All Chapters of FROM STREETS TO SUITES : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
174 chapters
Yvonne Is Arrested.
Quinn had never felt such rage before, but knowing that Ivan was lying unconscious in a hospital bed because of Yvonne’s actions, she could not help it. As she entered the living room, her eyes immediately locked on Yvonne, who sat casually on the couch with Mrs. Samantha beside her, happily conversing, while her brother was in a critical condition.Yvonne seemed completely unaware of the rage growing in Quinn's heart.At the same moment, Harrison was coming down the staircase with his father, engaged in quiet conversation. His face marked surprise as he saw Quinn’s wild-eyed expression. But before anyone could speak, Quinn moved forward with such speed that was faster than lightning, her hand flying through the air, and smack.Her palm came in contact with Yvonne’s face with a force that stunned everyone in the room.The sharp sound of the slap reverberated through the room. Yvonne's head snapped to the side, her hand immediately flying to her cheek, her eyes wide with shock. Mrs
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In Coma.
As Quinn walked out of the Gerald's house, her vision blurred from the tears she had fought so hard to hold. She blinked them away, trying to stay strong, trying to pretend that everything was okay when it clearly wasn’t.“Ivan is going to be okay,” she told herself, over and over again in her mind. But the worry was more than the reassurance at her insides."Quinn! Wait!" Harrison’s voice called out behind her, but she kept walking, her pace quickening. The last thing she wanted was to stop, to let herself feel the crushing fear that was suffocating her. But he was faster. She felt his hand gently grab her arm, pulling her to a stop.“Please,” Harrison said, his voice soft, his grip gentle but firm. “Don’t shut me out.”Quinn’s chest heaved as she tried to catch her breath. She turned to him, unable to hold back anymore. The tears she had bottled up began to spill, running down her face like a flowing stream. She didn’t even have the strength to wipe them away. Instead, she coll
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Choose One.
The walls of the prison seemed like a familiar place around Jacob as he strode through the hallways, the sound of his shoes echoing as he walked. In front of him, a guard led the way, unlocking heavy doors one by one, granting him access to the visitors room. Jacob’s face was expressionless, his dark eyes reflecting nothing of what he was thinking. He had come here not to visit but to remind someone of the cost of her failure.At last, they reached a small room, the only furniture being a table and two chairs. The guard stepped aside as the door opened, revealing Yvonne in her orange prison uniform and black boots.She walked in slowly, the clink of chains around her wrists was the only sound heard. Her once radiant beauty was a shadow of itself now. Her hair looked tangled and dull, dangling over her pale face. Dark circles shadowed her eyes as she took a seat across from Jacob. She had changed, and not just physically, but perhaps, mentally. Yvonne’s voice broke the silence as s
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Yvonne Is Dead.
Before she could say a word, they surrounded her, giving her no space to attempt an escape. They turned off the lights, shutting her mouth up with a cloth. They began to kick and punch her as though she were a bag of rice. The one that seemed to be the leader took out a knife from the waistband of her pants and stared at it with so much eagerness in her eyes. She glanced at Yvonne, giving off a mischievous smile that only made the poor girl to shiver in fear, knowing that this was going to be the last time she would receive freedom. To live. The death she had planned for someone else with eagerness was the same death she was afraid of facing. If she were to turn back the hands of time, maybe she would think twice before planning to hurt Quinn. Maybe she would have given up on her love for Harrison and just move on. With one step, she stretched her hand, sending the knife inside her, plunging deep like she didn't want to give her a chance of survival. She groaned amidst the cl
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The Letter.
Quinn stood outside the prison gates, her breath was uneven as she stepped out of the cab, thinking about what laid in wait for her. She had tried to call Harrison to ask if he was still there, but his number was not reachable. She stook outside for a while, wondering if this was a good idea—to be here.With a sigh, she pulled out her phone and redialed the number of the man who had called her. He didn't even tell her his name.His voice was low, as if he was hiding from someone or something, when he picked up, and after a brief conversation, he directed her to a deserted place in the prison. She was not sure if she could trust him, but something in her told her she had to follow through. She needed to know what Yvonne had for her. She was here already and there was no going back.When she arrived at the place, a small house nestled in a lonely, abandoned area, a man stood waiting for her at the balcony. He was tall, with a hood covering most of his face, but his posture was com
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Eerie Silence.
