All Chapters of Tell The World, Ambrose Li Has Returned: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
150 chapters
Chapter 71: Ambrose Beats Jonathan
The tray started to break into pieces under the force of Ambrose's strikes, but he didn't care. Jonathan tried to shield himself, but Ambrose's fury was relentless.Around them, guests and staff gasped and backed away, some pulling out their phones to record the scene. The receptionist shouted for security, her face pale with shock.Jonathan, now bleeding and disoriented, managed to push Ambrose away and stumble backward. "You're crazy! You've lost your mind!" he shouted, fear finally creeping into his voice.Ambrose stood over him, breathing heavily, his face a mask of fury. "If you ever come near Ava again, I'll make sure this is nothing compared to what I'll do to you. Do you understand?"“Fuck off you lowly poor dude.” Jonathan responded angrilyAmbrose's fury reached a new peak. He dropped the broken tray and lunged at Jonathan, grabbing him by the neck and pressing hard. Jonathan's eyes bulged with fear and surprise as he gasped for breath, clawing at Ambrose's hands."You liste
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Chapter 72: Aurora Treats Ambrose
As Aurora touched his forehead with the warm towel, Ambrose began to calm down. The initial touch brought a slight twinge of pain, but he endured it without flinching. Aurora tended to his injury with surprising gentleness and care, her movements slow and deliberate.Despite Aurora's affectionate attention, Ambrose kept a straight face, his eyes fixed on a spot on the wall, betraying no emotion.Ambrose calmed down as Aurora touched his forehead with the warm towel. He felt a slight pain but endured it, maintaining a straight face. Aurora continued her care, affectionately pressing the towel to his forehead, hoping to ease his discomfort."So, what about your wife? You came here at night alone to book a room?" she asked.Ambrose snapped, "Hello, must a customer report his personal life to the hotel boss, or just book his room and leave? Don't speak about any wife to me, please.”Aurora nodded and said, "Oops, sorry." Seeing Ambrose's expression, she could tell he might be having some
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Chapter 73: Where's Ambrose
The receptionist hesitated for a moment before speaking. "He said something along the lines of Ambrose being a live-in son-in-law whose wife was the one feeding him. Then he threatened that once Ambrose was fired, he would snatch his wife, Ava, and...sleep with her as he usually does. That's when Mr. Ambrose couldn't take it anymore and attacked him.” Aurora's expression darkened. "I see. Thank you for clarifying. Make sure Mr. Ambrose is treated with the utmost respect. And if anyone else tries to provoke him, let me know immediately.” The receptionist nodded, looking a bit relieved to have the situation clarified. "Of course boss. I'll make sure Mr. Ambrose is well taken care of and inform you immediately if anything else happens.” Aurora turned around and walked back to her office. Once inside, she sat down on the sofa, her mind racing. "He's a live-in son-in-law? I don't understand. If he's being fed by his wife, how was he here to book a room? How did he swap my car? Something
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Chapter 74
The receptionist hesitated for a moment before speaking. "He said something along the lines of Ambrose being a live-in son-in-law whose wife was the one feeding him. Then he threatened that once Ambrose was fired, he would snatch his wife, Ava, and...sleep with her as he usually does. That's when Mr. Ambrose couldn't take it anymore and attacked him.”Aurora's expression darkened. "I see. Thank you for clarifying. Make sure Mr. Ambrose is treated with the utmost respect. And if anyone else tries to provoke him, let me know immediately.”The receptionist nodded, looking a bit relieved to have the situation clarified. "Of course boss. I'll make sure Mr. Ambrose is well taken care of and inform you immediately if anything else happens.”Aurora turned around and walked back to her office. Once inside, she sat down on the sofa, her mind racing. "He's a live-in son-in-law? I don't understand. If he's being fed by his wife, how was he here to book a room? How did he swap my car? Something is
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Chapter 75: Where's Ambrose
Ava looked up, her eyes filled with desperation. "Should I complain to the police?" she asked, her voice trembling. Lucas shook his head. "Cousin, Ambrose isn't a kid. He left on his own. Reporting to the police will only make them angry. It'll look like you're playing with them." Ava sighed, clearly worried. "Ava, why are you that worried? All this time, I thought you disliked him, so why are you putting on an act now?" Lily asked. "Shut up!" Ava yelled at her. "I didn't ask for your opinion, do you understand?" Just then, her phone started ringing. Checking it, she saw it was her friend Dera, whom she was supposed to pick up. She quickly answered and managed a light smile. "Hello, Dera." "Happy Sunday, Ava. I hope you'll be picking me up as you said?" Dera asked. "Of course, I will. When are you boarding your flight?" Ava asked. "Within an hour. I should be there soon after all; this place isn't that far from Sandalwood.” "Alright then, I'll drive to the airport to
