All Chapters of FROM STREETS TO SUITES : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
174 chapters
Wedding And Gifts.
Ivan took a few minutes to call Quinn. He had been in the English countryside for a week now, and after a few thoughts, he decided to get married to Eva before returning home.He dialed Quinn’s number. After a few rings, her familiar voice replaced the rings.“Ivan! Everything okay?”A smile tugged at his lips. “Better than okay. I’m calling to let you know it’s happening, Princess. I’m marrying her. Soon.”There was a pause on the other end, and Ivan could almost feel her broad smile. “Finally,” Quinn teased, her voice full of joy. “We’ve been waiting for this. I’m so happy for you.”Ivan chuckled. “We’ll need your help with the planning. We’ve decided to get married in Eva’s home country. It just feels right, you know? You can come over, even for a day, and run away from work.”Quinn was quick to agree. “Of course. I’ll handle everything. Harrison and I will be there soon with the others. We wouldn’t miss it for the world, and I really want to get away from work, I'm tired! When exa
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Stepping Down.
The conference room hummed with murmurs as Quinn walked in. Dressed in a tailored white suit with a thin black belt cinched around her waist, and a black stiletto, Quinn walked to the front, standing confidently in front of all the employees. Standing behind her was Ivan. His navy blue suit fit him perfectly. The suit jacket was unbuttoned, revealing the white shirt he wore underneath. Eva stood amongst the employees, almost standing in front, as she stared at Ivan with love. She wore a soft lavender dress that hugged her curves. Due to how the gown was, it portrayed the bump in her belly. Her hand rested protectively on her belly, as she rubbed it slowly. Quinn approached the podium with grace, her heels clicking against the hardwood floor, echoing through the room that was now silent. She placed her hands firmly on the edge of the podium and scanned the room, taking in the faces of those who had supported her and helped the company grow, as well as the new faces filled with
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Eva In The Hospital.
"What do you really want, George?" Ivan asked raising an eyebrow.“I came to offer my congratulations, cousin. On your wedding, and, of course, on becoming the new CEO.” He said, glancing at Eva. “It’s a big day for you. But,” George paused, his smile fading slightly, “I was surprised not to receive an invitation to the wedding. Strange, don’t you think?”Ivan clenched his jaw. “Get out of here, George. This isn’t your office, anymore.”George walked around the desk, his shoes clicking against the floor as he stopped just in front of Ivan. For a moment, the two cousins stood facing each other, the silence becoming thick.“You think it’s that easy, don’t you?” George’s voice dropped to a murmur. He leaned in slightly, his breath almost brushing Ivan’s ear. “You think you can just walk in here and take over, and that everything will go smoothly now that Quinn has handed you the power.” He chuckled, “I’ve got a gift for you, Ivan. A wedding present, if you will.”Ivan’s eyes narrowed, h
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Baby Eric.
Ivan paced the halls of the hospital, the sound of his footsteps echoing in the space. His mind was racing, his heart pounding in his chest as he glanced anxiously at the double doors that separated him from Eva. Every moment that passed felt like an eternity, the weight of uncertainty and what might have happened to her pressed down on him like a heavy blanket. Dressed in a burgundy knee-length gown, Quinn had come straight from a meeting the moment she heard the news. Her hands were clasped tightly in front of her, but her posture remained composed as she leaned slightly against the wall. “It’ll be alright,” Quinn said softly, her voice was calm as she tried to offer reassurance. “Eva’s strong. She’ll pull through.”Ivan nodded, though his stomach continued to twist in knots. He could not shake the fear that something might go wrong. He kept glancing at the door, hoping that the doors would open up.Inside the delivery room, Eva was fighting through the final stages of labor,
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Welcoming A New Baby.
"She's okay, Mr. Rodriguez. She just needs some rest." Ivan's breath suddenly became calm, and a wave of relief swept over him. His heart beat in his chest, still echoing the panic from earlier, but now it slowed to a gentle rhythm, in union with the quiet breaths of his newborn son. With the doctor’s words still ringing in his ears, he leaned over Eva’s bed, brushing a soft kiss against her forehead. She was still asleep, her chest rising and falling steadily. Ivan cradled his baby boy in his arms, his gaze softening as he traced the tiny features of his son. The baby stirred slightly, yawning, his small hands curling into fists, while he remained asleep. "Eric," Ivan whispered under his breath. "Welcome to the world, little one." Quinn stood beside him, watching the scene unfold with a proud smile. Seeing him step into the new role of fatherhood made her heart swell. She squeezed Ivan’s shoulder, drawing his attention. "I’ll check in on you later. Congratulations again
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My Own Way.
