All Chapters of FROM STREETS TO SUITES : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
174 chapters
The Truth.
He stared down at the file in Hardy's hand. Just what he wanted. Finally, he would know the truth about Quinn.He snatched the document from Hardy and opened it hastily. He glanced through the papers and pictures. One of the pictures in it was a picture of Quinn and Ivan when they were young. "Her face didn't change at all," Harrison whispered."That is a picture of Miss Ro and her twin brother when they were only five years old. It is true that Miss Ro, indeed, has a twin. They are both siamese twins, that is why they don't resemble, and it is hard to tell." He mentioned, waiting for Harrison to turn to the next picture.Next, was a picture of Quinn's parents. "That is Miss Ro's parents. They died in a car accident and didn't survive it. According to my research, Quinn was just a teenager when her parents died two days after her birthday party. She was blamed for her parent's death because she had asked them to get her a teddy bear, and she had insisted on it. Since then, they live
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New Assistant.
It was the first day he would be at work without Quinn. He walked into his office with a cold expression. He sat on the swivel chair, going through the book on the table.He stretched his hand to pick up his cup of coffee, but he didn't find anything to grab. He lifted his eyes away from the book, and sighed, as he realized that there was no cup of coffee for him that morning.Soon, someone knocked on the door, and he ushered the person in.It was a dark skinned petite lady who looked like she was in her early twenties. She rushed to the table and placed a cup of coffee."Good morning, sir. I'm so sorry for bringing your coffee late. I was trying to get familiar with—""Who are you?" Harrison cut in, glaring at her.She gulped, feeling the cold gaze on her skin. She cleared her throat and introduced herself."Sorry, sir. My bad. My name is Antonia Thomas, your new assistant." She replied, trying to wear a smile.He gazed at her from head to toe. He didn't say a word. He picked up the
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Two Losers.
"Berley!" Quinn yelled, running out of the house to meet Kim.She threw her arms over her and hugged her. She went on to give Michael a side hug, as the three of them went inside the house."Hi, Ivan!" Kim said, waving at him. "Hello, Vera.""Hi, you're welcome."Michael shook hands with Ivan and they all settled down."Why didn't you tell us you were coming? We would have prepared something for you guys," Vera said, standing up to go to the kitchen."Ah, never mind. We didn't plan to come today. Michael said we don't just drop by to see Quinn. It's been a while," Kimberly said, smiling."Oh, that's nice. I'll go get you some juice. I'll be back in a jiffy," Kim said and walked away.Quinn sat beside her brother, while Kimberly say with Michael."So, how are you? I mean, really." Kim asked, giving her a "don't you lie to me" look.Quinn sighed, smiling a little. "I'm fine, Kim. I promise, I am.""So, why did you leave? You just left me, us without a word. Even the CEO has not been him
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Opening Up.
"Thank you so much, for coming! I really appreciate it," Quinn said, walking them out of the house."Of course! You are our friend, and we value you. Sadly, you are not working in the company again. Who will I gossip with?" Kim pouted, folding her arms over her breasts."Save all the gossip. Tell me about them whenever you come around," Quinn told her, and gave her a hug."Goodnight, Quinn. Take good care of yourself," Michael said, waving at her."Bye, Quinn!" Kim said, joining Michael, as he flagged a cab.She smiled and waited until they entered the cab, and drove away."Someone looks happy," Ivan said, hanging his hand over her shoulder.She smiled at him, "of course. Their visit shows how much they care, and that's so sweet."Ivan smiled, and did not say anything. Suddenly, he threw a question at her."Why did you resign, princess?" She turned to him, sharply. Her heart began to race."N... nothing," she replied, looking away. She wished she could tell a lie without having to l
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Confronting Harrison.
"Goodnight, princess," he wished, kissing her forehead.He stared at her, as she slept peacefully, like the princess she was. He stepped out of the house, as he was unable to sleep. He stood outside, trying to calm his nerves. Vera walked out of the house in her nightdress and stood beside him."Can't sleep, yeah?" She asked, looking at him."Why did she have to hide such a thing from me?" He said, staring afar."Well, you have to understand your sister. She has been through a lot, and she does not want to bother anyone with her problems. She has always been like that." Vera tried to explain to him.He clenched his teeth, "I'll be going out tomorrow. I'll be back in the evening.""Where are you going?" Vera asked, staring at his face. She could see anger and bitterness written all over his face. She was sure that he wanted to confront Harrison."I need to let some people know their place here on Earth. Just because he has money, does not mean he can do to people whatever he pleases.
