All Chapters of Tell The World, Ambrose Li Has Returned: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
150 chapters
Chapter 21: Dance
Ambrose's face hardened as he listened to the crowd's accusations. Grandma Margaret stepped forward, her face contorted with anger. "Ambrose, you despicable liar! How dare you bring a fake wine here and try to pass it off as a gift for Ava? Do you think we are fools? Do you think you can deceive us with your pathetic attempts?"Ambrose tried to speak, but she cut him off. "No, you listen to me! You have brought nothing but shame to this family. You're a leech, living off our generosity. You don't belong here, and you never will. You disgust me. How dare you try to embarrass Ava in front of everyone with your cheap tricks?”The murmurs from the crowd grew louder, echoing Grandma Margaret's sentiments. They whispered among themselves, agreeing with her harsh words."She's right. He's always been a burden.""Trying to impress Ava with a fake wine? How low can he go?"Ambrose stood there, taking in the insults and accusations, his grip tightening around the brown bag. He looked at Ava, w
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Chapter 22: Ambrose Agrees To Divorce
Jonathan's smile remained fixed, but there was a flicker of frustration in his eyes. Ava maintained a polite smile. As the dance continued, Jonathan made another attempt, this time trying to pull her closer by the waist. Ava gracefully stepped back, creating a bit more space between them. She shot him a polite but firm look, silently asserting her boundaries. Jonathan chuckled awkwardly, trying to play it off as part of the dance.Jonathan, determined not to let Ava slip away so easily, stepped forward and took her hand again, attempting to lead her back into another dance. This time, he was more persistent, his hand repeatedly trying to find its way to her waist, itching lower each time.Ava's patience was wearing thin. She frowned, her voice low and firm. "Jonathan, stop. Don't cross boundaries.”Jonathan chuckled, his grip on her hand tightening slightly. "Oh, come on, Ava. This isn't a big deal. We're just dancing."Ava's eyes flashed with anger. "I don't like it," she said. "Al
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Chapter 23: Chen Arrival
Ava went back inside where the party was in full swing. Everyone was enjoying themselves, dancing, drinking, and chatting merrily. She walked through the lively crowd and found a quiet corner to sit, lost in thought about what Ambrose had said."Didn't I always want to divorce him? What's the big problem now? Do I have to look weak now?" she hissed to herself, frustration mingling with confusion.Instantly, one of the guys who had always shown interest in her noticed her sitting alone. He walked over with a smile, trying to strike up a conversation. "Hey, Ava! Great party, isn't it? Mind if I join you for a bit?"Ava looked up, her expression stern. "I'm busy and not interested in any conversation right now," she said curtly.The guy, not taking the hint, persisted. "Come on, Ava. Just a little chat. It's a celebration after all.""I said I'm not interested," Ava repeated, her tone firmer this time.He leaned in closer, his persistence turning into unwelcome insistence. "Oh, come on.
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Chapter 24: Ambrose Faces Chen
Chen looked at Grandma Margaret. "Hello, I'm happy to see you."Grandma nodded. "Mr. Chen, our family is very happy for what you've done."Chen shook his head. "I didn't do anything much, just an order I followed.""Mr. Chen, this is my dad—""William Ainsley, right?" Mr. Chen interrupted. "Don't worry, before getting you the contract, everything has been known about you.""Oh wow!" Ava exclaimed and nodded.William smiled. "I'm glad Mr. Chen already knows my name.”Ava's mom, who had been seated and not caring much about what was going on, finally stood up. "Hello, Mr. Chen."Chen looked at her and nodded. "You must be Ava's mom. There's a resemblance."Ava nodded. "Yes, that is my mom."At that moment, Chen looked around, and his eyes fell on Ambrose, who was seated and just staring at him.Immediately he saw Ambrose, Chen's expression changed to anger. He clearly remembered what Ambrose had done to him at Ava's office. In that moment, he wanted to order his bodyguard to slap Ambros
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Chapter 25: Ambrose Calls Mom
Chen's expression darkened as he turned to Ambrose. "You dare challenge me? I can crush you with just a finger. If I wanted to, I could make you and your entire family disappear without a trace."Ambrose sneered, stepping forward. "Try it. Let's see what happens.”If was first when he had no money he would have shivered and kept quiet, but now he was rich, Chairman of a billion dollar company, there was nothing to be afraid of since he also had power on the Wei family. "Ambrose!" Grandma Margaret's voice rang out sharply, cutting through the tension. "How dare you speak like that? Do you have any idea who you're talking to? You've brought nothing but shame and trouble to this family. You are a worthless, disrespectful excuse for a son-in-law!" She turned to Mr. Chen, her face flushed with anger and embarrassment. "Mr. Chen, please forgive his insolence. He doesn't represent our family. We are deeply grateful for the opportunities the Wei family has extended to us.”Chen, still furio
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Chapter 26: Jonathan Proposal
I'm good, Mom. I'm really sorry for not calling," Ambrose said, his voice thick with emotion."It's fine, son. I didn't want to bother you since you're in your mother-in-law's house. There's nothing big, actually," his mom replied gently. "Are you being treated well? Living a good life?"Ambrose was quiet for a moment, contemplating whether to tell the truth. Finally, he lied, "Yes, I'm fine and getting the best treatment.”Ambrose was quiet for a moment, contemplating whether to tell the truth. Finally, he lied, "Yes, I'm fine and getting the best treatment.""Nice. I always knew your mother-in-law was a good person. You'll enjoy. Now tell me, son, when are you giving mummy a grandchild? It's been a year since you married.”Benjamin chuckled hearing that, knowing how impossible it was. He and Ava slept on different sides every night; he had never touched her. "Having a child isn't in my plan yet, Mom. I'm still young, and I want to make money to be able to take care of myself first a
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Chapter 27: Will Your Divorce Ambrose?
