All Chapters of FROM STREETS TO SUITES : Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
174 chapters
Acting Weird.
For a moment, there was stunned silence. Mrs. Gerald’s eyes widened in shock, and Mr. Gerald’s mouth dropped open. But then, as the news sank in, a brilliant smile spread across Mrs. Gerald’s face, and she jumped up from her seat.“Oh, Quinn, darling! This is wonderful news!” Mrs. Gerald exclaimed, rushing over to Quinn and pulling her into a tight embrace. “Congratulations, my dear! Oh, I’m so happy for you and Harrison!”"Oh, My! Harrison didn't even tell me. I'm happy for you, my love." Quinn returned the embrace, tears of happiness pricking at the corners of her eyes. It felt so happy, sharing this moment with the Geralds. Mr. Gerald got up more slowly, his face still a bit dazed, but then he chuckled softly and shook his head.“Well, I’ll be damned. I’m going to be a grandfather,” he said, his voice filled with a quiet wonder. He walked over and gently patted Quinn’s shoulder. “Congratulations, Quinn. You’ve made us very happy.”Mrs. Gerald, her eyes shining with joy, pulled
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Harrison closed the door quietly behind him as he entered the house, his gaze drifting across the living room. He walked over and looked down at Quinn, his heart tightening at the sight of her. She had been waiting for him again.He sighed deeply, running a hand through his hair. He lowered himself beside her, careful not to wake her. Gently, he reached out and brushed his fingertips against her cheek. Her skin felt warm under his touch, and a wave of guilt washed over him. He knew she had stayed up late, hoping he would come home early for once, but he hadn't. Mrs. Juliette, their loyal cook and housekeeper, had told him earlier how Quinn had waited until exhaustion took over, her hands protectively cradling her growing belly. “She was too tired to stay up any longer,” Mrs. Juliette said, concern etched on her face. “You shouldn’t keep doing this to her, Harrison.”He swallowed hard as he remembered those words. Leaning down, he pressed a soft kiss to Quinn’s forehead and whisper
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Anonymous Letters.
The next morning, the atmosphere in the house was different. Quinn barely spoke a word to Harrison. Even Mrs. Juliette could sense that something was wrong. She watched as Quinn picked at her breakfast, her face pale and drawn.As soon as Harrison left for work, Mrs. Juliette placed a comforting hand on Quinn’s shoulder. "Mrs. Quinn, you need to talk to him. Really talk to him. You’re both hurting, and now more than ever, you need to be there for each other."Quinn nodded, wiping her eyes. "I don’t know how to reach him anymore. It’s like we’re living in two different worlds.""Then pull him back into yours," Mrs. Juliette said gently. "Don’t let him go. Especially now, with a baby on the way, he needs to understand that he has responsibilities not just at work but at home too. He needs to be there for you."Quinn sniffed, trying to steady herself. "I just want him to be...present. Is that too much to ask?""No, dear, it’s not," Mrs. Juliette said softly. "And he’ll come around. Some
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Jacob Is Alive.
Quinn sat on the couch in the living room, gently rocking baby Eric back and forth in her arms. His tiny hands waved as he gurgled softly, his bright eyes shining with innocence. She traced a finger across his cheek, smiling as he cooed in response. She had always admired the way Ivan and Eva seemed so at ease in their new roles as parents, embracing the changes with grace and love. But today, her mind was elsewhere.She glanced at Eva, who was bustling in the kitchen, preparing dinner for the family. The aroma of freshly chopped vegetables and sizzling chicken wafted through the air, creating a sense of warmth and comfort. Despite the coziness surrounding her, Quinn’s thoughts were clouded by recent events, specifically, the distance Harrison had put between them since that fateful night.“He just needs time, Quinn. He’ll come around,” Eva had said earlier when Quinn confided in her about Harrison’s behavior. Quinn nodded absentmindedly, still playing with baby Eric’s tiny fingers
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Deadly Past.
Quinn had been restless since she noticed Harrison’s shift in behavior. She could no longer ignore the feeling in her gut that something was wrong. So, when she spotted the man slipping into the darkness behind an abandoned house late that evening, she did the only thing she could think of. She followed him. Overgrown bushes and trees cast shadows, and the house itself looked like it had not been lived in for years. It sat in silence, covered in darkness, save for the faint glow of the moonlight.She pushed through the rusted iron gate and made her way to the front door. It creaked open without resistance, as if welcoming her into its abode. She stepped inside cautiously, eyes scanning every corner of the space, half expecting something or someone to jump out at her.Jacob stood in the center of the room, his figure illuminated just enough by the light streaming down from the window. He turned, his eyes narrowing slightly as she approached.“Quinn,” he greeted, his voice a low mu
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Running Away.
