All Chapters of Tell The World, Ambrose Li Has Returned: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
150 chapters
Chapter 61: The Order
Just as emotions were reaching a boiling point, a security guard approached the tense group, eyeing them warily. "Sorry, gentlemen, but we can't have any disturbances here," he said firmly, addressing Ambrose and Jonathan.Ambrose raised his hands in a placating gesture. "No fighting here," he assured calmly, his voice steady despite the tension. He turned away from Jonathan and walked towards the table the hostess had pointed out earlier.The cab driver hesitated for a moment, glancing back at the commotion, then followed Ambrose quietly to the table. He took a seat across from Ambrose, unsure of what to make of the situation unfolding.Jonathan, still visibly agitated, watched Ambrose and the cab driver walk away. He clenched his fists for a moment longer before reluctantly sitting back down, shooting a last glare in Ambrose's direction.As Ava reluctantly sat down, she couldn't shake off the overwhelming guilt gnawing at her. Her gaze shifted between her food and Ambrose, who sat a
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Chapter 62: Mei and Jian
Immediately, Ava stood up as well and quickly walked behind him, following him outside. "Ambrose, Ambrose!" she called out.Ambrose turned around and looked at her. "What's your problem, Ava?"Ava looked at him, her expression full of frustration and confusion. "What's with this attitude? What's wrong with you, Ambrose?”Ambrose chuckled bitterly. "What's wrong with me? I made you go home to solve the problem of you hitting someone's car mistakenly only to call and you said you're out for a business meeting, meanwhile here you are with Jonathan. So what should I do again?""He asked for a lunch, so I agreed," Ava said defensively."You agreed and then lied to me that you were going for a business meeting? Anyway, I understand. You owe me no explanation after all. I'm just that useless person in your eyes.”Ava frowned slightly, then asked, "What do you mean? What are you talking about?""You know what I'm talking about. Clearly, I don't have to explain myself," Ambrose replied."Alrig
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Chapter 63: Aurora
Outside, the nurse walked out and met Eunice. Eunice looked at her and asked, "Is everything on point?"The nurse nodded and replied, "Yes, he's receiving treatment. His report will be out soon to know what's next."Eunice nodded in approval. "Good," she said.Nearby, the old hut belonging to Ambrose's mom and dad had been demolished by Eunice's men. In its place, a bustling construction site had emerged. Machines were in operation, and there were piles of sand, stones, blocks, and a concrete mixer all around.A group of men were diligently digging the foundation, working towards building a new house for Mei and Jian, just as Ambrose had instructed. The sound of hammers and drills filled the air. Back at the downtown garden restaurant, Ava and Jonathan got back into the car and drove off. Ambrose, sitting in the cab, just stared at Jonathan's car as it drove away. He sighed but didn't say a word.Just then, the cab driver walked over with the waitress to demand payment for the food.
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Chapter 64: Ambrose Promises Elizabeth
Ambrose smiled and asked, "Why do you admire him when you don't know him? What has he done for you?" The driver laughed. "If it wasn't for his company, would I have gotten all these treats from you? Haha," he chuckled. "For someone controlling billions and being young, I'm pretty sure he must be a good, responsible, and powerful person." The driver looked through the mirror and added, "My daughter is small, but if she were older, she could have married him.” The driver smiled and said, "Of course, my daughter would have been a beauty goddess." He looked at Ambrose through the mirror again and said, "Since he's your main boss and you had access to the restricted area, did you see him? How does he look like? Tell me." Ambrose shook his head. "Actually, no one really knows. I've never seen him nor know who he is. He could be someone you might have seen but wouldn't recognize. He could have been at the restaurant we went to, and you wouldn't know.” The driver shook his head in disb
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Chapter 65: Ambrose Replies Ava
"A good man? Look at him!" He pointed at Ambrose. "Rich guys are doing better than this useless man. Elizabeth, you should fix our daughter with someone worthy!" "How dare you speak like that? Ambrose has always been there for Ava!" Elizabeth defended. "You’re blind, Elizabeth! This useless guy has nothing to offer, and you’ve condemned our daughter to a life of misery!" Elizabeth shook her head in disbelief. "Ambrose is more than enough. He loves Ava, and that's what matters!” William's face reddened with anger. "Elizabeth, you're living in a dream if you think he is good enough for our daughter. I'll make sure Ava divorces him and finds someone who can truly provide for her." Elizabeth's eyes flashed with fury. "You can't force her to do that! Ava loves Ambrose, and they deserve to be happy together. Money isn't everything!" William sneered. "Love him my foot.” He yelled. Money may not be everything to you, but it sure makes life easier. Ava deserves better than this useless ex