Yvonne paced back and forth in her apartment, her heels turning sharply against the tiled floor. Her phone was clenched tightly in her hand, her knuckles white as she stared at the screen. She had just placed a call through, but it was unreachable, and with how desperate she was now, she really needed to get to him.Finally, her phone rang, and within a split second, she answered it."Let's meet. Come over to the address that has been sent to you."With that, the call ended, and she wasted no second before leaving the house.As she got there, she pushed the door open and found him sitting nonchalantly against the chair."It's been ages, yet nothing from you!" She broke out."Calm down," Jacob said, his voice seemingly uncaring."Calm down?" she thought bitterly, her jaw clenched. "It’s been over a year!" she shouted at him. "I’ve waited. I’ve been patient. But I’m tired of waiting, Jacob! I deserve better than this!" Her voice cracked with emotion, but Jacob offered no response. In
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Yvonne's Threat.
The door to her office swung open without a knock, and Yvonne walked in, her presence reminded her of a brewing storm. Yvonne’s eyes burned with something far darker than simple rivalry.“Quinn,” Yvonne’s voice was low, almost like a whisper. “I’m just going to come out and say it, your days are numbered here. I don’t know how long you think you can keep up this thing, but it’s only a matter of time before I eliminate you. Harrison doesn’t belong to you. He deserves someone better.”Quinn’s heart raced, but she didn’t flinch. She had seen Yvonne’s obsessive behavior from the start, but hearing her say it aloud like this was a different level of threat. “Yvonne, I don’t know what you think you’re doing, but Harrison and I are together because we love each other. You can’t just tear us apart. There is nothing you can do, so move on!”Yvonne stepped closer, her voice sounding like a venom. “Love? Is that what you call it? You don’t deserve him. He could have had anyone, anyone better t
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Hit And Run.
George had not spoken to Yvonne in over a month. After his encounter with him, he had not bothered to call her.As he sat in his car outside his grandfather’s house, he felt the pressure of his financial trouble pressing down on him harder than ever before, as if it were increasing.His debts were no longer something he could ignore. Calls came in daily from angry voices threatening him, and the longer he stayed, the deeper trouble he was in.He ran a hand through his hair, letting out a sigh. He had imagined himself at the top of the family group, sitting in the CEO chair. Instead, Ivan had walked in, taking the company away from him and throwing him like he didn't matter. His grandfather sat across from him at the dinner table.George walked up to him, and voiced out his demand, "Grandfather, could you lend me some money, please? I promise, it's the last time I will ever do this and I promise to pay you back." "I can't give you more money, George," his grandfather said, shaking h
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Wrong Target.
"Ivan, please be careful. I don't know what it is, I just feel weird lately. It's like something is tugging at my chest, yet I can't tell what it is," Eva voiced out with worry and concern in her voice.Ivan pulled her into his embrace, "I'm fine. Everything is fine, you don't have to worry, okay? I'll be back home soon." He replied, kissing her forehead.She sighed and gave a nod. Ivan waved her goodbye and headed to the car. As she watched him step out, her heart was troubled. She could not explain the uneasiness she felt, but she hoped that it was just a feeling.She crossed her arms, and bit her lip, as she glanced at her phone as if it might offer some explanation. She called out to Ivan, just as he opened the car door.“Be careful,” Eva said, her voice laced with deep worry.Ivan looked back at her, surprised by the concern etched on her face. “It’s just the mall, Eva. What could go wrong?”“I don’t know,” she muttered, shaking her head, “but please...just be careful.”Ivan smi
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George's Confession.
Eva's hands trembled as she handed baby Eric to Vera, barely able to speak through the panic that clouded her mind. "Take care of him, please," she whispered, her voice cracking. Vera nodded, her face full of concern, as Eva sprinted out the door. Her heart pounded heavily in her chest, fear consuming every inch of her body as she entered a cab to the hospital. The phone call had been brief and urgent, but hearing the words "emergency" and "Ivan" in the same sentence had shattered her composure. The image of him, hurt or in pain replayed in her mind. By the time she reached the hospital, her legs barely carried her through the doors. She ran straight to the reception desk, her breath uneven, her eyes wide with desperation. "Ivan...where's Ivan?" she gasped, her words conveying her panic and fear.Quinn was already there, pacing in the waiting area. Her face was streaked with tears, her hands clenched tightly as if she were holding herself together by a force of will. As soon as
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