All Chapters of Tell The World, Ambrose Li Has Returned: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
150 chapters
Chapter 31: New Chairman
Anna led them into a spacious conference room where a podium had been set up with the company's emblem prominently displayed. She gestured for the journalists to take their positions, ensuring everyone had a clear view of the podium.Once everyone was settled, Anna returned to Mr. Jun's office. "Sir, they're ready," she said with a respectful nod.Mr. Jun stood up, adjusted his suit, and took a deep breath. "Thank you, Anna. Let's get this over with."Together, they walked to the conference room, where the hum of quiet anticipation filled the air. Mr. Jun stepped up to the podium, and the room fell silent. Cameras focused, microphones extended, and every eye was on him."Ladies and gentlemen," Mr. Jun began, his voice carrying the weight of his years of experience and authority. "Thank you for joining us today. We have a significant announcement that will shape the future of Gemstar Platinum Group of Companies.”Back at the Ainsley manor, they were watching the live feed video of Mr.
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Chapter 32: Jin Wei Arrival
“He must be really capable. It’s not easy managing a little company like I do. Managing a top one means whoever he is, he might be capable,” Ava responded.“If you work hard, you’ll one day be at the top too, Ava,” Elizabeth said with a smile.Ava nodded with a smile.“God, why? Look at other families getting all these good things. Why isn’t it in my family?” Grandma Margaret asked.“Grandma, we just got a million-dollar contract, have you forgotten?” Ava asked.“What’s a million dollars compared to a billion? Imagine you being the girlfriend of whoever this grandson is. Wouldn’t that have made you the number one lead lady in this city or even the country?”Ambrose couldn’t help but chuckle. After all, Ava was his wife and he was the Chairman, so of course she was the lead.They heard his chuckle and everyone turned to look at him. “What are you standing there laughing for, you useless human? Come and watch the news. Your age mate just stepped in as the chairman of a billion-dollar co
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Chapter 33: Ambrose At Gemstar
Back at the Ainsley manor, Ambrose served the delicious meal he had prepared to everyone and, as usual, distanced himself to eat his portion. After they finished eating, Ava dressed up neatly and walked into the Hall prepared to leave for the office. Lucas and Lily were also in their clothes as they were ready stepp out with Ava to sit in her car for their class. Ambrose walked into the hall and admired Ava, who looked stunning with her hair cascading down."Ava, you got $50,000 last night. At least you should bring like $20,000 for the family upkeep. We have to fill the kitchen with items and more," Grandma Margaret said."This greedy woman is always trying to use calmness to take money. This money was a gift to Ava to use for herself, not to buy anything for family upkeep, Grandma," Ambrose said."Can you just shut up? How dare you?" Grandma Margaret yelled at himAmbrose looked at her, wanting to reply, but decided not to, avoiding disrespecting Ava's grandmother in her eyes."Av
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Chapter 34: Ambrose Vrs Receptions
"Invited you?" The ladies' expressions turned instantly angry. "Sir, look around. This is a big, respected company. Please don't come here to make jokes," one of them said sharply."I'm not joking," Ambrose insisted. "I got an invite from your COO. I'm here, kindly inform her or call her.""Wait, let me check if there's any arranged meeting. What's your name?" one of the ladies asked."I'm Ambrose Li," he replied.The lady quickly typed his name into her computer before shaking her head. "Kindly leave, there's no arrangement for you. Your name doesn't show here. Have you been to this company before?"Ambrose shook his head. "No, it's my first time.""Ahh! So how did you get an invite from Chief Anna?" another lady scoffed. "Do you know how many people come here claiming to know someone important? You're not the first.”"You must think we're gullible," the first lady added. "This isn't some corner store where you can waltz in and demand to see the COO. If you had an actual appointment,
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Chapter 35: The Golden Office
"Most of the time, yes," she replied. "Gemstar is involved in a lot of high-profile projects, so there's always something going on."The elevator ascended smoothly, and Ambrose marveled at the sleek design and the quiet hum of the machinery. As they reached the top floor, the doors opened to reveal a more serene and opulent environment. The floors were carpeted, and the walls were adorned with elegant artwork and framed accolades."Here we are," the receptionist said, leading Ambrose down a short corridor to a large door with "COO Anna" engraved on a polished brass nameplate. She knocked gently and opened the door, gesturing for Ambrose to enter."Again, we're very sorry for the misunderstanding," she said quietly before stepping back.Ambrose gave her a reassuring nod before walking into Anna's office.“Damn!”As Ambrose stepped into Anna's office, he was immediately struck by its luxurious and high-tech ambiance. The office was spacious, with floor-to-ceiling windows that offered a
