All Chapters of Tell The World, Ambrose Li Has Returned: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
151 chapters
Chapter 81: Are You Rich?
Ambrose nodded and said, "Cool, that's nice too."Aurora tilted her head, curiosity piqued. "So, what made you get married early? You're young, you know."Ambrose smiled, a touch of nostalgia in his expression. "Well, certain conditions put people in certain situations, you know.""What do you mean by that?" Aurora asked with a slight frown.Ambrose sighed and then revealed, "Actually, I'm a live-in son-in-law." He smiled lightly.Aurora, already aware of this, acted surprised. "You mean you stay with your wife's family?""Yes, I do," Ambrose replied shortly."And why is it so?" Aurora pressed.Ambrose looked around, then sat down. "What would make a man stay with his wife's family and be fed by them? Isn't it because he's poor?" he asked."You're poor?" Aurora feigned surprise, intrigued by how much he would reveal.Ambrose nodded. "Life hasn't been fair. I wasn't doing well, and amidst these problems, I got married. But despite everything, I've loved my wife throughout our marriage,
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Chapter 82: Ambrose At Manor
An hour later, Ambrose arrived at the gate of the manor. He opened it and entered, drawing the attention of Ava and Dera, who were seated outside having a lighthearted conversation. Ava's eyes widened in surprise and a mix of emotions as she saw Ambrose, who looked different—well-dressed and handsome, unlike the Ambrose she remembered. The noticeable absence of his luggage puzzled her further.Ambrose, seeing Ava, paused briefly before walking towards her. Dera, noticing the exchange, pieced things together. "He's Ambrose, right? That husband you mentioned?" she asked Ava, who nodded in response."Look at how nicely he's dressed, yet he's poor, deceiving people. Tch," Dera scoffed as she stood up and approached Ambrose. "Hello, what do you want here?" she asked sharply.Ambrose, taken aback by her confrontational tone, frowned and asked, "Who are you to ask me that? Anyway, I'm not here for you." He looked at Ava and continued, "I'm here...""I knew you'd come back. Where's your lugga
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Chapter 83:
After a tense wait of half an hour, Lucas finally drove into the manor with the electric bike. Ambrose, seeing him, walked briskly over to where he parked."What gives you the right to take my bike?" Ambrose demanded, his voice cold and controlled. "Who gave you the authority?"Lucas, visibly annoyed, stepped off the bike and shot back, "What authority? I'm doing you a favor by using this piece of junk. You should be grateful someone's even willing to touch your stupid bike.”Ambrose's eyes narrowed. He could feel the anger rising but kept his composure. "A favor?" he repeated incredulously. "Using someone else's property without permission isn't a favor; it's theft."The tension between them escalated quickly. Lucas, feeling disrespected and embarrassed, took a step forward, trying to push Ambrose. "You're nothing but a parasite, living off my family. You think you're better than me?”Before Lucas could land a hit, Ambrose caught his arm and swiftly pushed him back, causing Lucas to
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Chapter 84
The woman who had hit Ambrose turned out to be none other than Ameera Wei, the young mistress of the influential Wei family. She was dressed impeccably in a designer outfit, exuding elegance and sophistication. Her beauty was striking, with a calm and graceful demeanor that drew attention.Ambrose, momentarily captivated by her appearance, quickly regained his composure. "I'm fine, really," he said, brushing off his clothes. "It was my fault; I wasn't concentrating.”Ameera shook her head, clearly concerned. "No, it's my fault. I should have been more careful." She looked around at the small crowd that had gathered, and with a gentle but firm voice, she addressed them, "Thank you for your concern, but everything is under control. You can leave now."As the onlookers slowly dispersed, Ameera turned back to Ambrose, her expression still one of genuine concern. "Are you sure you're okay?Ambrose reassured Ameera, "I'm fine, really, don't worry about it."Ameera studied him for a moment b
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Chapter 85: Phone Store
Ambrose entered his room, settled on the couch, and turned on the TV to watch some movies. As he was getting into a film, his phone started ringing. Checking the caller ID, he saw it was Anna. Without hesitation, he answered."Hello, Master Li, happy Sunday," Anna's voice came through warmly."Hello," Ambrose responded, then asked, "How are you doing?""I'm fine, thank you," Anna replied. "Master, I wanted to ask if you'll be free tomorrow.""Is there any problem?" Ambrose inquired."Yes, please. You'll need to be at the office tomorrow for a quick business discussion. Your input is needed," she explained."Alright then, I'll be there tomorrow. Don't worry," Ambrose assured her. He then asked, "So, how is my grandfather?""He's doing well, though not as strong as before. But rest assured, he's being well taken care of," Anna answered."Alright," Ambrose sighed in relief. "See you at the company tomorrow then." He ended the call, placing his phone down.His gaze lingered on the phone f