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Chapter 76: Ava At Airport
Aurora, clad in sleek workout gear, was jogging at a steady pace, her ponytail bouncing with each stride. She didn't notice Ambrose at first, her attention focused on the treadmill's display and the rhythm of her steps. Ambrose stood still for a moment. As Ambrose stood there, his gaze lingered on Aurora. She had an athletic build, with a slender yet toned physique that showcased her dedication to fitness. Her workout gear, a fitted tank top and leggings, accentuated her form, highlighting her well-defined arms and legs. Ambrose thanked the staff member, who nodded politely before leaving him to his workout. Deciding not to draw attention to himself or to Aurora, he made his way to an unoccupied treadmill. As he stepped onto the machine, he accidentally pressed the speed button too quickly, causing the treadmill to start at a brisk pace. He stumbled slightly, catching himself just in time to avoid a fall. “Damn, is it difficult to operate like that?” He muttered As Ambrose st
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Chapter 77: Ava Picks Up Dera
As Ava waited near the airport exit, a slender woman in a stylish outfit walked out with her luggage. Her long, flowing hair and confident stride caught Ava's attention. It was Dera, looking as radiant as ever."Dera!" Ava called out happily, her face lighting up with joy."Ava! Oh my God!" Dera exclaimed, matching Ava's excitement. They rushed towards each other and hugged tightly, their laughter filling the air."I've missed you so much," Ava said, pulling back to look at Dera. "And look at you, you look stunning!”"You’re the one who looks more beautiful," Dera replied, smiling warmly. "It's so good to see you in person after all this time!”Ava held onto Dera's luggage and said, "Let's go, my car is parked over there." Dera followed, and they walked to Ava's car. Upon seeing the vehicle, Dera joked, "This rich lady even owns a car."Ava chuckled and replied, "Stop joking. Can't you see how old this car is? I don't have the money for a new one, just keeping this one running for now
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Chapter 78: The Wine Shop
The man on the phone asked, "First of all, why do you want to know about him?"Aurora's tone sharpened. "What's your business about that? Are you telling me or not?""Well, well, I will, of course. Don't get angry bab..." He stopped himself."Lucky you," Aurora said curtly."Alright, so he's actually named Ambrose Li, and he's a famous live-in son-in-law for a small family named the Ainsleys.”"A live-in son-in-law?" Aurora was stunned, recalling the receptionist's comment about Jonathan insulting Ambrose for being dependent on his wife. "Wait, are you sure he is?" she asked."Yes, he's married to a lady named Ava Ainsley, for a year plus now.""Wait?" Aurora muttered, realizing the implications. "If he's really a live-in son-in-law, how did he take control of the situation when his wife hit my car? He was the one who swapped the car, right?" she thought."Alright, is that all? What work is the wife doing?" she asked."She runs a renovation construction company. It's small, but they r
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Chapter 79: The Wei Family
"He did," Ava replied, still processing the information. "It was for a party," she continued, mentioning the specific day. "Right?"The saleslady nodded, "Yes, exactly.""Oh my God," Ava muttered, her voice barely audible as realization dawned on her. "My dad broke a real $15,000 bottle, thinking it was fake?"Ava's mind raced, struggling to make sense of the revelation. How could Ambrose, whom they all believed to be struggling financially, afford such an extravagant expense? $30,000 on wine, just like that? She had never imagined he had access to that kind of money, let alone the willingness to spend it so casually."Where did Ambrose get that kind of money?" she wondered aloud, her voice tinged with confusion and disbelief. "To spend so much on just a drink... it's absurd."Dera, equally stunned, looked at Ava with wide eyes. "It doesn't make sense. Are you sure it was him?"The saleslady nodded again, firm in her recollection. "Positive. He seemed quite composed about it, too. He
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Chapter 80: Ambrose Tells Aurora
Ameera asked, “What’s the budget for the renovation, Grandpa?”Elder Wei replied, “A million dollars.”Ameera’s eyes widened in surprise. “A million dollars for what exactly?” she asked, clearly taken aback by the large amount.Jin frowned and asked, "Why are you behaving as if a million dollars for renovation is a big thing?"Ameera looked at him sharply, "What do you know about money management? Just because our family is wealthy doesn't mean we should pour out money without consideration."Malcolm cleared his throat, interjecting, "Ameera, things are costly, and we're aiming for a very luxurious renovation. It's an investment that will add value.""Which renovation company got the contract, then?" Ameera asked, turning to Chen, the family business manager.Chen, catching her expectant gaze, smiled politely. "Madam, the contract was awarded to the Ainsley family's business, led by Ava Ainsley."Ameera's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Is it a big company? How many significant projects h
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