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Chapter 66: Ambrose Leaves The Manor
Ava watched as Ambrose packed his things into the bag, frowning slightly. "What do you mean?" Ambrose heard her but didn't reply. She walked forward and asked again, "What do you mean, Ambrose? What are you packing your clothes for?" "Didn't you want me to leave, Ava? What is it now?" Ambrose said, his voice filled with pain. "I've always been looked down on by everyone just because I stay here. Your dad, your cousins, your grandma—everyone throws insults at me. For years, all I've done is wish one day you could love me back as I love you deeply. But no, you went out with another man because of what? You feel this guy isn't fit to be called husband? Why? Didn't you say this is your house? I'm leaving your house. At least in mine, I can be respected and not worried." Ava looked at him, confused. She wanted to talk, but her words were lost at that moment. She was quiet for a while, then asked, "Where are you moving to?" "You don't have to know where I want to go. I'll decide that
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Chapter 67: Grand Horizon Hotel
Meanwhile, Ambrose arrived at the gate of a grand hotel. Seeing the beautiful and expensive car, the security guard quickly opened the gate, allowing Ambrose to drive inside. Ambrose maneuvered his car through the entrance and into the parking lot, where a collection of plush and luxurious cars were already parked. He found an empty spot and smoothly parked his vehicle among the other high-end automobiles. Getting down from his car, Ambrose took a moment to look around at the bustling surroundings. People dressed in suits and elegant attire were entering and exiting the hotel. Beautiful lights adorned the exterior, illuminating the path and creating a welcoming atmosphere. Ambrose took a deep breath, admiring the opulence around him. "This place is truly beautiful," he murmured to himself. The grandeur of The Grand Horizon was evident in every detail. He opened the trunk of his car, retrieved his travel bag, and closed the trunk with a decisive thud. As he walked towards the h
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Chapter 68: Presidential Suite
"No, no," Aurora smiled slightly. "That's not what I meant. Actually, I'm..."Before she could finish speaking, the receptionist looked at her and said, "Good evening, boss, could—""Can't you see I'm in a conversation?" Aurora asked."I'm sorry," the receptionist said with a slight bow.Aurora looked at Ambrose and said, "Actually, I'm Aurora. My parents own this hotel; currently, I'm the owner here," she said."Huh? She's the boss here?" Ambrose was stunned. No wonder she looked very rich, driving a new Audi.He looked at Aurora from top to bottom, nodded, then said, "Alright."Aurora looked at the receptionist and said, "I guess he's booking a room, right?"The receptionist nodded and said, "Yes, please. I'm processing the Royal Suite for him."Aurora shook her head and said, "What about the presidential suite? Give him the access card to that one."The receptionist was shocked. "Please, I thought the management said no one is allowed into the presidential suite."Aurora raised an
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Chapter 69: Presidential Suite II
Ambrose nodded, still taking in his luxurious surroundings. "Thank you," he said, trying to regain his composure.The staff nodded respectfully. "You're welcome, sir. Enjoy your stay." With that, the staff turned around and walked out, leaving Ambrose alone in the opulent suite.He placed his bag on the bed and proceeded to the wardrobe, hanging his clothes meticulously and placing his sneakers neatly at the bottom.As he turned to survey the room, a smile crept across Ambrose's face. "All this will be for myself," he murmured, his voice filled with a mix of disbelief and satisfaction. He had never imagined finding himself in such lavish surroundings, let alone enjoying them alone.Curiosity led Ambrose to the glass-walled bathroom, where he discovered a range of shower amenities neatly arranged beside a large bathtub and a sleek shower stall. He decided on a hot shower, a luxury he rarely indulged in back at home.Ambrose quickly undressed, relishing the sensation of letting go of th
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Chapter 70: Ambrose clash Jonathan
Ambrose opened the door and stepped out with the tray, walking toward the reception area. As he approached, a sleek car arrived at the Grand Horizon Hotel and parked. Stepping out of the car was none other than Jonathan Hales. From the other side, a young, slender, fair lady with a ponytail exited the car.Jonathan smiled at the lady and extended his hand. "Let's go, babe. Let me give you the best moments tonight."The lady nodded and said, "Alright, babe." She placed her hand with her long nails fixed in Jonathan's palm, and they walked inside the hotel.Reaching the receptionist desk, Jonathan started speaking to the same receptionist who had attended to Ambrose earlier. "Is there a standard room available?" he asked.The receptionist shook her head and greeted him, "Good evening, sir. The rooms available are the Junior Suite, Executive Suite, Royal Suite, and Luxury Suite."Jonathan nodded. "I want to book the Junior Suite for the night. I hope it's great in there?"The receptionis
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