Quinn’s heart felt like it had been shattered into a thousand pieces as she sped away from Harrison’s office. The images, the recordings, Jacob’s smug grin...everything played on repeat in her mind. Harrison’s face as she confronted him was burned into her memory, and it only deepened her pain. How could he have kept something like this from her? How could he have betrayed her trust so completely?When she finally pulled into Ivan’s house, she barely had the strength to get out of the car. She didn’t even need to knock before the door flew open, revealing Ivan’s concerned face. He must have known something was wrong the moment she locked herself up all night.“Princess,” he mouthed, his eyes scanning her tear-streaked face. “What happened?”Quinn’s composure broke as she launched herself into his arms, sobs racking her body. Ivan held her tight, his jaw clenched in silent fury. Whatever had caused this, he knew it had something to do with Harrison. His mind raced, imagining a hund
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My Turn.
Harrison sat in the dark, his hands buried in his hair as he stared at the blinking phone screen. Quinn’s voice replayed in his mind, cold and distant.“Never call me again.”The four words had shattered him, and now he felt the pang of every secret he had kept from her. Jasmine stood beside him, her expression torn between anger and pity.“It’s not the end of the world, Harrison,” Jasmine murmured, reaching out to place a hand on his shoulder. “Quinn is angry, but if you explain—”“Explain?” Harrison cut her off, his voice laced with a bitterness that surprised even himself. “Explain what, Jasmine? That I’m a coward who let Jacob control me? That I was too scared to tell the woman I love about something that could destroy her trust in me forever?”Jasmine’s gaze softened. “It wasn’t your fault, Harrison. What happened to Stella and the baby was an accident. You know that. She knows that.”“But she doesn’t know!” Harrison exclaimed, his frustration spilling over. He stood abruptly, kn
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My Turn.
Harrison sat in the dark, his hands buried in his hair as he stared at the blinking phone screen. Quinn’s voice replayed in his mind, cold and distant.“Never call me again.”The four words had shattered him, and now he felt the pang of every secret he had kept from her. Jasmine stood beside him, her expression torn between anger and pity.“It’s not the end of the world, Harrison,” Jasmine murmured, reaching out to place a hand on his shoulder. “Quinn is angry, but if you explain—”“Explain?” Harrison cut her off, his voice laced with a bitterness that surprised even himself. “Explain what, Jasmine? That I’m a coward who let Jacob control me? That I was too scared to tell the woman I love about something that could destroy her trust in me forever?”Jasmine’s gaze softened. “It wasn’t your fault, Harrison. What happened to Stella and the baby was an accident. You know that. She knows that.”“But she doesn’t know!” Harrison exclaimed, his frustration spilling over. He stood abruptly, kn
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Only Hope.
Harrison paced back and forth in his apartment, his phone gripped tightly in his hand. He had tried calling Quinn multiple times, only to be met with silence. Each unanswered call, each unread message fueled his frustration. He couldn’t get through to Ivan either. Everyone seemed to have locked him out. The only person he could think of now, the only one who might listen was Eva.His finger moved over her number. He knew calling her was risky. She was, after all, Ivan’s wife. But he was desperate. He needed someone to hear him out before everything goes out of control.Taking a deep breath, he pressed the call button. The phone rang twice before he heard her soft voice on the other end.“Harrison?” Eva sounded surprised. “Is everything okay?”“Eva, please—I need to see you,” he blurted out, his voice laced with desperation. “Just for a few minutes. It’s important.”She hesitated, her silence making him worried. “I don’t know, Harrison. Ivan wouldn’t like it if he found out we met.”
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Tell Me.
The drive to Quinn’s secluded apartment was silent. Ivan’s eyes stayed locked on the road, his knuckles white against the steering wheel. Beside him, Eva cradled baby Eric, her gaze drifting between the passing scenery and her husband’s hardened profile. Harrison, unbeknownst to Ivan, had followed secretly from a distance. He trailed their car cautiously, never letting it out of his sight.Quinn’s apartment was a small cottage, nestled in a deserted outskirt of the city. It was the perfect hideaway, but the isolation only made her feel more hurt. It had been almost a week since she had spoken to anyone other than her doctor and Ivan.See was not ready to see anyone, especially not her brother, but she knew they would come sooner or later.When she saw Ivan’s car pull up outside, she took a deep breath, bracing herself for what was sure to be an emotional encounter.“Quinn,” Eva greeted softly as she stepped inside, carrying baby Eric in her arms. She smiled gently, trying to mask h
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