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Warning Harrison.
"Who are you? What are you talking about?" Jasmine yelled, looking at Ivan.Since it was night, she could not make out his face, so she didn't remember him. Ivan studied her face closely, "you. It's you."Jasmine frowned, wondering what he meant. "Me, what? Do I know you?""How would you know?" He said, taking in a deep breath to calm down."It was you at the family banquet in Texas. You were with a lady at the car park, and I came to take her. She was crying profusely. Why? It was because of him!" She yelled, pointing at Harrison.His explanation made her remember the guy who called her a princess. Her mouth formed an 'O' as she didn't know what to say.She could not lie that she didn't know 2hwt Harrison did to Quinn. Well, she knew everything except the thing that happened between them in the office."What? Are you speechless?" Ivan questioned. "Never mind. I didn't come for you but for this rich brat of a CEO!""Can we talk?" Harrison finally voiced out after being quiet for a wh
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Visiting Quinn.
In the past four months, Harrison had had more than three assistants. None of them had lasted up to two months. They all resigned because they could not cope with Harrison's cold attitude and nagging. "Here is my resignation letter, sir. Please, sign it." The young man said, placing the white paper on the table.Harrison looked at him, letting out a sigh. He took the envelope and brought out the paper. He took a pen and signed on it."Thank you, sir. It was nice working with you," the man said, and took a bow, before leaving.He threw his head back, leaning on the chair, as he shut his eyes, wondering what next to do.How would he start finding another assistant to work for him? Just as he thought about everything that had been going on, the door opened up, revealing his sister.He glanced at her and shut his eyes again.Jasmine looked worried, and she walked towards him. "Harrison, what is happening? I saw your assistant packing his things from the office. Is everything okay?" She
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His Notebook.
Harrison did not stop trying to talk to Quinn, but every time he came around, Quinn would shut him out.It became routine for him that he visit Quinn after work. "Why are you being stubborn? Do you hate the fact that I'm being too nice to you? I said stay away from my sister, don't you get?" Ivan mouthed, as he came to find Harrison by the door, waiting for Quinn."Please, I just want to speak with her. It won't take more than five minutes," he replied, his voice sounding calmer than usual.Ivan chuckled, "You dare ask for five minutes? It seems like you don't understand that you can't even see her, even for a second.""Try to understand. It was only a misunderstanding that can be sorted out between the two of us. Just let me speak with Quinn," he politely requested.Ivan was adamant about refusing to speak with his sister. He did not want her to have anything to do with Harrison at all."No! You cannot and will never speak with my sister. You had the chance, Harrison. You had more t
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Mrs. Samantha Meets Quinn.
Since Harrison always visited her almost every day, she, somehow, always expected to see him. The doorbell rang, and Quinn rushed to the door, thinking it was Harrison. She wanted to hear him out, and it was the perfect opportunity to speak with him since Ivan and Vera were out.So hurriedly opened the door to find Ivan standing with a grocery bag. A tinge of disappointment appeared on her face."What? Is something wrong?" Ivan asked, noticing the expression on her face. She shook her head and wore a smile. She hugged him and took the bag from him."You are acting weird," Ivan admitted."Nothing. Let's just call it a pregnancy symptom," she said, giggling.He glanced at her with his eyebrows lifted."Whatever," he said, "I bought you fruits. It's good for your health.""Aw, you are such a darling!" She blushed, sitting down on the couch, ready to devour them."Hey, hey," he called out, causing her to pause. "You need to wash them, first, young lady."She growled, taking the basket t
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Quinn Slaps Harrison.
It was around 8:45 pm when Quinn heard a knock on the door. She glanced at Ivan, as they gave each other an inquisitive look."I'll go get the door," Ivan said, but she stretched her hand, stopping him."I'm sure it is Harrison. Don't worry about that, I will talk to him myself."Ivan nodded, and went back to his seat, while Quinn arranged her dress and walked towards the door.As she opened up, she confirmed her intuition that it was Harrison. He stood there in front of the door in his tailored suit, and his hands tucked into his pants.His face lit up as he did Quinn because it was always Ivan or Vera getting the door. He never got the chance to see her.Her face remained calm, yet there was a trace of anger visible on her face. She shut the door behind her, and crossed her arms over her chest, as she looked at him."Hi," he said, clearing his throat."What do you want?"He swallowed hard, and looked down, before glancing at her again."Quinn, I came to talk to you.""About what, Ha
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