always trying to act
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Chapter 104: Ameera Sets Out For Inspection
Finally, she noticed her grandfather standing there, watching with a mix of amusement and mild irritation. Ameera turned to face him, her expression softening slightly but still stern. “Grandfather, I’m doing this because I care about you,” she said. “You might think it’s unnecessary, but your health is too important to be left to chance.” Elder Wei sighed, clearly moved by her concern but also a bit weary of her strictness. “Ameera, I understand your intentions, but you’re being too harsh on them.” “Not harsh, just careful,” Ameera replied, turning back to the kitchen staff. “I trust you all to follow these instructions. If there’s anything you’re unsure of, you can always consult with a nutritionist to ensure the meals are both healthy and enjoyable.” The head chef stepped forward, bowing slightly. “We understand, Miss Wei. We’ll make the necessary adjustments immediately.” Ameera gave a satisfied nod. “Good. I’ll be checking in regularly to ensure everything is as it should be.
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Chapter 105: Ameera Meets Ava
Walking in, she realized the pharmaceutical company had a clean, industrial look. The entire facility exuded a sense of functionality and efficiency, with walls painted in stark whites and grays. The flooring was utilitarian—either tiled or polished concrete—contributing to the overall sterile atmosphere. The areas that Ava’s company would work on were particularly bare and unfinished. Exposed ceilings revealed ductwork and wiring, while basic lighting fixtures provided a harsh, functional glow. The walls were unadorned, adding to the space’s utilitarian feel. The layout of the building was straightforward, with designated areas for laboratories, offices, storage rooms, and common spaces, but each area felt stark and underdeveloped. Walking through the hallways, Ava noted the emptiness of the space. The lack of decorative elements or personalized touches made the environment feel cold and unwelcoming. Some sections were cluttered with boxes, lab equipment, and materials that had be
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Chapter 106: Ameera Meets Ava II
Ava felt the intensity of Ameera’s words, but she didn’t flinch. Instead, she met Ameera’s gaze with a firm nod. “Understood,” she said calmly. “I assure you, there won’t be any issues. I’m committed to delivering exactly what you expect.”Ameera remained silent for a moment, assessing Ava one final time. Then, with a slight nod of approval, she stepped back, signaling that the conversation was over. Ameera turned to Chen with a decisive tone. “Chen, please bring the checkbook.”Chen nodded immediately and quickly retrieved the checkbook and a pen from a nearby desk. He approached Ameera and Ava, handing them over with a respectful demeanor.Ameera took the checkbook, carefully filled out the check for 30 percent of the total amount, which amounted to $300,000. After signing it, she handed it to Ava with a firm but measured gesture.Ava’s eyes lit up with satisfaction as she received the check. Her relief and happiness were palpable, and she took a moment to express her gratitude.“T
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Chapter 107: Ambrose At Company
Aurora considered his words, then nodded, convinced. “You’re right,” she agreed, letting go of her curiosity. With that, they both turned and walked inside the hotel.Once inside, Aurora headed straight to her office, her mind already shifting to work matters. Ambrose, not wasting any time, made his way to his room. He quickly undressed and took a refreshing shower, letting the warm water wash away the day’s stress.Within twenty minutes, Ambrose was dressed, opting for a gentle yet stylish look. He chose a well-fitted white shirt, a pair of charcoal-gray slacks, and polished brown loafers. After adjusting his collar, he pulled open his wardrobe, picked up his car key, and headed out. Ambrose walked with purpose through the parking lot, heading straight for the AMG that had caught Aurora's attention earlier. Without hesitation, he unlocked the sleek car, got inside, and started the engine. The powerful roar of the engine hummed to life as he expertly maneuvered the vehicle out of the
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Chapter 108: 3 Executives vrs Ambrose
Ambrose leaned forward slightly, his eyes narrowing in thought. "How many executives are in this company, and how many don’t agree with me being chairman?"Anna took a deep breath, prepared for the question. "There are ten executives in total. Three of them aren’t comfortable with your appointment, while the other seven are more open-minded or neutral. Some of them might even support you, recognizing that your leadership could bring fresh perspectives and opportunities to the company.”Ambrose nodded, absorbing the information. "What’s the problem with the other three, actually?" he asked, his tone measured.Anna hesitated before responding, knowing this could be a delicate topic. "The first person feels that he should have been the one appointed as chairman. He’s been with the company for decades and has significantly contributed to its financial success. In his eyes, his extensive experience and efforts in building the company’s wealth should have been recognized with the top positi
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Chapter 109: Transport Project
Ambrose nodded thoughtfully, "Is that all?"Anna nodded in affirmation but added, "Master, there’s also an upcoming auction for the land the government is releasing for mining. It’s a prime location."Ambrose's eyebrows raised slightly. "Any problems with that?”Anna nodded again, her expression serious. "Yes, Master. There are strong participants vying for it from different cities. Some are foreign companies with branches around this country. The competition will be fierce. But I’m hopeful we can secure it because the land is incredibly fertile for mining operations."Ambrose nodded, confidence evident in his voice. "Don't worry, we’re taking it. I have no intention of losing this opportunity."Anna nodded in agreement, understanding his determination."Also," Ambrose continued, crossing his legs and shifting slightly in his chair, "I want to bring some businesses here to Sandalwood.""What kind of business do you have in mind?" Anna inquired, curious about his new venture."A transp
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Chapter 110: Ava Vrs Grandma
As Ava stood there, the tiredness beginning to fade from her face, she glanced over at Dera, who was still by her side. “Dera,” Ava said thoughtfully, “since you’re not working anywhere at the moment, would you be willing to help me with this project? I have a lot on my plate, and I could really use some extra hands.”Dera looked surprised for a moment, taken aback by the sudden request. “You want me to help you with the project?” she asked, a hint of curiosity in her voice.“Yes,” Ava nodded, a hopeful look in her eyes. “There are so many things to manage, and having someone I trust by my side would make a big difference. Plus, I’d pay you for your time and effort. It would be like a proper job.”Dera smiled, touched by Ava’s offer. “Of course, Ava,” she replied warmly. “I’d be happy to help you. You don’t have to worry about the payment.”“No, no,” Ava insisted. “I want to pay you. You’d be doing a lot, and your time is valuable. Besides, this is a big project, and I want to make su
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