Ava hesitated, caught off guard by Jonathan's confession. She knew he had feelings for her but hadn't expected him to express them so directly."Jonathan, I... I don't know what to say," Ava replied softly. "I appreciate your honesty, but I need some time to think about everything that's happened tonight.""I understand," Jonathan nodded, his expression a mix of hope and anxiety. "Take all the time you need. Just know that I'm here for you, no matter what.”Within thirty minutes, the last of the guests had departed, leaving the Ainsley manor quiet and somewhat somber. The atmosphere had changed dramatically from the lively party earlier. Now, only Grandma Margaret, Elizabeth, Williams, Lucas, and Lily remained, gathered in the living room. Grandma Margaret, seated in her favorite armchair, glanced around the room with a weary expression. Grandma Margaret slowly stood up from her armchair and walked over to Ava, her stern expression softening into a proud smile. She enveloped Ava in
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Chapter 28: Wei Family House
Ava's eyes filled with confusion and conflict. "I don't know what to do," she admitted, looking between her mother and grandmother. "You do know, Ava," Elizabeth said softly, stepping closer and taking her daughter's hands. "You know what's right in your heart. Don't let the lure of wealth make you forget who you are and the values you've always held dear.” Ava looked down, biting her lip, deep down she knew her mom was right and didn't want to divorce Ambrose. On the other side too she was thinking of what her grandma would do if she disobeyed her. Lucas stepped forward. "Auntie Elizabeth, Grandma is right. Ambrose isn't good for Ava. He's been a burden to this family from the start. The Wei family young master can offer Ava so much more—wealth, status, and a real future. For Ambrose, he's a joke. Everyone knows he lives off Ava's earnings. Do you want Ava to keep living like this? The Wei family can give her a life of luxury and security." Lily also stepped forward, her expressi
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Chapter 29: Cancer Drug Invention
Elder Wei nodded, "Maybe there's a link between this Ava lady and Gemstar that we don't know of. We have to be careful. If anything goes wrong and we offend her, and if she really has support from the company, it could spell doom for us."Malcolm nodded, "I understand, Dad. So what must we do now?"Elder Wei shook his head, "Nothing much. My grandson loves this Ava lady. For now, we just have to fulfill that and make sure he gets what he wants. If Ava has any relationship with Gemstar, it could be a benefit to our family. Keep investigating and let me know if that lady has ever been to the company.”Chen nodded, "Alright, Elder master, I'll do so."With that, he walked away upstairs.Elder Wei nodded, "Maybe there's a link between this Ava lady and Gemstar that we don't know of. We have to be careful. If anything goes wrong and we offend her, and if she really has support from the company, it could spell doom for us."Malcolm nodded, "I understand, Dad. So what must we do now?"Elder
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Chapter 30: Journalists Arrival
"Get up. Sleep more for what? Will you keep sleeping when you have things to do?" she asked."Well," Ambrose sighed and then got up, rolling up his mat. He looked at Ava with a light smile and asked, "How was your night, wi..." He paused, changing the "wife" he wanted to say to "Ava."Ava didn't respond and turned around to walk out of the room."Wait, Ava, what do you want to eat today? Let me prepare something for you. Just let me do something great as a congratulations to you," he said with a light smile."Ask Grandma; she'll tell you what to prepare," Ava replied.Ambrose rushed and stood in front of her. "No, please, you rather say. I want to prepare what you want."Ava paused for a moment, then said, "Fine. Prepare congee with pork and century egg."Ambrose smiled. "Alright, consider it done. I'll make the best congee for you.”As Ava was about to walk away, Ambrose called out, "Last thing, Ava."Ava stopped and turned to face him, her expression showing mild irritation. "What i
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