All Chapters of FROM STREETS TO SUITES : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
174 chapters
CEO In The Cafeteria.
It was Monday, Quinn yawned in bed, as the smell from the kitchen woke her up.With her eyes half closed, she got out of bed to the kitchen and found Ivan making breakfast."Morning, princess." He greeted her, as soon as he sighted her.She stood by the door, taking a deep gulp as the aroma engulfed her nose."What's for breakfast?" She asked, slowly."Go and have your bath, first. You'll know what's for breakfast after that. You don't wanna be late for work on the first day of the week, do you?" Her brother said, winking at her.She waved her hand, trudging back to the room, and heading to the bathroom."Breakfast is ready, princess!" He yelled."I'm coming, give me some minutes!" She responded, rushing to put on her shoes. Since it was Monday, definitely an official and busy day for every business, she put on a crisp white button-down shirt and a well-fitted navy blue knee-length pencil skirt.Knowing that she would be having a long day, she did not want to add to the pain her legs
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I Will Go.
As the elevator closed, she stood beside him in silence, holding the bag in her right hand."I never knew that the most feared and respected CEO of The Gerald's Conglomerate would stoop so low to use whatever means to grab the attention of his employee. That's surprising," she began, scoffing."What does that mean?" He asked, glaring at her."Mr. Fitz, we both know that you never asked me to get you lunch. Also, everyone in the company knows you don't eat at work. It makes me wonder why you had to leave the top floor to the ground floor. And now, you even banished me from eating in the cafeteria. Is that how obsessed you are with me?" She intoned, her lips curving into a wry smile, as she walked out of the elevator.She walked into his office and placed the bag on the table. When she turned, he was behind her."Here is your lunch, sir."He grabbed her wrist, drawing her close to his body. "Quinn, tell me. What is giving you this audacity? Are you trying to play some kind of game with
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For Your Sake.
She was surprised that he let her go. The Harrison she knew now would seize every opportunity to frustrate her."What? Do you need anything else?" He asked, creasing his brows, as he stopped typing."N... no, sir. Sorry, thank you." She stuttered and bowed out. She walked out of the office to hers, and sat down, wondering if he had ulterior plans for her."Hey, I brought you lunch."She looked up, her eyes met that of Kimberly. Her face brightened up, as she heard her voice."Hey!" She said, hugging her. "How've you been? You've sort of been occupied lately, and I don't really get to see you anymore. Mr. Fitz even stopped you from coming to the cafeteria, where we usually meet," Kimberly expressed, wearing a sad face.Quinn gave her a reassuring smile, rubbing her shoulder to comfort her. "I'm always here, okay? I'm sure he will lift his restrictions on me, and we'll see again. And yes, I am really busy. I'm taking a two-day leave from work, I have something important to attend to,"
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Banquet In Texas.
Quinn jumped out of the bed, as though she was poured a bucket of water."Did you have to shout?" She said, feeling annoyed that she had woken up from sleep."Quinn Rodriguez, you are an hour and thirty minutes late for work. Do you know what your boss will do to you?" Vera expressed, worrying for her."Take a chill pill, mother. I took two days off from work; one day to rest, and the other day for the silly banquet," she explained. "Now, please can you not shout anymore? I still need to sleep some more," she added with sleepy eyes.She collapsed back on the bed and dozed off immediately. Vera sighed and walked out. She must have really been tired, she thought.She saw Ivan going towards her room and stopped him in time before he could turn the door knob."Hey, hey. She is still asleep. She will bury you alive if you disturb her," she warned, walking away to the kitchen.At exactly 11 am, Quinn finally woke up. With puffy eyes, she wore her slippers and made her way to the kitchen.
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Houston, Texas.
Quinn knew his schedule. He did not have any invitation, so she didn't think he would show up there. More reason she was carefree."I know you are mad at me. I should have supported both of you, but I let the family business go into the wrong hands. I'm sorry, Quinn, but it's never too late to make a change, is it? He is only there as the acting CEO, there is still a chance for you and your brother. I'll support the right people this time, and that is you and your brother," he stated, causing her to smile."Thank you, grandfather."As of then, the music had ended. He kissed her on the forehead and hugged her, before leaving to meet business people he once worked with.She walked over to Ivan with a broad smile on her face. She wrapped her hands around his neck and hugged him tightly."What's the good news?" Ivan asked, smiling even before she told him what it was about."Grandfather has agreed to support us. He is just an acting CEO, and he acts like he really owns the company. Like a
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Jasmine In Texas.
