All Chapters of FROM STREETS TO SUITES : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
174 chapters
Failed Plan.
The couple of weeks after the trending news were hectic for Quinn, as she worked tirelessly to keep the company moving forward. Although she had garnered a lot of respect from the board members, not everyone was supportive of her leadership. Some were determined to see her fail, and they were willing to go to any lengths to ensure that she did.Two board members in particular had been openly against her from the beginning. Mr. Charles and Mrs. Jack, are two long-serving members of the board.They had made it clear that they didn’t believe Quinn had what it took to lead the company. Not only because she was not on their side, but because she had taken away the power they had to control a part of the company.Quinn had sensed that something was off, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. There were whispers in the hallways and suspicious glances from some of the employees, as she walked into the building."What's going on? Why does everyone seem like they were talking about me? Is t
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Mr. Gerald's Wish.
"Quinn, where are we going?" Veronica asked, feeling frustrated that Quinn was ignoring her."I want to sell you off," she replied, getting off the cab."What do you mean by selling me off?" She frowned, trailing behind her.Quinn suddenly stopped, "Close your eyes." She said, her voice, demanding."What? Why? What sort of games are you playing?" Quinn did not waste any time to blindfold her."Listen to my instructions, and obey all of them."Knowing that she could not beat Quinn, she sighed in obedience."Take three steps forward, and stop."She obliged and came to a halt. She felt a hand grab her waist, and with reflex, she removed the blindfold and found Richard dressed up in a black suit."Richard? What's going on? I could have punched you, you know?" He chuckled, and went down on one knee, taking out a box.He opened it, and voiced out, "Veronica, will you marry me?"She was taken aback, not expecting this sudden gesture. She had told him that she was not ready to get married y
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The day of Quinn and Harrison's wedding was drawing near. The atmosphere seemed to have changed as the weight that hung over Harrison became unbearable.The news of Jacob’s escape from prison had hit him like a thunderbolt. The thought of Jacob bothered him so much, that he kept zoning out of space, threatening to destroy everything he had worked so hard to build. Although Jacob was dangerous and manipulative, he was not going to give him a chance. He could not risk it. Not today. Not with Quinn. He was not sure what Jacob was planning, but he needed to act fast. His wedding was in five days, and he had to move it to the next day.He had planned, earlier on, to have a grand wedding, but now he had changed his mind. He wanted something private."Why the sudden change of mind, sir?" Hardy asked as he drove down the road."He escaped."That was all Harrison said, and it did not take Hardy any longer to realize the situation.The car stopped in front of Quinn's company, and Harrison ste
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Just The Beginning.
The room was silent, each anxiously waiting to hear what she had to say. She had unexpectedly left the state, and now, she suddenly showed up. It was not hidden that she had a motive; maybe to destroy the union between the two. She glanced at everyone, and back at the soon-to-be couple. "Hello, everyone. Harrison is someone I love, and I always hoped to be his wife, one day," she paused, studying everyone's expression. Quinn's grip tightened on Harrison, as she almost forgot how to breathe, staring at Yvonne with a trembling expression. "However, every time I tried to get closer to him, it seemed like something—someone was pulling him away, and I realized that there was no way I would get him for myself. What am I saying? I am happy for Quinn and Harrison. I wish you two well." With that, she stepped out of the altar, joining the others. It was unexpected. They were all expecting her to say the opposite, but her words shocked them. Her words brought a strange sense of relief.
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On A Date.
Eva stood before the mirror, her fingers adjusting the neckline of her dress. The burgundy gown clung to her curves. They had barely had time to themselves these past few weeks, and the idea of a quiet evening with Ivan filled her with joy. Tonight was just for them. When Ivan finally arrived to pick her up, the sight of him took her breath away. He was dressed in a tailored black suit, his hair neatly styled, and he looked every bit of the man she had fallen in love with. They drove in silence, their hands intertwined, as they sat behind. When the car pulled up in front of Gerald's Suites, Eva’s eyes widened in surprise. “Ivan, what is this?” she asked, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “Just wait,” he replied, his eyes sparkling with excitement. Ivan led her through the lobby, taking the elevator up, the doors opening to reveal a luxurious suite that took Eva’s breath away. The room was adorned with a king-sized bed covered in satin. Candles flickered on every sur
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Underlying Intention.