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Chapter 36: Mining
Ambrose leaned back in the chair, letting the cool air soothe him. He glanced around the room again, his eyes lingering on the panoramic view of the city. The weight of his new responsibilities began to settle on his shoulders, but with it came a sense of determination."I won't let Grandfather down," Ambrose said quietly. "I'll do my best to lead this company to even greater heights."Anna nodded approvingly. "I have no doubt you will, Master Li. And remember, you have a dedicated team behind you, ready to support and assist in any way.”Ambrose leaned forward slightly, his curiosity piqued by the scope of Gemstar Platinum's operations. "So, Gemstar is into mining too, right?"Anna nodded with a knowing smile. "Yes, indeed. Mining is one of our core activities. We acquire contracts and land from governments, purchase the necessary sites, and then undertake mining operations.""That's fascinating," Ambrose remarked, impressed by the strategic approach. "What are some of the gems and m
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Chapter 37: Ava At Wei House
Ava went to the place where her car was parked, started it, and drove out of the company toward the Wei house. The drive was quick, but her mind raced with thoughts about the upcoming meeting.Meanwhile, at the Wei house, Jin Wei smiled at Chen and asked, "Is she coming?"Chen nodded and replied, "Yes, Young Master. From her answer, I guess she should already be on her way.”Jin grinned and nodded, pleased. "That's good. You know, when she comes, kindly call me. I've already spoken to my father to discuss the business with her initially. Then, I'll take over from there. You understand?"Chen nodded again. "I understand well."Jin acknowledged with a satisfied nod. "Good. Chen, you're the best person here who has helped me with my affairs, you know."Chen bowed slightly, expressing his loyalty. "I'm always loyal, Master.”Jin then asked, "What about Ava's husband you mentioned? Will he be a problem for me?""Oh, that one? He's called Ambrose," Chen said dismissively. "Master, he can't
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Chapter 38: Ava Meets Jin
"Ms. Ainsley," Malcolm began, "we're excited to have you on board for this project. As you know, we need your expertise to renovate our old pharmaceutical facilities. These buildings are crucial to our operations, and we want to ensure they are updated to meet modern standards.”Ava nodded, taking out her notepad to jot down important points. "Thank you, Mr. Wei. We are equally excited about this partnership. Since we've only secured the deal moments ago, we haven't conducted a preliminary assessment yet. However, I can assure you that my team and I will be on-site promptly to evaluate the buildings and develop a comprehensive renovation plan.”Malcolm leaned forward, his interest piqued. "Excellent. I'd like to hear more about your initial thoughts and how you intend to approach this project.""First, we'll need to conduct a thorough assessment of the structural integrity and current condition of the facilities," Ava explained. "Once we have a clear understanding of what needs to be
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Chapter 39: The Showroom
Jin's patience began to wear thin, and his charming facade quickly faded. His eyes flashed with frustration as he leaned forward, his voice rising. "Why are you making things so difficult, Ava?"Ava flinched at his sudden change in demeanor but kept her composure. “I’m not trying to make things difficult. I’ve been clear about my position from the start.”Jin's frustration didn't dissipate entirely. He leaned in closer to Ava, his voice low but filled with menace. "You know, Ava, I can call this deal off anytime I want. One word from me, and you lose that million-dollar contract. Do you really want to risk that?"Ava felt a chill run down her spine. She knew how much this deal meant for her company. Losing it would be a significant setback. She remained quiet, her mind racing, trying to find the right words to respond. But nothing came to her. The threat hung heavily in the air, and she couldn't afford to jeopardise the opportunity.Jin saw her hesitation and smirked, clearly pleased
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Chapter 40: Mercedes-Benz S63 AMG
The second saleswoman smiled warmly. "Ah, excellent choice, sir. That's the Mercedes-Benz S-Class AMG S63. It's one of our finest models," she said, her tone infused with admiration. "It combines luxury with high-performance engineering. The interior is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, and the driving experience is unparalleled."Ambrose nodded, impressed by her description. "Perfect. Let's proceed with the paperwork and arrangements for delivery.”The saleswoman smiled at Ambrose. "I haven't even mentioned the price of the car yet," she said with a light laugh.Ambrose's expression remained serious. "The price doesn't matter. As long as I like it, I'll pay."The saleswoman was taken aback by his confident tone. She nodded and said, "Alright, please follow me to the manager's office. He'll handle the paperwork instantly."Ambrose nodded and followed her to the manager's office. Inside, a man around the age of fifty was sitting in front of his computer, typing."Sir, someone
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