The lady was not sure who to follow; Quinn or Harrison. She decided to meet Quinn, because she was the one with emotional pain, and needed support.She followed the direction which Quinn had run towards, and found her in the dark, sitting alone. She slowly walked up to her and crouched down."Hi, are you okay?" She asked, and Quinn lifted her head, her face coming into light.She slowly shook her head, trying to make out the face of the person in front of her."What is wrong? You can talk to me," Jasmine pressed on."Who are you?"Jasmine did not say a word. She patted her on the back, which made her cry the more."Why did he have to hurt me? Was it bad that I fell in love with him? I'm starting to regret ever meeting him because my whole life became a mess after meeting him. I was ready to start a new life with him, but all he did was leave me and believe whatever anyone told him about me." She sobbed aloud, covering her face."I totally understand how you feel. How about not telling
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An Agreement.
"Why the hell would be propose that? Did you accept?" Ivan asked after Quinn had narrated what transpired between her and her cousin."I didn't say anything. He asked me to think about it. I don't know what to do, Ivan. If I successfully get The Gerald's Conglomerate to partner with our family company, then, we could prove to Grandfather that we are capable of running the company. This is a huge opportunity for us, Ivan.""No, princess. You will do no such thing. Don't you know who you are dealing with? George Kendrick! He is corny and definitely has something up his sleeves. Don't fall for his games, princess. We will find a way to get the company and prove to Grandfather that we are capable," Ivan stated, trying to make her see his view.She sighed and walked away. She returned to her room and began to think of what to do.George was only acting as the CEO, so that meant that Grandfather was still managing most of the company's affairs. She was convinced that her grandfather knew ab
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Twins Fight.
The gloominess on her face did not escape the visibility of others. They all noticed that she was down, and sad. All efforts to make her speak up or even cheer her up failed."Quinn, you have been like this for the past two days. What is wrong?" Kim asked, bringing her lunch."Nothing, Berley. I'm fine, I just have a lot of work to do," she said, focusing on the screen of the computer.Immediately she was done with work, she picked up her bag and left. Harrison watched her through the window and felt hurt."Hardy, if you have sex with someone, and the lady bleeds, what does it mean?" He asked, looking out of the window."It only means one thing; the lady is a virgin." Hardy replied, and soon he asked, "Wait! Did you have sex with—""Do you think I misunderstood her?" He asked, still staring outside until she took a cab home."Well, I have something for you. It's about Ms. Rodriguez."Quinn reached the house, and walked in, ignoring everyone in the sitting room, including her brother.
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Resignation Letter.
She served him his usual coffee and read out his schedule. She didn't give him a chance to say anything, she walked out of the office.Making sure that there was nothing that would make her come back to the company or get in contact with Harrison, she printed out the resignation letter and put it inside the envelope."Hmm," she sighed and kept the letter aside. She packed up her bag and made sure that the office was cleared, looking like the first day she came, only that memories would be left behind.However, she did not care. There were only bittersweet memories that she did not want to keep in.She walked out of the office to the cafeteria, since it was lunch break. She did not care if she was breaking his rules, after all, in a few minutes, she would no longer be a member of the company anymore."Quinn!" Kimberly yelled, waving at her to join them.She gave her a signal that said that she was coming. She walked to the counter and ordered just a bottle of water."Hey, guys." She sm
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Family Dinner.
They all watched as Quinn took out a carton box, containing her belongings out of the company. They wondered why she had to leave."Miss Ro, are you really leaving us? Who will deal with the CEO? You do very well that no one can tolerate the CEO more than you do," the sales representative said to her, giving her pleading eyes."You all will be fine, okay? My reasons are quite personal, I can't reveal it to any of you. I just hope you understand, but I will be coming over most time to visit you all. Just do your jobs properly, and there will be no problem. I assure you," she said to all of them, bidding them goodbye, as she turned to leave.Kim ran to her, throwing her arms around her neck. She hugged her tightly, her eyes looking watery as she tried not to cry."Won't you at least tell me what is going on?" She asked for the umpteenth time.Quinn sighed, wishing she could disclose it to her, " I wish I could, Kim. The thing is, it is more complicated than you think. One day, you will
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