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Chapter 86: Aurora Picks Ambrose Up
When Ambrose reached his car, the sales lady carefully placed his purchases in the trunk. As he was about to open the driver's door to sit down, she cleared her throat nervously. "Sir, can you snap a picture of me beside your car?" she asked shyly. Ambrose nodded with a smile. "That's not a problem, give me your phone." Overjoyed, the lady quickly handed him her phone, already set to the camera app. Ambrose closed the car door and positioned himself in front of the car, snapping a few pictures of her beside the sleek Mercedes. "Do you want to sit inside and have a snap?" he asked. "Really? Can I, sir?" she replied, her eyes wide with excitement. Ambrose nodded and opened the car door, inviting her to sit. "Wow!" She couldn't believe it was happening. She looked around the luxurious interior, gulping in awe. She quickly switched her phone to video mode, recording herself and taking a few more pictures. She even posted them to her Snapchat with captions like, "A customer gave
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Chapter 87: Night Clubbing Party
As Ambrose and Aurora walked through the lobby, they could feel the eyes on them. Some people stared openly, while others whispered among themselves. One person even said, "You two make a perfect couple." Aurora blushed slightly, but Ambrose responded with a polite smile. "Thanks, but we aren't a couple," he clarified. The receptionist from the previous night noticed them and thought to herself, Hnnn, I can see a love story transpiring soon. Boss and this guy... I thought he was married? Ignoring the whispers and curious glances, Ambrose and Aurora continued outside, where Aurora's car was waiting for them. Getting outside, Aurora noticed the white AMG still parked in the lot. "This car is still here? The owner is still in this hotel?" she frowned, puzzled. Ambrose glanced at the car and quickly brushed it off. "Yeah, probably. It's a big hotel; a lot of guests stay here for extended periods," he said casually, not wanting to reveal that he was the owner. Aurora nodded, still a b
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Chapter 88: Mei And Villagers
Jian smiled weakly, his spirits lifted by her words. "Finally, we'll get some respect. Our status will rise high. God bless the people behind this thoughtful project.” Mei nodded in agreement, her eyes shining with gratitude. "Yes, bless the CEO for making this possible." Jian's expression grew more serious. "Mei, what about our son Ambrose? It's been over a year since we last saw him." Mei nodded reassuringly. "Ambrose is doing fine. I spoke with him some time ago. I'm sure he's okay with my friend's family.” Jian shook his head, a look of concern crossing his face. "He's the man of the house, yet the family didn't approve of that marriage. I'm sure he must be going through hardship. Why haven't they given birth yet? It’s clear his wife doesn't like him. Moreover, they're the ones he's staying with even though he's the husband. I'm sad, Mei." Mei sighed deeply, her eyes reflecting her inner turmoil. "What can we do? Every night I think of Ambrose, but we can't do anything." Jian
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Chapter 89: Clubbing Party Arival
Meanwhile, a car pulled up at the clubbing venue. It was Ava and Dera who had arrived. The map voice announced, “You have arrived at your destination.” A security guard directed their car to the parking lot, where several vehicles were already parked. Dera guided the car to a spot and parked it. Dera smiled and said, “We’ve arrived now.” Ava nodded and asked, “Why can’t I hear any music yet?” “Of course, we need to go inside first. But I’m sure our purchasing ID will be checked before we’re allowed in,” Dera explained. “You have the ID, right?” Ava questioned. Dera nodded in response. “Let’s go,” she said, stepping out of the car. Ava followed suit. Around them, people were walking by, some with their arms around their partners. The atmosphere was vibrant, with a sense of excitement in the air. As they walked toward the entrance, another car—a sleek Audi—pulled up and parked nearby, drawing a few admiring glances. Inside the vehicle were Ambrose and Aurora, who had also
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Chapter 90: Aurora Provides Tickets
The security guard looked at Ambrose and said, "Please, you need a ticket to enter. We can’t let anyone in without one." Ambrose nodded and said, "Don’t worry about that, actually I’m with—" He didn’t finish as he saw Aurora approaching. He pointed at her and said, "I’m with her; she might have the ticket." Aurora walked over, greeted the security guard, and asked, "What’s the problem?" The security guard explained, "One can’t enter without a ticket.” Aurora nodded and opened her little purse, pulling out two tickets. She handed them to the security guard. Ambrose looked at her in surprise and said, "So, you even got the tickets before coming to see if I was interested?" Aurora bit her lip slowly and nodded shyly. Ambrose laughed lightly and said, "This lady, so what if I had said no?" Aurora chuckled and said, "Thank God you arrived.” Ambrose continued to laugh, and Aurora stared at him, thinking, Oh my God, what a beautiful laugh. He’s so charming. I wonder what could make s
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