Three months had passed since Quinn and Harrison stood at the altar, vowing to cherish and love each other for the rest of their lives.It had been three months since they both tied to the knot to live together forever.Although their marriage was full of promises, the reality of married life began to settle in, as though they were given some time to enjoy the bliss.Mrs. Gerald had never liked Quinn. From the beginning, she had her heart set on Yvonne, whom she considered a perfect match for her son. In her eyes, Yvonne was everything Quinn was not; the ideal daughter-in-law.Despite Harrison’s love for Quinn and his strong stand that she was the only one for him, Mrs. Gerald’s attitude remained cold. Every visit to the Harrison's house reminded Quinn of her mother-in-law's hatred for her. Harrison had tried to address the issue with his mother, but her opinions were deeply rooted, and she made no secret of her disappointment. As much as Quinn tried to please her, she always comp
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Eva's Mood Swings.
Ivan was back to Florida, but he had to go and meet Quinn, who was worried about her grandfather's health. Eva sat on the couch, flipping through a magazine, trying to distract herself from the thoughts of her family.She had received a phone call from an unknown number, who said it was her mother. She could not believe that after so many years, her family remembered her. It felt like a dream, or maybe it was a dream. It was unexpected. Even as she flipped through the magazine, her mind was far away.A sudden knock on the door startled her from her thoughts. She was not expecting anyone, or could it be Ivan? But then she shook it off, convincing herself that it was probably just a neighbor or Vera, who had promised to visit her. She rose from the couch, making her way to the door.When she opened it, the last people she expected to see were standing there; her parents. Her breath caught in her throat as she looked at their familiar faces, both of them looking a little older than
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Eva Is Pregnant.
"Ivan, I would advise that you stay away from me. For once, let me be!" She said, casting a final glare at him before she walked out.Ivan watched her leave like there was no hope and little to nothing he could do about it. What had gotten into her? Did her parents not just give them their blessings? Could it have been a curse?He tried to search for the possible dots to connect to her behavior, but he had not done anything wrong to her.With a frustrated sigh, he decided to obey her instruction and stay away from her.The next day, he was out of the house, earlier than usual. He did that to avoid her, going to work to bury himself until it was late at night when he was sure that she was asleep.It happened for a couple of days, but even if Ivan wanted to ignore her, his heart was still troubled, especially because he could not tell what she was going through."Princess, I need to talk to you," he said, barging in, frustratingly."What's wrong?" She asked, taking her eyes off the com
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Ivan Proposes.
The door creaked open, and Eva looked up to see Quinn walk in, a wide smile stretching across her face. "Oh, Eva!" Vera exclaimed, walking in side by side with Quinn."You told them already?" Eva asked, looking up at Ivan."Not exactly. I was scared, you know?"“We couldn’t stay away,” Vera added."What exactly happened?" Quinn asked.As Eva was about to respond, Ivan beat her to it, and replied, "She is carrying my baby."Vera and Quinn stared at each other, shocked at the revelation."We definitely are going to throw you the best house party as soon as you’re discharged.”***The night Eva was released from the hospital, Quinn and Vera, with Ivan’s help, organized a small, intimate house party, inviting Richard, Kim, Michael, and Harrison. A cake sat in the middle of the dining table, inscribed with the words, "Congratulations, Eva!"Ivan walked over with a glass of water, handing it to her with a smile. “How are you feeling?” he asked, his voice full of concern.“I’m fine,” Eva a
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Partnering With The Lee.
Eva stood beaming, her hand clasped tightly in Ivan’s, the engagement ring sparkling as it caught the streetlight, as she said yes to him."I've always waited for the day that I would say yes to the man I love. And yes, Ivan, I will marry you."Joyous applause erupted as Ivan's family came out from behind, joining the celebration.Eva turned to Ivan, tears of happiness lit her eyes. She had said yes. They were engaged, and their families were there to witness it. She was not only happy about the engagement, but the fact that her parents had witnessed it, and to top it off, she was pregnant with his child. Ivan kissed her hand before pulling her into a tight embrace. “I love you,” he whispered, his voice full of promise.“I love you too,” Eva replied, her voice filled with emotion. Her heart swelled as Quinn, Harrison, and the rest of her people congratulated her, watching the moment unfold live. Quinn’s face was bright with excitement as she clapped enthusiastically, yelling her n
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