As soon as the call ended, Harris leaned on the wall, and let out a sigh.Quinn stepped through the doorway, startling Harrison, who was still in shock after the revelation that Jacob was alive. Harrison’s heart raced as soon as he saw Quinn. The thought of Jacob being alive troubled him deeply. He didn’t know how to process it, and more importantly, he didn’t know how to tell Quinn. Quinn must not know that Jacob's alive, else they would be trouble. For now, he had to keep it buried deep, though he feared it might be revealed at anytime.Quinn noticed his distant gaze. She was quite observant after the letter she received. Her voice broke through, "Harrison, are you alright?"He blinked a few times, bringing his attention back to her. "Yeah," he replied, although his tone was not convincing. "I’m fine, just… a lot on my mind."Quinn eyed him curiously, knowing there was more. Her instinct told her something was off. "Are you sure? Is there something you need to tell me?" Her voice
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Harrison had gone back to finish his meal, though the sense of tension in the room did not disappear. She bit her lips as she watched him, debating whether to press him further or let the moment pass.Gathering her courage, she took her seat across him, leaning forward. “Do you still want to talk about it?” she asked softly, her eyes searching his face for any sign that he wanted to open up.Harrison gave a brief shake of his head, his expression unreadable. “It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it. was not about me, but a friend of mine."Quinn frowned slightly. She wanted to push further, and understand why his mood had shifted immediately, but the way he avoided her gaze told her it was something he wasn’t ready to share. She wondered what friend he was talking about. The Harrison she knew barely had friends, but she decided to leave it until he was ready to talk to her."Are you sure?" She asked, and he nodded his head without looking up.After a moment of silence, she deci
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Gerald's Reunion.
The car ride was unusually quiet, a heavy silence wrapping around them as they drove to Gerald’s mansion. Quinn sat in the backseat, lost in thought, her mind replaying the events in the airport. The sight of that man haunted her—his face was familiar, so much so that she could swear it was Jacob. But could it really have been him? The thought tugged at her relentlessly, putting her between certainty and doubt. Maybe she had been hallucinating, her mind playing tricks on her. Or perhaps, the past was creeping back into the present in a way she had not anticipated. Her thoughts were interrupted as the mansion came into view. As the car came to a halt, Jasmine, sitting next to Harrison, smiled at the sight of her family home. The moment they stepped out of the vehicle, the doors of the mansion swung open, and Jasmine’s parents rushed out to greet her. Their joy could not be hidden, and as they enveloped their daughter in a warm embrace, the air around them lightened. “Jasmine,
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Three Weeks Pregnant.
"Attempted murder? Who did she try to kill?"Quinn sighed, "me," she replied, "her aim was to kill me, but unfortunately, Ivan happened to be at the scene at that time."After a few more minutes of shared sadness and tears, Jasmine took a shaky breath. “What about Ivan? How is he dealing with all of this?”Quinn gave her a soft smile. “Ivan’s doing well now. He’s had a lot to process, but he is strong, and he is recovering now. He and Eva have a baby now. I'm just glad he didn't die."Jasmine managed a small smile at that. “I’m glad he’s okay,” she said quietly.Eventually, the emotional conversation wound down, and the three of them retired to their separate rooms for the night. But for Quinn, sleep was far from her. As she lay in bed, her thoughts wandered back to the figure she had seen at the airport earlier that day. The face that had been haunting her thoughts ever since. Was it really Jacob? Or was her mind playing tricks on her? She just couldn't tell.She replayed the scene
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Acting Weird.
"Attempted murder? Who did she try to kill?"Quinn sighed, "me," she replied, "her aim was to kill me, but unfortunately, Ivan happened to be at the scene at that time."After a few more minutes of shared sadness and tears, Jasmine took a shaky breath. “What about Ivan? How is he dealing with all of this?”Quinn gave her a soft smile. “Ivan’s doing well now. He’s had a lot to process, but he is strong, and he is recovering now. He and Eva have a baby now. I'm just glad he didn't die."Jasmine managed a small smile at that. “I’m glad he’s okay,” she said quietly.Eventually, the emotional conversation wound down, and the three of them retired to their separate rooms for the night. But for Quinn, sleep was far from her. As she lay in bed, her thoughts wandered back to the figure she had seen at the airport earlier that day. The face that had been haunting her thoughts ever since. Was it really Jacob? Or was her mind playing tricks on her? She just couldn't tell.She replayed the scene
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